part eighteen

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his soft lips moved against mine, making me flutter my eyes closed

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his soft lips moved against mine, making me flutter my eyes closed. the kiss was soft and sweet, two things i knew the real billy was.

hearing someone yell, we moved back from each other, catching our breaths.

giving billy once last look, i turned my attention to what was happening outside. with it being so dark, i couldn't see anything.

then, it emerged through the shadows.

i moved back, away from the hole, my back pressed against billy. he wrapped his arms around me, securing me. i could feel his heart pounding in his chest, matching my own heart rate.

"i got you. you're okay," he whispered into my ear, tightening his arms slightly. nodding, i kept my eyes focused on what was happening outside. the thing moved slowly, inching closer to us.

it stopped and sniffed the meat we had laid there, but stepped over it. my eyes widened as i shook my head.

"no, no. this can't be happening," i said under my breath, watching it all take place.

everything moved quickly after that. steve stood up with his bat and opened the door of the bus. he rushed out, leaving us shocked.

suddenly, there wasn't just one of them... there were so many.

they circled around him, making me try stand up.

billy held me down, making me squirm. my eyes filled with tears.

"we can't just leave him out there!" i yelled, trying to get out of his grip. he didn't say anything, just held onto me.

the kids rushed to the bus door, holding it open for steve to jump through.

"run," was the only thing being yelled as steve stumbled towards the bus.

finally, he stepped foot back on the bus and the door slammed behind him. billy released me once steve was back and the door was shut.

sending him a glare as i stood up, i made my way to the group.

"was that supposed to happen?" i questioned, wiping the tears off of my face.

"no," they all said in unison. i looked outside, a scream being stuck in my throat. they were still coming.

"guys," i managed to yelled out as one jumped on the bus. following it's footsteps on the roof, everything was silent.

looking up, i noticed i was directly under the giant hole in the roof. one second i was looking at the night sky and the next, i was looking at one of them.

steve pushed me behind him, putting the bat up between the thing and us.

loud, inhuman noises erupted and the one on the bus jumped off and followed the others back into the forest.

everyone started to talk as i backed up into the back of the bus. my vision was going tunnel as my breathing quickened.

"betty?" someone asked, standing in front of me. they took ahold of my arms, making me shake my head in disbelief.

"oh my god," i choked out, feeling my legs give out.

with that, i was gone.


i was rapping to slim shady when i wrote this so it might not be the best. 😂

longer update next time. :)

ghost girl // billy hargrove Where stories live. Discover now