part eight

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"billy, what are you doing here early?" max's question was followed up by the slamming of a door

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"billy, what are you doing here early?" max's question was followed up by the slamming of a door.

my heart was beating so quick- i was terrified.

"susan just told me that you didn't have a babysitter. so, i'm here," he said. peaking around the corner, i could see him leaning up against the car, cigarette in mouth.

why was he so attractive?

"whose bag is that?" i froze— my bag was outside sitting on the porch where i left it.

"no one's," max stuttered out, clearly scared by her older brother.

was he like him? was he like jones?

he grabbed her by the shoulders, taking me by surprise.

"tell me who the fuck is here, right now." then, he began shaking her. max didn't cry like i used to. instead, she whimpered in pain.

stepping out from beside the house, i raised my hands as if being arrested.

"please, stop. i'm here." this time, it was his turn to freeze.

"betty?" my feet started moving against my will, leading me closer and closer to a terrified max and a terrifying billy.

"yes. hi, billy." i said, still inching closer. my hands nervously wringing the front of my sweater.

"what the hell are you doing here?" i stood a few feet away now. so close, i could even smell the smoke. marlboro.

"max was teaching me how to skateboard... i'm sorry i didn't ask first," i said, rubbing my arm awkwardly.

his grip loosened, his hands slipping off of her shoulders.

"damn straight should've asked first," he said, taking the cigarette from his mouth and grinding it against the pavement with his boots.

"i'm sorry. it's not max's fault. i practically made her teach me," i said, glancing over at max.

nodding, he leaned further against his car.

"i'm... going to go. thank you max," i said, walking towards my purse that still sat on the porch.

the stupid purse that sold me out.

"do you need a ride?" max and i snapped our eyes towards billy, shocked.

"no, no. it's really okay. thank you though. it's not that far of a walk. thanks again," i went to walk by him, but he grabbed my wrist. a squeak emitted from me, making me close my eyes in embarrassment.

his grip released me like a demon touching holy water.

"get in the damn car before i throw you over my shoulder and put you in myself."

with that, i found myself being smothered between two hargrove siblings on the way to my house.


thank you so much for reading. i can't believe that both the last two updates got 10+ likes. i really hope you like the story so far.

who do you think jones is?

hope you had a totally tubular day.

ghost girl // billy hargrove Where stories live. Discover now