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Dear Levi,

     If I could go back I would, instead of standing in the middle of no where staring at the blood on my hands.

                                           For me and only me

  As I stand in the middle of nowhere with blood stained hands, I felt my mind go blank as the reality slowly sinks in and i once again remember that i am alone with only the comforting sounds of the rain and the light droplets of water falling onto me. As I stay unmoving in my spot with the water slowly washing away the proof of my sins, I remain calm and watch as my hands are slowly cleansed of the red that stained them along with the putrid stench of blood that invaded my nostrils.

"Disgusting" Is the first thing I thought of.

  Looking down towards the ground, there lays an unmoving woman whose hair a beautiful brown but dulled to become a darker color as the rain continued to pour down. As she stared at Levi with hurt and regret in her hazel eyes, Levi stared on with nothing but a blank expression accompanied by his apathetic dull blue-grey eyes. Slowly her eyes started losing the life and brightness and just like her hair; they dulled and lacked life.
[a/n: someone said Levi's eyes are blue grey. Jesus sorry for saying they were a beautiful silver in chap 1😔.]

  Towering over her dead, bruised and bloody body, Levi stared at his doing before picking up her cold body and walking off further into the woods. Further into the woods, a hole that could fit a person was dug up in preparation.

"Fucking bitch"-Levi thought

Before aggressively throwing the deceased into the dug up hole, shovelling the dirt back into it's previous place in the hole. Standing straight and wiping at the liquid continuously falling onto his face, Levi groaned loudly out of annoyance and irritancy caused by the rain that's slowly becoming heavier the longer he stayed.

"Talk about annoying."-he thought but reminded himself that by doing what he did that night, he could win back his mate who left him not too long ago.

"For Eren."-he told himself but is it really?

  Finishing what he was doing, Levi made his way back to his home where Erwin stood waiting for his arrival. Erwin stood there with a look that could've made the author shit her pants, from far away a frown could be seen on Erwin's face. Not in the mood to face him, Levi continued on and tried to walk off before being stopped by the sudden hand that grabbed onto his elbows.

"What the fuck did you do?!"-Erwin shouted but received a nonchalant answer in return.

"I did what had to be done in order for Eren to come back."-Levi said

"..."-Erwin who was silently fuming stood there still holding onto Levi.

"...Are we done with this conversation? If so, let go."-Levi said feeling his own temper starting to rise along with the tension between two males.

"HOW COULD YOU KILL HANJI?!"-Erwin shouted, showing his rage to what Levi did. But Levi remained apathetic to the situation.

[a/n:y'all thought]

"How could you kill that girl?!"-Erwin fumed showing his discontent with the way Levi handled things.

"She was the reason Eren left me! And she had the audacity to blackmail me! So I did what I had to do, to protect the pack and myself."-Levi said, as if what he did was the right thing to do.

Erwin let go of Levi shaking his head.

"You said you wanted a clean start, the reason why I even let you go to school again was so that you could live a normal life. The life you asked me to help give you! But no! You revert back to your old self and killed another person!"-Erwin said shaking his head and showing his disappointment towards the murder Levi committed.

Levi stood with crossed arms staring at the ground.

"Eren would still be here if it wasn't for her."-Levi said thinking back to the dirty deed he did.

Erwin shook his head again and scoffed.

"Don't blame the girl when you couldn't control yourself."-With that, Erwin proceeded to walk away from the alpha and made his way up to his room leaving Levi to his lonesome self.

Closing and locking the door, Levi went into the living room and laid down on the sofa staring up at the ceiling.

"Fuck everything."

Before covering his eyes with his arm and getting the rest he really needed. While Eren would remain clueless and oblivious to what the future holds for him and Levi himself, along with everyone they know.

Eren sät in the room given to him by his bully or ex-bully with his half brother Zeke, who by the way was being a nuisance to the only innocence that Eren had left.

"Zeke! I swear to god! I'm not going to be a stripper just for money!"-Eren groaned out with his hands covering his face out of irritation by his brothers suggestions.

"Hahahahaha-! We both know you'd make good money!"-Zeke continued on with his teasing only to stop when they both heard Jean's door opening.

Eren quick on his feet dragged his brother over to the window before proceeding to push him out and rushing back into the bed with a book in hand.

The sound of knocking could soon be heard as Jean knocked on the door.

"Oi Jaeger, you alright? I heard you talking to someone."-Jean said with curiosity laced in his voice.

"Yeah...I was on the phone with...a new friend I made recently back at Levi's."-Eren said with a nervous voice.

"Alright then. Well goodnight."-Before Jean's footsteps could be heard walking back into the direction of his room.

Sighing out of relief he stood up to check on his brother only to find Zeke holding onto the window frame with one hand while the other clutched onto one of his shoe that was starting to slip off.

"Why'd you push me?!"-Zeke said

"I thought Jean was gonna come in! And also payback for ruining the only innocence I had left!"-Eren huffed before helping his brother back into the room.

Shaking his head and crossing his arms, Zeke proceeded to act petty and childish and continued to annoy Eren the whole night with dirty or annoying puns and jokes.

Whelp that's done.
So I'm bored and was wondering if you guys have any suggestions for apps? I've been using Kik but it's dead lmao.
Also does anyone know how to edit a photo and make it fancy? I'm thinking of changing the cover but I don't have the talents and skills Lmaoo.
Anyways hope y'all enjoy

Anyways hope y'all enjoy

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