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Dear sanity,

I have made my move.
I have gathered up the courage to kill myself.
I wonder what'll happen to me next?


Opening my eyes I found myself in a black space floating in what seems to be water.
As I was lost in thought pain struck through my arm as I clenched it in pain.

Looking at it a mark appeared.
Idiot. Is what is on my arm.
Is that what I carved on my arm the night of my suicide attempt?
Most likely yes.
Seeing as this might be my last time in pain, I smiled thinking about my death.
Finally free from this suffering.


'Am I not dead yet?'
"He might wake up by tonight or tomorrow."
Who is that...
As I was thinking something or someone clenched my hand tightly as if I was going to disappear.
'It feels...so warm.'
"Please...please wake up soon."
It sounds familiar.

I slowly opened my eyes only to close them as the bright light attacked my teal coloured eyes.
I looked over to the source of pain on my right hand only to find Levi there.
At the mention of his name he sprung up and stared at me before smiling lightly while a sigh of relief escaped his lips.
"You're awake..."-Levi
"...your family brought you here...you were sleeping for 4 days now."-Levi
"...why am...why am I alive?"
Tears escaped my eyes as the painful truth hit me hard.

Levi opened his mouth to speak only to get interrupted by the doctor.
"Ah! I see you're awake my boy. I am Hanji, your doctor."-Hanji
"*sigh*my boy how do you feel?"-Hanji
"Mhm sounds about right! Well you're okay now dear boy!"-Hanji
I looked down and pulled my hand out of Levi's hand and looked away from them both.

Soon after my parents came in.
My mother and father looked worried.
How funny...probably acting...
Though I was taken by surprise.

My mother and father told doctor Hanji and Levi to leave us.
'Here comes the beating.'
They both looked at me while I looked down at my hands.
They both came closer and hugged me which took me by surprise.
Afraid,I pushed them both away and glared at them like they were a prey to a predator.

They both looked at me.
Mother having tears in her eyes while my father looked taken aback.
I growled letting my wolf side come out a little.
"What do you want?"
They looked at each other before they apologised to me.

"We're sorry child."-Father
My mother next to him sobbing.
I stared at them while growling.
"Get out."
"Son list-"
"GET.OUT" I said while growling.
They both flinched before they left me alone in my room.
I sighed heavily to calm myself.

I laid back down on my bed and stared at the ceiling before closing my eyes and falling into a deep slumber.

Before falling asleep though I saw someone familiar coming into my room and leaned on the wall.
"Get well brat."
Before everything faded away.

-I'm evil I know-skip to the next day!-

I woke up by the sound of my door opening and opened my eyes only for them to close again as I saw that my parents walked in.
I laid still and calmed my breathing but soon my breath hitched when my hand was taken into the hands of my mother.

Holding onto my hand she rubbed it on her cheek gently before kissing it lightly.
My father whose presence I felt was right next to me soon put his hand on my forehead.

My entire 19 years of my life I have never felt as confused as I am today to feel the warmth of my parents,the warmth I have always wanted to feel but it felt empty.

I'm confused.
Do they want something from me?
Are they showing me this side so they can take me down and hurt me after they have gained my trust?
I'm afraid of what they might do.
I'm afraid of what will happen in the future.
And I'm afraid of what will happen to me.

Levi entered the room to tell me and my parents that I will be discharged in the afternoon.

Meaning I will die sooner than I expected.
Meaning my parents will go back to hitting me.
Meaning more pain to come.

My parents thanked Levi and went out to "prepare" the car.
Levi walked over to my bed before he sat down on the bed next to me and pulled my head into his firm chest.

"Don't worry brat."-Levi

What does he mean?
What the hell is he saying?
I don't want to know anymore.

I just nodded my head slowly since I was still confused before I felt something warm and soft touch the top of my head.

I looked up into the silver eyes of Levi with confusion swirling inside my eyes.
The corners of his lips tugged upwards a little before he leaned down again.

This time he made sure to hold onto my cheeks and brought his lips onto my chapped ones.
I sat there not knowing what to do so I let him.

I also couldn't help but notice the little sparks I felt when his hands touched my cheeks making me blush a little.

He pulled away and looked at me.
I don't understand what's going on.
He put his head on top of mine again before I heard him whisper

"Mate...mine only."-Levi

My eyes widened at that.
No wonder I felt weird when I saw him!

Everything started to click in my mind and I started panicking.
Levi felt how my body tensed before he released a calming aura for me.

At that aura I calmed down before I buried myself in his warmth.
I heard a small chuckle and felt vibrations around his chest before I released a sigh of relief.

I thought I was a goner.
Most of the times when I hugged my mother crying she would push me away and glare at me and that made me think that hugging was a disgusting thing.

"I'm glad you're my mate Eren."-Levi

I looked at him confused before he leaned down again to kiss my forehead.

"Don't ever do what you did ever again."-Levi

Before he trailed kisses everywhere on my face making me close my eyes and enjoy the little butterfly kisses he gave me.

I smiled for the very first time.

But our time together got interrupted by my parents making Levi glare at them harshly.

"C'mon Eren,change your clothes the doctor said you could leave now."-Mother

I nodded my head before I changed into the clothes my parents brought me inside the toilet.

I came out and looked around to find that Levi had already left and that my parents were looking at the ground making me wonder what happened.

With that we all left the hospital.

The Cruel Life Of An OmegaWhere stories live. Discover now