part eleven

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i didn't want to go to school

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i didn't want to go to school. waking up beside my bed with a bruise on my face, tangled hair, and a tear stained face, it was a bad way to start the day. i also didn't know what to do about billy.

i needed to stay away from him for a couple different reasons. one was my mom. another was jones. but something about him...

the walk to school was spent contemplating on what to do. before walking through the doors, i had decided. pulling up my hood, i was going to make it through the day and then go with billy. it was decided.

i kept the hood up all day and avoided nearly everyone. i saw max once but turned the opposite direction. it looked like she had made some new friends with the same boys from my first day here who had worn ghostbusters outfits.

finally, it was seventh period- my free period. i walked the quiet halls thinking about how after school would go. i still wanted to learn to skateboard, but there was this need burning inside of me to finally say the words.

"i'm abused," i whispered, barely audible. the words cracked in my throat, defiance in being said. they needed to be said.

turning the corner, i walked past the gymnasium. hearing laughter, i peaked in to see max and another boy. she was teaching him how to skateboard. smiling, i kept walking. i was glad she could make friends.

suddenly, my shoulder bumped into someone else. startled since no one was supposed to be out of class yet, i looked up from under my hood.

it was a girl. we stood staring at each other for a moment, inspecting. i hadn't seen her around the halls before.

"i'm sorry," i spoke, breaking the silence.

she nodded and went to keep walking.

"do you need any help?" i asked. by wondering the halls seventh period, i had become familiar with most of the school.

"mike," she spoke. mike? i didn't know a mike. well, i didn't know much of anyone really. then, i thought of the boy max was with.

"you might want to check the gymnasium. it's right there on your right if you keep walking straight," i said. in any other circumstance, i think this girl would have creeped me out. but something about her seemed safe and familiar.

"thank you," she stuttered and turned on her heels to follow the instructions i had given her.

giving a small smile in her direction, i turned and walked back towards the library where my book bag was.

the end of the school day was near which meant it was time to break another one of mama's rules.

2. come straight home after school.

with the final bell ringing, i aimed for the doors that led to the parking lot. yet, i was stopped when i saw two boys stopping max and her new friends.

"oh, the freaks are all sharing a girlfriend?" they spoke, laughing at their own stupid joke.

"leave us alone," the one with extremely curly brown hair spoke.

one of the boys who was bullying them stepped closer and got into his face.

"why don't you say that again, toothless?"

"hey!" i spoke unwillingly. god help me.

they all turned to face me, and all of my courage was nearly gone.

"do you think it's funny to belittle others, hmm?" i spoke, taking my hood down.

"betty?" max spoke, making her friends turn towards her.

"you know her?" they spoke, shock clearly evident in their voices.

"doesn't matter," one of the bullies said. they stepped closer to me and with that, all of my courage was gone. "she's one of the freaks. just look at the bruise on her face. bet daddy did it."

my hands started shaking on either side of me, but i refused to cry. out of everyone in this world, bullies no longer deserved my tears.

"what? is the new freak going to say something?"

i looked over at max and then my eyes drifted to the door. tilting my head a bit, i nodded. she shook her head no, as if she wasn't going to leave me. this time, i looked at the boy she was with. "mike." he grabbed her and with that, they all went through the doors.

while i was preoccupied with making sure they were out safe, i didn't notice how agitated the boys in front of me had become.

one pushed me up against the lockers, making me gasp at the contact. i was short for my age, so i was about the same height as these boys. i also had the strength of a toddler, so that definitely was not on my side.

"freak? is anyone home?"

suddenly, a large hand was placed on either one of the boys shoulders, yanking them backwards.

"problem here?" he spoke, a wild look in his eyes. the boys' eyes went wide with fear. as did mine. i hated this side of billy.

he pushed them to the other side of the hall, away from me. slamming them against the lockers the way they had once done me, he grabbed both of their faces. this wasn't like what he had done to me yesterday. no, this grip made both boys wince.

"did i hear you were bullying my sister, hmm?" he questioned, already knowing the answer. neither boy spoke, clearly terrified.

stepping towards them slowly, i grabbed billy's arm.

"it's okay, i think they've learned their lesson. you boys won't bother max or her friends anymore, right?" i spoke, looking them in their eyes. my eyes pleaded with theirs to not say anything stupid.

"no, we won't. we promise," one spoke, his voice a bit distorted due to the way billy was holding him.

billy nodded and then glanced at me. suddenly, he gripped them harder. both boys whimpered in pain.

"which one of you hit her? i'm going to kill you."



i know this was a long update but was it okay? decent?

long update because i really wanted to include el/jane in part eleven. :)

ghost girl // billy hargrove Where stories live. Discover now