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Dear Eren,
                I'm afraid of what's happening around me. Why are my parents even treating me like this?
             I can see it in their eyes.
    The look of displeasure in their eyes when they saw me open my eyes.  
                                                      Yours truly,

The day I was discharged from the hospital, instantly I could see the unsatisfied look in my parents eyes.

The look I would've had if I were them.
I too would be disappointed If I didn't die.

The way home they whispering to each other about what to do next.

Apparently my school principal,Mr Erwin Smith,threatened to tell the elders about what they were doing to me.

Having werewolf hearing was great and all but at times like these sometimes I wish I was born as a ordinary human.

Upon arriving outside my parents house,my parents waited for something or more of a someone.

We stood outside for 10 minutes before a black car pulled up beside us,the window started sliding down and I was given an opportunity to see who the person behind the wheels was.

As the window rolled down all the way,I saw that it was none other than Mr Smith himself.
My parents stood still while I was confused.

I didn't hear anything about Mr Smith coming over...or did I just miss it?

"I'm here to take Eren now."-Erwin

Well shit.
Things took a turn for the worse.
My parents just nodded their heads before my father pushed me harshly towards the car making me lose my footing and fall on my knees.

Seeing this Mr Erwin growled before he opened his door careful not to hit me and helped me into his car.

I looked into my parents eyes to see fear behind them.
The look I had since I was a child and was abused every time.

After Erwin had gotten me inside his car I watched as he walked over to my parents growling.

"Do that again and I'll rip you apart."-Erwin

I stared at the back of my schools principal before I felt a breath on my neck making me turn around instantly.

"Don't go falling for him now brat."-Levi

I stared at him before processing what he had said.
I shook my head and kissed his forehead like he had with me at the hospital before hiding my face behind my hands.
At the action he growled.

"Don't hide your face from me."-Levi

I put my hands onto my lap while my face was still a light shade of red.
He chuckled before making me look at him.
He left butterfly kisses on my face again before pulling away and smiling.

"Told you not to worry."-Levi

I stared at him again before my eyes widened.

"Thank you Levi."

I smiled at him while closing my eyes before I heard him growl again making me open my eyes and stare at him.

"Show that face to me only."-Levi

I nodded slowly before the car door opened revealing a red faced Erwin.

I looked at him before looking behind him to see my mother crying while my father stood still looking at the ground.

The car started moving towards a direction I was not familiar with but what captured my attention was the forest up ahead that's increasing in size.

The car went straight into the forest following a path to a dead end before Levi left the car and opened my side of the door.

I stared at Levi as he pulled me out by my hand gently and led me deeper into the forest.


Me and Levi both looked behind to see Erwin standing by his car.

"Tch. What?"-Levi

"I'm going back so you have to be responsible and not go all crazy!"-Erwin


With that Levi put his hand on my lower back and guided me through the forest and to what looked like a small abandoned castle.

As we got closer I sensed a presence in front of us and that alone sent me into a panic.

What if I'm not welcomed by Levi's pack?
What if they don't think I'm worthy to be Levi's mate?

Many different types of what if questions popped in my head and made me tense.

Levi being my mate and all calmed me down by whispering sweet nothings into my ear and reassuring me that his pack will like me.

I looked at him doubtfully as a memory of Jean hitting me with my dad made it feel like it happened just yesterday.

Slowly I stopped and started panicking.

I looked at Levi fearfully and held onto the sleeves of his shirt,he looked back at me with soft eyes and he leaned over and kissed my forehead.

"No ones going to hurt you. Not on my watch."-Levi

I put my arms around his waist and put my head onto his chest feeling his warmth.

I looked up at him and he looked down at me.

"You're so short."-Levi

"I'm not short! You're just a titan compared to me!"

Levi smiled before slowly carrying me in his arms like a father would to his child.

While I was in his arms I felt different people inside that abandoned looking castle and braced myself for whatever was to come.

Once outside the door Levi put me down gently and held my hand as he looked at me.

"You ready?"-Levi

With that question I nodded my head slowly before Levi opened the doors but before they could fully open I closed my eyes.

When I opened my eyes though I was surprised.

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