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Dear Eren,
                   Be careful of what you say.
             You never know what will happen.

While Levi and me were walking to school.
Everyone stared at me.

The stares I used to get were of disgust but now...they hold fear.

I looked up at Levi when I sensed him going all alpha mode while glaring at everyone that stared.

I pulled on his sleeve lightly to get his attention but he wouldn't look at me.
I followed his eye sight and found him staring and growling at Jean.

The longer I look I seemed to notice that he had multiple bruises on his face.
Jean was staring at Levi before he looked to me.

Jean soon came closer to us but Levi wouldn't allow him to come near me so he growled and released his alpha pheromones to warn Jean.

Jean stopped sensing the pheromone and looked at me.

I hid behind Levi a little bit before we continued our way to our lockers.


I turned around to see my blonde best friend,Armin.

I instantly brightened up at the sight of Armin waving at me before running over to Armin and hugging him.


I laughed lightly because of my sister.

"So...are you okay now? You're not in pain right? Cuz if you are I can take you to my house t-"

Armin was cut off by a pair of arms wrapping themselves around my waist pulling me backwards to the hard chest of my mate.

Armin looked at Levi shocked before looking at me.
I blushed because Armin was pointing his fingers at us while his mouth hung open.

"...I presume you have found your mate?"

I nodded before looking up at Levi who nuzzled my head.

Armin snapped out of his daze before grinning.

"I wanna see how Mikasa will react."-Armin

My eyes widened slightly.

"Where is she?"

"Well at the moment she's at home saying she had an important conversation with your parents."-Armin

I nodded slightly before I introduced Armin and Levi.
Levi was shaking Armin's hand but kept staring at him.

I tilted my head at his action.
Not too long after though Levi's voice appeared inside my head.

"He's Erwin's mate."

My eyes widened before i turned around to look at Levi.


He chuckled lightly before nodding his head.
I smiled at the thought of my best friend finding his mate but soon pouted.

'He didn't tell me.' I thought

Levi noticed me pouting and kissed me on the forehead making me smile lightly.

"Guys...I'm...I'm still here...also we're gonna be late for class."-Armin

I looked over at him nodding before we all left to class but before we could enter principal Erwin called for Levi.

Leaving us on our own we went inside,my seat that was next to the window was occupied by none other than my ex-alpha,Jean Kirsten.

I went in to sit somewhere else but I stopped when I heard someone calling my name.

"Oi Eren. Sit here."-Jean

I looked at Armin and he was telling me not to go but something is telling me I had to go.

"I'll be fine Armin...I hope."

Armin looked unsure but I smiled reassuringly making nodding my head a little to tell him I would be fine.

"Are you sure?"-Armin

I nodded

"If I get hurt I have Levi to take care of me."

I smiled at the thought of Levi before slowly making my way over to Jean.

I sat down and looked at him.

"What do you need from me?"

Jean stared at me for awhile before sighing.

"Look Eren...I know Levi is your mate and all but...don't trust him too much."-Jean

I looked confused.

"Excuse me? Who do you think you are to tell me that? He saved me from you and everyone else! What right do you have after what you did to me?!"

Jean looked at me while letting the words I told him sink in.

"Look Eren. I'm trying to be nice here and I'm fucking sorry ok? Just watch out if you don't want trouble. Especially with me."-Jean

I looked at him with anger boiling inside my veins.

"Is that all you have to say to me? Cause if it is then thank you for your ducking warning about my mate and saviour."

With that I stood up but I didn't get far when Jean grabbed my wrist and made me turn towards him.

Not only is he hurting my wrist but he's also attracting unwanted attraction from our classmate.

Marco and Armin stood up and tried to pry Jean's hand off my wrist but it proved to be useless as Jean growled at them and me.

"Listen here. I don't give a fuck about your mate okay? I'm trying to be a good guy and tell you that he's not what he seems and that you should be fucking careful of him. I'm trying to apologise by warning you of the dangers Levi could put YOU not me IN."-Jean

I started shaking when his grip on my wrist tightened making me whimper in pain.


Jean calmed down before pushing my hand away.

At this point I had tears in my eyes as the pain was too unbearable and also my memories of the abuse I suffered resurfaced.

I held onto my wrist before I was taken away by Armin and over to sit beside him.

"Are you okay Eren?"-Armin

I nodded slowly before our teacher came in and started class.

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