part nine

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my left thigh was pressed against billy and my right thigh was pressed against max

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my left thigh was pressed against billy and my right thigh was pressed against max.

this is not how envisioned my day going in the slightest.

clutching my purse to me, i kept my eyes straight on the road. my leg kept bouncing with nervousness.

after about three minutes into the drive, billy reached over and grabbed my thigh.

only a strangled breath was released. the heat of his hand contrasted deeply to the cold of my entire body underneath the jeans i was clad in.

"stop moving," was the only thing he said. yet, he kept his hand in place as we drove towards my home.

six minutes later- yes, i counted- we pulled up in my driveway. i never thought i would be so happy to be home.

max slid out of the car and was waiting for me to get out.

"thank you for the ride," i said, avoiding any and all eye contact. i started sliding out of the car when billy grabbed my arm and swung me back around.

gasping, i had no choice but to look him in the eyes.

his rough hand grabbed my face. it wasn't a harsh grab like i was used to. the rough texture of his fingers barely gripped me- just enough to hold me in place.

"tomorrow, i'll be waiting in the parking lot. if you want to learn to skate, i'll teach you," he spoke gently, taking me off guard.

"hey, are you getting out or what?" max's question came. i hope she hadn't seen... whatever just happened in car.

"sorry, max. one second," i said at the same time billy said, "hold on a damn second."

shaking my head, i scooted out of the car and was met with the other hargrove.

"thank you for teaching me. i think i almost got it," i said, putting my purse over my shoulder.

"betty, you were awful," max said, making me laugh. she wasn't wrong.

"i'm still learning, okay!" i yelled as i was walking towards my front door.

"bye, betty!" max yelled and was followed my her door slamming shut.

i got into the house and leaned against the door. my back pressed against the wood as i found myself lost in thought.

"who the hell was that?"

and suddenly, i remembered who i was and where i was. i was home with my mother, and i had just broken one of her rules.

5. no friends allowed.

i'm so screwed.


backstory on jones next update!

dudesssssss, billy's actor is so attractive. it lowkey makes me want to jump off a bridge.

please comment if you want a cast list?

have a great day!

ghost girl // billy hargrove Where stories live. Discover now