part fourteen

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i sat on billy's bed, waiting for the police to arrive

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i sat on billy's bed, waiting for the police to arrive. i was wrapped in his leather jacket, finally warmed.

he was on his knees in front of me, cleaning the scrapes on my legs and arms. i didn't wince— i felt numb. what had just happened to me? what was that thing?

"betty?" he spoke softly, making me look down at him. for the first time since i met billy, his eyes showed fear. feeling my face go blank, i couldn't muster up enough energy to ask what was wrong. he held the rag in his hand, pink now due to my blood.

"betty, what happened?" he asked again. his entire family had tried to get me to talk but i couldn't. what would i say?

reaching my pale arm out to touch him, i could feel all of the new scrapes and bruises scattered on me. it hurt everywhere.

"if i tell you, you have to believe me," i said, worried about how he would react. max sat in the corner, clearly scared. i didn't want to lose my only two friends because of what had happened.

"i promise," he stated, rubbing my knuckles gently.

"those two boys from yesterday came and took me from my house," i started. it hurt to relive what happened. "then, i escaped into the forest. and... there was this thing there. it made this awful noise. oh, god. it was awful," i started crying, not being able to handle it anymore.

i hated crying in front of people— hated. but whatever had happened in the forest was too much. it was just... too much.

billy took me into his arms, holding me close to his chest. normally, contact was the worst thing for me. but in that moment, with his arms wrapped around me, it was the only thing keeping me together.

max stood up and broke the silence.

"this thing," she said, inching closer. "was it tall? monstrous?"

i titled my head up and inspected her. she knew about what i had seen. she knew about... it.

"how did you know?" i said, making her eyes widen with the confirmation i had just given her. billy also turned towards her, his eyebrows furrowed.

"lucas... he told me about it," she breathed out, her hands tangled in her hair. "this can't be happening."

standing up off the bed, i put my hands on her shoulders.

"i need you to tell me everything," i said, looking her directly in the eyes.

her eyes looked at our feet before she met my gaze again.

"i'll bring you to lucas."


i know, i know. the gif doesn't match the text but barbbbbb.

also to old and new readers (tbh you all are pretty new because i started this story like last week but anywayssss), i have a message for you:

also to old and new readers (tbh you all are pretty new because i started this story like last week but anywayssss), i have a message for you:

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i really hope you all enjoy reading this story as much as i enjoy writing it.

thanks for reading! :)x

ghost girl // billy hargrove Where stories live. Discover now