part twenty-eight

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walking through the halls that i was still so new to, i found myself blending in

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walking through the halls that i was still so new to, i found myself blending in.

billy's arm was around my waist, keeping me glued to him. i kept my head up, no longer feeling like a ghost.

the classes were fine— it really helped that i knew most of the subjects before attending that school. it was if everything was coming together.

except one thing...

...the kids weren't at school.

"where's max? lucas? mike? will? dustin? steve?" i asked billy as we wondered the halls during my free period.

"i haven't seen them," he said, his eyebrows furrowing in thought. turning him towards me, i tilted my head up and made eye contact with him.

"we need to go find them," i said rather than asking. i then tugged his wrist until we were out of the school and walking towards the cars in the parking lot. i never thought i would miss so much school in my life.

"i'm sure they're fine," he said, letting me drag him to his own car.

getting in the car, we first checked will's house. finding it empty, we drove to each of the boys' houses looking for them. each time, their moms responded with that they were in school.

but they weren't.

finally, we found them at steve's house. he opened the door, a dish towel thrown over his shoulder and his cheeks flushed.

billy and steve looked at each other for a moment, neither one saying anything. finally, he stepped aside and opened the door wider for us. i gave him a gentle smile as we walked in.

the boys and eleven were on the floor while nancy and jonathon sat on the couch. everyone looked up at us as we entered the room.

their tired faces with bags dark under their eyes showed exhaustion but happiness as their smiles were wide.

sitting down on the floor with everyone, i leaned against billy's chest. they filled us in on everything that had happened last night with frantic voices and hand gestures.

turns out things do happen in small towns after all.


so the drama mentioned in the last update is that this is the final chapter! it took awhile to upload because i wasn't sure how or if i wanted to do it.

but there will be an epilogue coming soon.

thank you so much for reading. :) x

ghost girl // billy hargrove Where stories live. Discover now