part twenty-three

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after a lot of yelling and frustrated sighs, i somehow ended up in a hole underneath a town that i hadn't even lived in for a month

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after a lot of yelling and frustrated sighs, i somehow ended up in a hole underneath a town that i hadn't even lived in for a month.

the kids were ready to go, starting in one direction with steve leading. i stayed behind them, making sure the kids were protected. the tunnel was creepy, causing goosebumps to rise on my arms.

a thump behind me made me quickly turn around, a crowbar steve handed me ready to strike.

i made eye contact with someone i had never wanted to see again.

"jones," i said breathlessly.

smirking, he walked closer to me. he had a gash along the side of his face that looked fresh. mama.

i turned around to see the kids and steve had gone, their light not being seen anymore.

"i missed you, betty," he said, continuing to walk closer.

i backed away, trying to put distance between us.

"how did you find me?" i asked, partially meaning the town and partially meaning the giant hole i was in.

"i heard through the grapevine from some people that you were here. you tried so hard to hide, betty," he said, pulling something out of his pocket.

my eyes widened as i saw the blade glisten in the light from my flashlight.

"i saw your car pass erratically and decided to follow. i saw you get out of the car. you still look gorgeous."

i walked backwards, my breathing escalating.

whipping my head around, i screamed for steve. for anyone.

he grabbed my wrist and slammed me into the side of the tunnel. losing my breath, i crumbled to the ground.

i glared up at him, getting up on my knees. taking the crowbar, i stood up, keeping eye contact the entire time.

he stepped back shocked.

"little betty grew a backbone, eh?" he stepped forward, no longer shocked.

i gripped the crowbar harder, my hands shaking.

"what are you going to do, betty? hit me?" i was about to answer when someone spun him around.

"no, but i am," billy said, slamming his head into jones' head.

i gasped, stepping out of the way as jones fell to the ground, unconscious, by my feet.

billy shook his head, his forehead red from the impact. he swayed a bit and leaned against the side of the tunnel for support.

"is there a giant light on me showing where i am at any given moment?" i said, mostly to myself. how did they both find me in this tunnel? had i missed the giant neon sign?

shaking his head, he made his way over to me. grabbing either side of my face, he inspected every inch.

"who was that? did he hurt you?" he asked, confused and concerned.

"it's a long story," i said, my voice wavering.

he coughed, his eyes still cloudy. a reminder of what i had done.

"aren't you mad at me?" i asked, my head dipping down to look at my feet.

shaking his head no, he rubbed my face gently.

"i was wrong," he said, pressing his forehead against mine. "and i'm," this time, it was me cutting him off.

i pressed my lips to his, kissing him deeply. leaning away, i pressed my forehead back to his.

"i told you not to say sorry to me anymore, billy hargrove."


ahh? ahhhhh?? ahh???????

i hated this chapter. my writing makes me cringe so hard.

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