part seventeen

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billy's hand left my waist as he was slammed into the ground by steve

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billy's hand left my waist as he was slammed into the ground by steve.

the two rolled around, only grunts being emitted. the boys and max stood idle at the side, looking shocked.

i grabbed steve's arm before he could bring it down on billy's face. but, caught up in the moment, steve jerked out of my grip causing his hand to accidentally smack into my face.

catching me off guard, i stumbled away, the familiar ringing in my ear.

"betty? betty? i'm so sorry. it was an accident," steve started but was caught off by billy ramming into him.

"don't fucking touch her," he yelled, pounding his fist into the side of steve's face.

i turned towards them, my back now straight. picturing mama's face, jone's face, and the thing in the woods, i pushed all of my fears aside.

"stop," i screamed out, making them instantly stop. "there are fucking monsters in this forest and you're fighting? right now? really?" i asked, glaring at the two boys. i never cussed- ever. but them fighting was the final straw.

dustin snickered by the bus but stopped when he caught my glare.

"get up. we have work to do," i said, exasperated. looking at the kids, we went to work setting up the crazy plan dustin came up with.

steve stood up, cuts along his face.

"i'm sorry, betty," he said, wiping the blood off with his jacket sleeve. i nodded towards him, letting him know he was forgiven.

billy stayed away from me and helped do the heavy lifting that the kids told him to do.

finally, we all piled into the bus when the sun began to fall.

sitting in the corner next to one of the tiny openings, i let out a sigh. why couldn't anything ever be normal?

"betty?" a whisper sounded behind me. i had been so lost in thought, i hadn't seen billy sit next to me. i looked at him and waited for him to continue.

"i'm sorry," he said, running his hands through his hair.

"billy, you've said sorry to me far too many times to have only known me for a week," i huffed and turned the opposite direction.

"betty," he tried to gain my attention back, but i was done. he had already used up all of his time for the day.

"betty montgomery," he said again, this time louder. it gained the attention of the kids and steve.

still, i refused to look.

"well, fuck it i guess," he said. i thought he was giving up, but instead, he turned my head towards him.

he held the back of my head, his fingers intertwining with brown strands of hair.

without a second thought, he placed his lips on mine.


snap crackle.

i wrote this during class lmao. 

but do you think?

ghost girl // billy hargrove Where stories live. Discover now