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Dear Eren,

Am i making the right choice?


As me and Levi were staring at each other I could already tell he was guilty of what I had said about him earlier.

Motherfucker actually cheated on me.


If I knew I was gonna get hurt I would've just stayed with my parents and continued my life getting hurt.

Being hurt physically was nothing compared to this.

It felt like a part of my soul had been ripped out and thrown out of the window and into the pits of hell.

I felt like clawing at the bite mark Levi had left on my neck as long as I get to be rid of it.

I wanted to get rid of my very existence.

I had felt like this only once before and that was when I was young, the time my parents had started to despise my existence.

All because of me being a so called "omega".

I really hated the status us werewolves had.

For our fate to be decided by this status created by us; the apparent greater beings god created, to protect man kind.

It felt p a t h e t i c

It felt like we lost even more freedom than that of man kind.

Man kind could choose who they wanted to love.

They could choose whatever accessories to wear without being burnt.

They don't have to lie their whole life.

They could stay h u m a n during the night of the full-moon.

And us werewolves have to sit down and listen to the fate given to us by non existent gods.

C r u e l

That was all I could say to describe this society us werewolves have created.

All because of L u p a.

The sound of a footstep snapped me back to reality as I stared at Levi walking towards me slowly.

Still angry I growled at him as a warning for him to stay back and this time he actually did.

"Eren, lets talk about it."-Levi

"What is there to talk about? How you fucked a bitch? How you betrayed me? How good it felt to fuck someone else? Tell me, what is there to talk about."

"I'm sorry, she was in heat and kept begging for help! I didn't know what to do! I was trying to mind-link Hanji or the others but no one responded!"-Levi

I stared at him.

"And you think it's still ok to fuck her? SHE WAS IN HEAT LEVI! WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU?!"

He flinched a little before his gaze hardened.

"It's not my fault."-Levi

I stared at him in disbelief.

"Not your fault? Levi, you fucked a female that was in heat. And I'm pretty damn sure you had no condom on, you know how easy females get pregnant during their heats right?"

Levi's eyes widened at the word pregnant.

"Are you fucking kidding me? I learned a lot about heats because of the school nurse back in middle school and yet you an alpha forgets THE MOST IMPORTANT THING?!"

"IM SORRY! I...I wasn't...I lost control..."-Levi

I stared at the floor.

"She's going to come back. That's for sure."

"No she won't!"-Levi

"Of course she fucking will, if she's pregnant with an alpha she will definitely come back."

"I won't take her in. The only child I want is with you."-Levi

"You're going to take her in Levi because that child came from that staff of yours."

"I'm not going to take her in."-Levi

"You're going to end up taking them in. I'm not letting you be this irresponsible and leave a child alone with the mother. Do you know how hard being a single fucking parent is?"

"...I'm sorry."-Levi

"I don't care anymore. Do whatever you want, it doesn't concern me."

Levi stared at me like I had grown boobs along with a new head.

"What the fuck do you mean."-Levi

"I mean that I'm not your mate anymore."

Levi's eyes had turned red before he let out a deep growl.

"You're not leaving."-Levi

I growled back with my eyes glowing golden.

"Watch me you cheater."

C h e a t e r .

Oh how much that stung Levi.

Levi stopped growling before staring at the ground with clenched fists, he slowly looked towards the eyes of his mate to see tears at the corners of his glowing golden eyes.

"I'm so sorry..."-Levi

"Yeah? Take that sorry and shove it down your penis because apparently that's what you listen to instead using your brain."

With that Eren stood up bumping shoulders with Levi as he slammed the door shut to their used to be bedroom.

Levi stood still as he felt his heart being stabbed continuously by the emptiness he was feeling.

He raised his hands and put it on top of where his heart should be and rubbed at it to try and ease the aching, it proved to be useless as he clenched the fabric tightly.

"I'm sorry Eren, I love you....come back."

Hey there everyone,
as you can already tell.
This chap was inspired by what I'm felling. :)
I had a lot of mental breakdowns after cutting ties with my used-to-be-bestfriend.
The stress I'm having from my mom.
Also the panic attacks I had inside the train and at home.
I am happy to say that I'm still depressed lol.
It's just not my month y'know?
Hope you guys enjoyed this kind of depressing and angsty chapter.
I wish I was normal :)

I wish I was normal :)

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