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Dear Eren,
          I'll help you. Even if it means losing my heart.


"Oi Eren. We're outside your pack house."-Zeke

Opening my eyes, we were indeed outside of Levi's pack house.

Levi's scent was lingering outside and inside.
Meaning he just came back too...

Well, I could just say I'm moving out?

And risk getting killed?

Yeah sure, why not?

"Can you come back tomorrow then? I'll pack my things then move out..."

Zeke stared at me before humming in agreement.

"Just know that if he hurts you, I'll hurt him back."-Zeke

Eren laughed quietly before shaking his head and waving goodbye to his half-brother and stepping inside the pack house.

Once inside he was greeted by silence indicating that the whole pack were sleeping.

Quietly making his way upstairs, he nearly slipped once because of his drenched body dripping water onto the floor.

Cursing himself for nearly causing a ruckus, he continued to tip toe his way through the hall and into Levi's room where all his belongings were.

Standing outside Levi's and Eren's used to be room, Eren couldn't help but fell nervous for the umpteenth time.

"Fuck...for the first time in 10 years I'm scared. Hah...last time I got this scared was when I found out I was an omega..."

Eren decided to man up and go in.

Opening the door to the room felt eerie, the aura in the room was so cold and negative that it sent shivers down his spine.

The silence was enough to drive anyone mad and yet Eren felt that he could live in such a quiet environment.

Snapping out of his thoughts, he took two steps forwards before coming to a forceful stop.

Levi stood before him clad in his pyjamas with his glowing red eyes, they stood in the silence as they stared each other down.

A clear of a throat threw them out of their trance before both turned to the intruder that was standing in the doorway.

There stood Hanji in an over-sized t-shirt which was most likely from Mike and grey sweatpants that were also baggy.

"So Eren, where have you been?"-Hanji

"I went uh...swimming?"-Eren

"...with your clothes on?"-Hanji


"At least you came back."-Levi

Levi was interrupted by the only female in the room.

"Shut up Levi."-Hanji

Growling Levi glared daggers at her before again was snapped out of his own glaring contest.

"Levi stop growling! It's annoying me!"-Eren

"Pfft you tell him gurl."-Hanji cackled

Levi rolled his eyes before a soft smile settled on his features upon hearing Eren's voice.

Thinking Eren came back to forgive him he went and snaked his arm around his waist and nuzzling into Eren's neck.

"What are you doing to RENNIE BOI!"-Hanji

The Cruel Life Of An OmegaWhere stories live. Discover now