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Dear Eren,
Why do the bad things always happen to me?

I woke up to find my mate gone but I could hear the shower running.

I thought back to last night, the shadowy figure that loomed over us in our bed along with its glowing red eyes silently threatening me.

It was definitely a he.

There was no doubt about it, that vampire that stalked me is a he and a very tall one at that.

Why couldn't Levi notice his presence outside our home?

If Levi didn't know he was here...then what does that mean for us?

I was broken out of my thoughts as a naked and wet Levi came out with a towel wrapped around his waist.

[a/n:so I keep seeing stories that keep misspelling the word waist as waste and like...that's honestly triggering sorry lol.]

Levi walked over to me with a slight smug type of smirk as he looked me over head to toe.

"I'm proud of myself for leaving those hickeys on you."-Levi

I blushed as the heat went up to my face as I covered myself with our shared blanket pouting.

Levi chuckled lightly before leaning onto the bed letting the water drip from his hair to our bed and my shoulder as he whispered into my ear.

"I loved when you were screaming my name last night by the way."Levi

I gasped still blushing before lightly hitting his arm as he stepped back and chuckled again.

"But we're going to have to call our pack back. We've got to take care of that stalker of yours."-Levi said seriously with his usual frown back onto his face.

I nodded before standing up with our blanket.

Levi looked at me smiling lightly before a smirk appeared.

"It's not like we haven't seen each other naked last night."-Levi

I blushed before running to the toilet to take a shower.

~3 hours later~

The whole pack was gathered at the dining hall as Levi explained the situation to our pack.

Hanji spoke up about this whole situation in a serious manner saying that the vampire might've come from the Military police.

'Military police? Do they have something to do with this?'

Hanji then continued on with her theory as she said that the military police might've sent an undercover vampire to spy on Eren.

"Why would they spy on me?"

Hanji looked at me as her eyes examined me head to toe before her whole demeanour changed into one of a pervert as she smiled at me.

'Got laid didn't ya?'-Hanji said in my mind

I blushed before pouting and turning away to look at something else.

Hanji cackled loudly as Levi threw a bowl at her head causing her to fall backwards into the floor.

Levi Tched then continued on talking how to watch over their land to prevent the vampires from trespassing again.

"Uhm...I honestly don't think that's a good idea to leave one person out at night Levi."-Eren

"I'm going to have to agree on that too."-Hanji said as she stood up from the floor.

Levi cocked an eyebrow at me and Hanji before looking my direction with a face that said "and why is that?".

"Well uhm....we don't know when they'd come but not only do we know it's a vampire but we also know that we cannot sense it's presence. Not even you Levi, it just doesn't make sense to me as to why we couldn't sense it."-Eren

Hanji nodded.

"As the boy was saying, if YOU of all people in this pack couldn't sense it then that means that something fishy is going on and I don't think it's normal to not sense a vamps presence at all."-Hanji

"Fine then what do you suppose we do?"-Levi

"I think everyone should stay together for now and avoid going out alone."-Erwin

Everyone soon decided that everyone was to stay together in either groups or as a whole pack.

The day quickly ended with a quiet dinner.

I sat down in the living room thinking of what the vampires would've wanted from us or me.

I looked down at the key on my neck and kept twirling it, a habit I try to get rid of.

"Hey there you alright?"-Petra

I looked at Petra smiling at me before smiling lightly and nodding at her.

She walked over and put her hand on my shoulder.

"Look Eren, no matter what happens we'll be there to protect you. Especially since Levi is a really possessive guy and we also treat you as family, so try to think happier alright? If this still bothers you then try to smile, for me? "-Petra

I nodded and smiled as she returned the same smile I did.

One with doubt.

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