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Dear Eren,

          Should I believe in Zeke?
                                             For me and only me,

"Father, I know you don't like me but I need answers."

"And why should I answer your questions?"-Grisha

"Because apparently it concerns my big brother who visited me last night and he had some juicy stuff he told me."

Grisha stopped glaring at me before he stood up and made his way towards me, of course Hanji stopped him before he could get any closer.

He stood there staring at me and I could see a hint of fear and doubt in his eyes.

"What did he say?"-Grisha

"He told me...everything about you before mother."

"That son of a bitch. I left her for a reason and that's because she was crazy and obsessed with power."-Grisha

I listened to my father-Grisha as he told me how Zeke was used by his mother and how Grisha had to leave because she was threatening to kill human kind with some weird artificial power made in a lab.

Grisha explained what he and Zeke has gone through but apparently Zeke believed in his mothers stories about father.

"Listen Eren. Whatever you do don't tell them you're Levi's mate, they'll kill you."-Grisha

'Zeke knows but...I'm not sure if his mother knows...'

I nodded slightly before he sat down on the sofa in front of me with his head in his hands.

Soon after footsteps were heard coming down the wooden stairs and there my mother appeared with baggy eyes and bad bed hair.

At the sight of me her eyes widened before she quickly walked down the stairs making me stand up and Hanji to be on guard.

She walked towards me with quick movements as she reached her arms out to me.

Before she reached me though I pushed Hanji to her so that she was the one who would be crushed by a mothers grip.

'Sorry Hanji!'

'You traitor!'

'Forgive me!'

'You're lucky you're cute! Even Mike couldn't convince me to help him when Levi got mad at him!'

'I'll make it up to you afterwards!'

'You better be-arghh this bitch hugs like a damn bear! EREN!'


My mother though soon pulled away only to see that it was Hanji.


My mother stared at me with sad eyes before standing next to my father.

"Well, I'll be leaving since we were interrupted."

"You're leaving?"-Carla

"Yes I am. I only came here to ask something and I got it. Kinda."

"Why don't you stay for lunch?"-Carla

"No thanks, I'd like to eat with Hanji instead."

"Then stay here! I'll cook lunch!"-Carla

"Like Eren said, we have plans. ALONE."-Hanji

"But you're here so I might as well-"

"Stop it mother. I don't want to eat anything you cook."

"Do you not trust my cooking?"-Carla

"It's you he doesn't trust ma'am."-Hanji

"But is your mother!"-Carla

"And I'm your son! But that didn't stop you both from not loving me!"

At that my mother shut up and hung her head low.

"Now if you'll excuse us we have plans."

I huffed before me and Hanji walked past my mother and father towards the door.

I opened the door and left without any regrets that day.

If anything I felt lighter, like a non-existent weight was lifted off my shoulders.

Me and Hanji went to have lunch which took us two hours since we kept chatting and laughing.

More like I was the one who kept laughing.
Hanji kept causing trouble for me like fighting with the waitress,her obnoxiously loud laughter and Hanji kept spitting at the men who kept flirting with me and Hanji.

I laughed throughout the whole day I was with Hanji and the memories of the past two days immediately went to the back of my mind.

We arrived at a park where we sat on a bench in front of a duck pond with little ducklings and their parents as they attempted to catch their own food.

I smiled at the sight before Hanji interrupted my thoughts.

"Eren...aren't you angry at Levi?"-Hanji

I sighed

"Of course I am, I wouldn't ask you to come with me if I wasn't angry at him."

Hanji nodded before she stared at me making me look at her too.

"Why don't you talk about it with him?"-Hanji

"Haven't found the right time yet? I mean I just fainted and just woke up, I was angry and today he was asleep so I didn't want to talk to him."

"Well you should. I smelt a bitches scent on him and I think you should confront him about it, don't worry though if he tries to hurt my boo I'll hurt his peeper!"-Hanji

I smiled and thanked her before we went back to the pack house.

Hey guys.
I'm really sad so I'm sorry this isn't good.
My one and only real friend cut ties with me and now I'm crying in the corner of my room.
That just adds another reason why I'm depressed.

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