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Eren's POV

Dear sanity,

Have you ever wondered what life would be like when you are free to do whatever you want whether or not you have a high status in society?

Why is it that when you have low status you are to be treated like shit whether or not you wanted to be born as what you are today?

Freedom. The one thing I want the most.
To be free from the werewolf world.
This messed up society created by us werewolves or shall I say Lupa.

Who is Lupa you ask?

The most famous Wolf Goddess in Europe is Lupa. Other names that she has been knowned by is Luperca and Acca Larentia. She is a Roman goddess of fertility and the earth, who took on the shape of a wolf.

Honestly I didn't want to be part of some werewolf shit but I had no choice since I was born as one.

Being accepted into the pack isn't what I wanted and it never will be.

Having my freedom back though is what I always wanted but things never go as planned.

I honestly have lost hope in that dream but I do hope it could come true like every fairy tale does. 

                                                For me and only me.

As I was walking to school I couldn't help but feel a hot sensation prickling at the back of my neck.

I turned around to look at the source only to find nothing behind , as I continued my journey to school I prepared myself mentally and physically for the abuse that's about to come.

You might be wondering...what abuse?
Well since I was from an alpha bloodline I am supposed to be looked up upon and was born to be alpha but fate had other plans for me and instead I was born as an Omega.

The first ever Omega in my family history and the first disappointment of my family.
Being an Omega in my family meant weakness and it is not welcomed in the Jaeger family , so as the first ever Omega of the family I was shunned by my own family.

I was treated as a slave though I could fight to protect , I was pack warrior once until my family decided to leave and live in the city.

Why was I allowed to be pack warrior?

Well my family thought that it was a good idea to let me be one since I was already useless , might as well go ahead and let me die with pride.

My father who is now a retired alpha abuses me non-stop when at home while my mother sits and watches.

Mikasa,my adoptive sister and perhaps the only person other than Armin that cares about me has to endure her anger while watching me getting kicked,whipped,punched and thrown to a wall by my biological father.

Since being an Omega here isn't accepted I thought 'Why not run away?'
Don't get me wrong I love Mikasa and Armin but I don't want to get bullied and abused by people that I have once known.

I snapped out of my thoughts when I was pushed onto the floor by the one and only Jean Kirstein,the infamous alpha of the Maria Pack,which by the way is my pack.

Of course as I've said I moved to the city.
But why is he here you ask?
Well he is here because apparently his father told him to study before going back to the pack,being an alpha sure is tough work.

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