part thirteen

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knocking on my front door woke me up

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knocking on my front door woke me up. after all the excitement yesterday, billy has just drove me home and we decided to reschedule the skateboard lesson.

and i was really planning on sleeping in on saturday. someone at my door had other plans. it was even still dark out.

walking downstairs yawning, i tried to rub the sleep out of my eyes.

opening the door, i came face to face with the boys from yesterday. their smirks were devilish, making me try to slam the door immediately.

one of the boys stuck his bat in the door, stopping me.

"please, stop. if my mom hears, we'll all be in trouble," i tried to reason. their smirks never dropped for a moment as they yanked me outside.

my bare legs, only being covered by pajama shorts, were instantly hit by the cold.

they pulled me off my front porch, my bare feet stumbling to keep up.

"please, stop," i choked out, terrified.

"what's wrong, freak? scared?" one laughed, hitting the back of my legs with his bat. falling to the ground, i noticed we were at the edge of the woods.

taking a deep breath, i rolled.

"hey!" i heard them yell as i rolled further into the dense forest. my legs were being scrapped as i went, making me cry out on my way down.

finally, at the end of the hill, i stopped rolling. laying on my back, i tried to catch my breath. darkness surrounded myself as i found myself wondering what time it was.

that's when i heard a noise. it wasn't the boys or the forest... no. this noise had me on my feet and running in which ever direction my mind chose first. not that it made much of a difference, i didn't know the woods at all.

running, i felt my heart beating as fast as it had ever before. i wasn't a girl to normally run, so my breath was also erratic.

looking back swiftly, i saw the silhouette of something not human. it's arms were hanging loose by it's side, making me push my short legs faster.

running up another hill, different from the one i had rolled down, i tried to make sense of where i was. i knew this street.

i pushed forward towards their house, the wind filled my ears. finally, i saw it. his car, his house.

sprinting to the door, i frantically knocked.

"please, let me in! please, anyone," i yelled, tears streamed down my muddied face. my voice cracked with the exhaustion of what had just happened.

a middle aged man opened the door, his eyes going wide at the state i was in.

"you okay, kid?" i was expecting him to let me in or to call the cops, not question me right there on the porch.

"please, i'll explain everything when i'm inside. please," i tried again, wrapping my arms around myself.

he looked at me up and down before stepping aside, letting me in. i was instantly met with a heated house, making me sigh in relief.

"what's going on?" a sleepy max asked as she rounded the corner. i stood shivering, unsure of what to say.

"betty?" she said, instantly feeling awake. i nodded, rubbing my arms trying to heat up quicker.

"what the hell is going on out here?" an aggravated billy asked, only to stop in his place when he saw the state i was in.

"holy shit," was his only response.


dudes, your comments seriously make my day. thank you so, so much. you guys are the best.

hope you enjoyed the update. :)

friendly reminder that barb deserved better.

ghost girl // billy hargrove Where stories live. Discover now