part twenty-two

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steve and i rushed in to find billy pinning one of max's friends against the wall

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steve and i rushed in to find billy pinning one of max's friends against the wall. i went to rush over to him but steve stuck out his arm and kept me in place.

"billy," i screamed, trying to make him stop. but he was miles away, lost in the years of abuse and torment.

"you're dead," he said to the kid, making me start to shake. he was just like jones. his voice, his demeanor, everything.

steve rushed to him and turned him around and punched him square in the jaw making me gasp. grabbing the kids, i rushed them out of the way.

rolling on the ground, i let out a sob watching them fight.

the kids yelled out encouragements to steve as i stayed planted in horror.

closing my eyes, i couldn't watch. opening my eyes again, everything moved in slow motion. them fighting in the background sounding lightyears away. my eyes focused on a needle. asking max, she said it was meant for will to calm down him down.

nodding my head, i grabbed it in between my fingers. with one deep breath, i closed the distance between me and the fighting boys.

jabbing the needle into billy's neck, i stepped away, covering my mouth with my hands.

he stopped punching steve and stood up, swaying with confusion.

"betty?" he asked, his eyes becoming cloudy. i walked backwards until i hit the wall.

max took steve's bat and went to work making it known that billy would never bother her or her friends ever again.

i closed my eyes and slid down the hall, my breathing quick and rapid. he would never forgive me for this. and i would never forgive myself.

opening my eyes, i made eye contact with steve on the ground, blood oozing from his wounds.


mama stepped over jones' body, making me cry harder in the corner.

with her suitcases in hand, she beckoned me to follow her.

i followed, taking a quick look back to see jones withering on the floor in pain, blood still seeping out of his wounds.


crawling over to steve, i took billy's jacked off and started trying to clear off some of the wounds.

he winced and moaned, as i tried dabbing some of the blood off of him.

"i'm so sorry," i said over and over again, watching the boy in front of me be in pain.

looking over, i saw billy a few feet away, his eyes closed. forcing myself to look away, i tried to erase the image from my brain; it didn't work.

the kids came up behind me and helped me get steve up and into the car.

max held out the keys for me, and i took them, forcing myself not to feel.

as we drove away, i adjusted the rearview mirror to see the house become smaller and smaller in the distance.

much like the girl i used to be, it got smaller until it disappeared, no longer to be seen.


kind of short, i'm sorry!

so, let's say hypothetically i made a billy hargrove au story and was ready to post it. would anyone want me to?

thank you for reading. :) x

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