part nineteen

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"i know, i know

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"i know, i know. i'll call you later, i promise," i spoke into the phone. i had the cord wrapped around my finger. my friend on the other line was talking about how cute a guy in her english class was.

i hung up the phone before cautiously walking up the stairs to my room. with each step, the stairs creaked, making me wince. i didn't know if jones was home but i wasn't about to risk it.

when i turned the corner, there he was. his face was smug, like he was about to get away with a murder— which he was. his eyes were bloodshot and he smelled of smoke.

as soon as i saw him, i bolted towards my room. usually he hit me and i didn't fight back but that day, he had a wild look in his eyes.

he caught my wrist and slammed me into the hallway wall, pictures scattering around me. the glass shattered along with the picture frames as they hit the hard floor. i sank to the floor and curled up into the fetal position.

grabbing my hair, he yanked me sideways so i was laying on the floor. there, he was on top of me. his fists were everywhere— my sides and my face the most. i could feel each hit as i was slowly fading.

"be more like betty," he yelled as he hit me. i looked up at him to see blood on his hands. my blood.
"i'm not like fucking betty."

i moved my head to the side to see all of the glass laying there. transparent, hazardous, and broken- just like me.

i stretched my hand out, grabbing a large piece. without a second of hesitation, i jammed it into jones' side. he fell to the floor, blood seeping out of the wound.

i quickly ran to my room before gathering everything that meant something to me; the camera my dad had left for me sat on my side table, making me whimper. if he had been here, none of this would have happened.

i finished packing and ran to the phone.

"mama, we have to go. we have to go," i kept repeating into the phone.


i woke up with a start, my breathing labored. sitting up, i looked around. i was in the hargrove house. more specifically, on billy's bed.

looking around, i noticed him asleep in the chair beside me.

"billy," i questioned softly. he opened his eyes, making eye contact with me.

sitting up, he asked, "how're are you feeling?"

"what happened?" i asked before my eyes widened at remembering what had happened in the woods. "where are the kids?"

i went to get up but billy shushed me while laying me back.

"they're with steve. they're okay," he said. nodding, i laid my head against the soft pillow.

"would you mind please taking me home?" i asked, my eyes closing. my mom was going to kill me.

"yeah, i don't mind. let me know when you're ready," he said, rubbing my knuckles.

taking a deep breath, i opened my eyes and got up.

"let's go."

the ride there was pretty silent, only the soft hums from the radio filled the air. so much had changed since my first time being in that car. my entire perspective of everyone and everything had changed.

pulling up in the driveway, i sighed. i didn't want to go in but i knew i had to.

"would you mind... waiting here?" i asked, looking up at him from underneath my eyelashes.

he leaned back in the seat. "i was already planning on it."

giving a small smile, i opened the door and started my walk to the front door. her car was home meaning she was home.

knocking on the door, it creaked open.

"mama?" i yelled out, "it's betty."

no reply.

walking deeper into the house, there was no sign of her.

that was, until the kitchen. the stove was on like she was making something. she had her favorite apron on— yellow and pink flowers. and she was laying on the floor, her eyes staring at the ceiling. the blood under her had pooled, creating a circle encompassing her.

dropping to my knees, i let out a blood curdling scream.

mama was dead.


i don't think the demogorgon stabs people. 🤷🏼‍♀

ghost girl // billy hargrove Where stories live. Discover now