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Dear Levi,

It's me Levi and I'll protect you from any harm that comes your way.



Levi shouted as he smashed his hands on Erwin's desk.

"Levi will you stop that?!"-Erwin

"Shut up! That horse face said something to Eren! And I'm going to FUCKING KILL HIM."-Levi

As Levi said that,he smashed his hands on the desk again making it break and crumble down to the floor.

Erwin sighed loudly.

"Look Levi,I know you're mad and all but you can't blame the guy just because he knows who you are and what you do."-Erwin

At that Levi turned around and glared at Erwin with his silver eyes making a chill run down Erwin's spine.

"Do you think I don't know that? I wanted to be the one who told Eren! Now he's fucking scared of me!"-Levi

"Then why don't you go talk to him? I mean you're going to see him after school anyways since we live in the same house now."-Erwin

Levi shook his head and sighed.

"He wouldn't even let me finish! I told him about my previous mate and I think he's suspicious about it."-Levi

"I mean there's a reason to be suspicious no?
You just came here onto another packs territory to study before taking the place as Alpha."-Erwin

Levi stood still and stared at Erwin.

"What are you trying to say."-Levi

"What I'm saying is,he has aright to be suspicious. If anything you should praise him for even knowing something about what you said."-Erwin

Levi growled.

"You're saying I should be happy my MATE is fucking suspicious of me?!"-Levi

Erwin sighed yet again.

"Of course. If what he said about himself being able to see through people's lies then that is a good thing on his part. For you however, it's a different story."-Erwin

Levi's eyes turned from a beautiful silver colour to a dark red colour due to the anger he's feeling.

"I'm going to end up killing you one day because of that mouth of yours."-Levi

Erwin chuckled lightly.

"Oh please. We both know you won't do that and if it wasn't for me you wouldn't even be able to get into this school."-Erwin

Levi calmed down slightly agreeing with what his friend had just said.

"I'm only worried Eren will try to leave me. And god knows we don't want that to happen again."-Levi

Erwin nodded.

"Of course. We don't want you to go crazy again and accidentally kill someone."-Erwin

Levi sighed thinking back to a time when he and his previous mate were arguing.

Soon Levi stood up and said his goodbyes before going to his own class. Luckily for him though,Eren was with him in this class.


'Finally,I get to see my brat.'
Levi thought before walking to his class.

"I wonder what to do now..."-Eren

Right now, Eren was thinking of how to cut open a mouse without feeling bad for it.

Even though it was dead,Eren's love for animals got the best of him as he set his scalpel down and sighed loudly before slumping down in his seat.

"You okay brat?"-Levi

Eren sat up straight while a small squeak came out of him.

"You scared me..."-Eren

"Tch. Sorry."-Levi

Eren nodded slightly before looking down at the dead mouse.

Levi stared at Eren before speaking.

"Look Eren. About what we talked about awhile ago. Y'know bout my mate."-Levi

This caught Eren's attention as he looked over and stared at the silver eyes of his mate.

"Can we talk about this at home? I don't wanna talk about this here."-Eren

Levi nodded before opening his mouth to say something again but stopped when he saw Eren looking away from him and out the window.

Levi sighed before paying attention in class.

"Mr.Jaeger! I see you're spacing out again?"-Pixis

"I'm sorry Mr.Pixis but I really can't cut it open."-Eren

Pixis looked at Eren before saying.

"You have great potential kid. Don't waste it."-Pixis

Before walking away to the other tables leaving Eren to stare at the milky white mouse lying in front of him.

Eren took every teachers words to heart and thus, found enough courage to cut open the chest of the mouse before continuing on with his biology class mostly ignoring Levi.

Unfortunately,time was not on his side as soon the bell rang signalling the end of the school day.

Eren and Levi both packed their stuff before walking out together.

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