part seven

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after looking for thirty minutes, i finally found max's house

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after looking for thirty minutes, i finally found max's house. checking my watch, it said 6:10.

wincing, i walked up the driveway which was empty. i hated being late.

max was sitting on the porch, board in hand. smiling, i walked quicker. when we lived in chicago a few months back, i had always wanted to learn to skateboard since kids always seemed to have one.

unlike hawkins, chicago didn't have a max.

"hey, you ready?" came her question. no small talk— just the way i like it.

nodding my head, i sat down my bag on the porch.

she sat down the board and looked at me expectantly. "so... get on."

god, i'm so awkward.

i stepped on the skateboard, my arms parallel to the ground.

"i'm going to fall, i'm going to fall, i'm going to fall, i'm going to fall," i whispered underneath my breath as my legs started to slowly shake.

max crossed her arms and started laughing.

my legs started wobbling making the board move side to side.

"max, max, i'm going to die," i said dramatically, catching onto her contagious laugh. the more she laughed, the more i started laughing.

suddenly, the skateboard wasn't under my feet anymore. instead, i was sitting shocked on the pavement.

at first, neither of us said anything. then, we both broke out into uncontrollable laughter to the point max fell to the ground too.

"we're a mess," i said, wiping the tears off my cheeks. it had been so long since i had laughed liked that.

the loud revving of an engine cut off both of our laughter as we saw a car driving towards the house.

"who is..." i was cut off by max yanking me up and shoving me in the direction of her house. but she pulled me next to it and make a "shush" sound.

"he can't know you're here. not at all. no one is supposed to be over. he'll kill me. he'll kill us." my eyes widened. kill?

"who is it?" i stuttered, the car getting closer and closer.

"my brother, billy."

suddenly it clicked to where i knew the her name from.

when people weren't whispering about me, they were whispering about the other two new kids: billy and max.

billy hargrove and max mayfield.


i hope you liked this update. remember, updates are every monday or when an update has 10+ likes.

thank you for reading. :)

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