part three

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the noise was overwhelming

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the noise was overwhelming. kids of multiple ages ran around outside, smiles on their faces. i wish i could be them.

four boys walked up to each other wearing ghostbusters outfits. looking around, i thought it must've been costume day. yet, the boys in front of me noticed at the same time i did- it was not costume day.

laughs started erupting, mixing in with the already loud noises making me clench my eyes shut. gripping my journal tighter, i walk through the doors leaving the four boys behind.

the hallways weren't much better with the banging of lockers echoing around every crevice, there was no escape.

i quickly walked towards the office, my pink dress swaying with me. suddenly, my shoulder was collided with another shoulder, sending me flying into the lockers.

"i'm sorry," i stuttered out, maintaining sight on the ground. the person had large feet clad in steel toed boots. they stayed planted for a minute and i knew he was staring at me like the freak i was. still, i kept my head down and stayed still. i didn't dare breathe.


i glanced up to the most gorgeous eyes i had ever seen. the blue reminded me of the lake i used to swim in when i was younger and free. they reminded me of home.

"next time, watch the damn hallway instead of your feet."

with that, he walked away. my feet stayed planted until someone tapped my shoulder.

"hi, are you new?"

this time, a soft voice sounded, contrasting deeply from the gravely voice of the boy who had shoulder checked me.

"yes," i answered before shaking the thoughts of the boy out of my head. "i'm betty."

the girl smiled and stuck out her hand. "i'm nancy. do you know where you're going?"

i was about to respond when a boy with really nice hair grabbed her by the waist. my eyes widened as i saw them start to make out right in front of me.

i looked to my left to see the hallways clearing out so i took that as my cue to find out what my schedule was from the front office. by the time i reached the office and turned back around, nancy had just realized i wasn't there anymore.

"i really am a ghost," i sighed to myself before opening the office door.

"hello, i'm betty, the new student from arizona. my mother should have called."

the old woman at the front smiled and responded gently. "yes, of course. hi, betty. it's great to have you here in hawkins. here's your schedule and i'll call someone down to help you around the school. how's that sound?"

the thought of a stranger having to interact with me made my heart skip but i nodded nonetheless.

she smiled again and picked up the announcement microphone.

"will steve harrington please come down to the front office. steve harrington. thank you."

when she ended the announcement, a loud feedback went off making me wince.

the woman at the front kept smiling at me while we waited for the boy who was supposed to show me around came up. i think maybe she was waiting for me to talk to her or ask her how her day was. instead, i gave her a small smile back before keeping my eyes on the checkered floor.

the sound of the glass door being opened made myself and the woman look up to see my welcoming committee- which consisted of the boy with nice hair that was making out with nancy.

"what can i do for you, ms. m?" he said while leaning against the desk.

"yes, can you please show ms. montgomery around the school since this is her first day?"

steve was about to respond when she opened her mouth again.

"while you're showing her around, how about you show around the other new student? oh, that's perfect," she said before picking up the announcement microphone again.

"could billy hargrove please come to the front office please? billy hargrove. thank you."

steve and i looked up at each other, uncertainty in both of our eyes.

this town was definitely strange.


hi! so, i made this story because billy is aggressively attractive and i thought he deserved a story.

please let me know if you like this story so far? comment any suggestions or spelling mistakes?

thank you for reading! :) x

ghost girl // billy hargrove Where stories live. Discover now