part fifteen

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"three, two, one, go," max yelled as we bolted out of billy's room

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"three, two, one, go," max yelled as we bolted out of billy's room. running past their parents, we barreled through the door and didn't stop until we were sitting in the car.

"get out of the car! the police are almost here!" their dad yelled, running towards the car.

looking at billy, who looked stuck about what to do. taking the keys from his frozen hand and pushing them into the ignition, i said, "drive."

stepping on the gas pedal, we were on the road.

"i don't know where lucas lives so we need to go to mike's," max said, looking at the road stretched before us. the sun had finally rose.

after five minutes of silent driving, we pulled into mike's house.

i got out of max's side since she had already jumped out before the car had fully stopped.

"mike, open the door. you can hate me later," she yelled, banging on the door repeatedly. i stood behind her, biting my nails anxiously.

finally, the door cracked open to reveal a boy with black hair.

"max?" he questioned, opening the door all the way to reveal me and billy.

his jaw dropped slightly looking at at us three.

"mike, betty saw it. she saw the.. demag- demog," max said, getting stuck on the pronunciation.

"the demogorgon?" mike said, his jaw sinking further.

snapping her fingers, max nodded.

"yes, that thing. she saw it in the woods. i believe what lucas said. i believe you guys," she said, stepping closer.

"lucas told you?" he questioned even further.

with that question, billy's patience ran out.

"what the fuck is going on here? who are you? what the hell is a demogorgon?" billy spat out, walking closer. i grabbed the hem of his shirt too keep him from stepping any closer to mike.

"your first question is hard to explain. but i'm mike. and that's the thing trying to kill everyone," he said quickly, "now get in before you get us all killed."

we were pulled in and then rushed to the basement where we all sat at a small table.

"you saw it?" mike asked, staring at me.

nodding, i looked at the details of the wood, trying to get the image of it out of my head.

"so, you're telling me this thing is real? and it's trying to kill everyone in town?" billy asked, leaning in on his elbows.

"no. i'm saying that this thing is real and it's trying to kill everyone. it won't just stop with hawkins," mike said, staring up at billy before his eyes shifted back to me.

"aren't you the girl who helped us with those two assholes the other day?"

i nodded, before asking a question of my own. "did that one girl ever find you in the gymnasium?"

mike tilted his head confused.

"what girl?"

before i had a chance to answer, the radio in the corner went off.

"mike, mike, do you read? we have a code red. i repeat, a code read," mike jumped up grabbing the radio.

"dustin, what's happening?"

there was static for a minute before dustin's voice came through again.

"dart is at large. and he's... large," he said, stumbling at the end.

who was dart?

max voiced my question to mike only to be shushed.

"we're on our way, dustin. call lucas and will."

with that, he ran and shoved the radio into his book bag before rushing up the stairs of the basement.

billy, max, and i looked at each other before we heard mike's voice from the top stair.

"are you guys coming or what?"

looking up, i asked, "do you think i could maybe borrow some clothes?" looking down at my bare legs and then back up to mike.

"yeah, come on."

i followed him into another room that was not mike's but didn't look like his parents' room either.

"whose room is this?" i asked, looking around.

mike shuffled through the drawers before replying hastily, "my sister, nancy."

my eyes widened at the name. "nancy is your sister?"

he stopped looking for clothes and turned to look at me. "yeah? why?"

i thought back to my first day at hawkins' high school before smiling and shaking my head. he shrugged it off before putting clothes in my hands.

"we'll be in the car, okay?"

i nodded, he shut the door, and i could hear his feet pounding against the steps as he ran down.

and that's how i ended up in a car with two hargrove siblings and one wheeler boy while wearing another wheeler's clothes.

it had already been such a long day and it was only 9am.


another billy fanfic i'm obsessed with: shelter by onlyjdm . yesssssssssss

i should actually probably do homework soon instead of updating hella lmao.

also, do you think it's okay if the story line changes a wee bit?

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