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Dear Levi,

I suppose the truth can't be hidden any longer.


Both Levi and Eren had made it back home safely in silence.

As both Levi and Eren entered the castle like home , both were confused as to why everyone had left.

Walking further into the mansion , a note was placed into the kitchen counter.

"Erwin told us about what happened in school , so being the kind friends and packmates that we are decided to leave you guys alone for two days and stay at a nearby hotel.
      Oh and I'm expecting more details on both your sex life. Obviously written by your best friend and doctor, Hanji."

"Tch. Stupid bitch."-Levi

Eren stood still and stared at the floor unaware of the fear creeping up his spine sending a tiny chill through his whole body.

Levi sensed Eren's fear before sighing.

"Look...Eren I'm sorry for shouting and using my alpha tone on you, I didn't mean to scare you."-Levi

Eren shook his head.

"It's fine..."-Eren said in a soft voice.

"So...about my previous mate...and the lie i wanted to tell you myself..."-Levi

Eren looked up and stared at Levi.

"So...first off,she was a human. She didn't take the news of me being a werewolf too well and tried to escape...and y'know tell everyone of my packs existence and I couldn't have that. As an alpha, I chose to protect my pack and...I killed her."-Levi

Levi said it with such cautiousness that Eren could sense the way Levi didn't want to scare him.

And so Eren nodded because he understood that humans weren't supposed to know about the existence of werewolves.

"...I'm sorry for ignoring you..."-Eren whispered with his head down.

Levi smiled softly before pulling Eren into his chest and nuzzling himself into the crook of his neck.

"It's fine...I'd be scared too if I were you."-Levi

Eren hugged Levi saying he shouldn't have ignored him without knowing the truth.

Levi chuckled lightly before he trailed his hands down to Eren's ass making the boy squeak.

Levi chuckled loudly at that before giving Eren's ass a firm squeeze and lifting him up afterwards.

Levi walked up the stairs readjusting Eren's legs so that his legs were around his waist before going into their room and proceeding to lay on top of Eren.

Eren giggled as he felt the breath of Levi on his neck before his breath hitched and he arched his back.

Levi had begun kissing Eren's neck as his wolf had instructed him to do so and left hickeys all over his mates neck wanting to claim what was his.

Levi nipped at Eren's collar bone making Eren moan into his ear and start panting lightly, the action caused Levi to growl at Eren collar bone before he bit it hard.

Eren groaned at the feeling of Levi's teeth in his flesh but soon sighed in pleasure as he felt Levi kiss his newly formed wound.

Levi then proceeded to move upwards to kiss Eren on the lips.

Of course this caused Eren to smile into the kiss as he wrapped his arms around Levi's neck and ran his hand through Levi's undercut.

The action itself caused Levi to melt into Eren's Finger and touch.

Levi separated himself to stare into the eyes of his mate and put their foreheads together.

"Please don't be scared of me. I didn't want to tell you about my mate...because I didn't want to scare you."-Levi

"I'll be fine...as long as you don't kill me."-Eren said in a joking manner as he smiled softly towards his alpha.

Levi chuckled softly.

"I promise."-Levi

With that promise, Levi leant down again and kissed Eren.

Eren moaned slightly as he felt his alpha nip at his bottom lip before gasping at the feeling of Levi's cold hands touching his stomach.

Levi took the opportunity to slip his tongue into Eren's mouth and moved his hands upwards towards Eren's nipples.

Eren felt overwhelmed with the feeling of Levi's hands working wonders on his body, the pleasure that Eren felt was so new to him but he liked it.

It made him feel like he broke out of a barrier.
A barrier between both Levi and him.

Levi continued to play with his mates nipples but one hand slowly started circling his abdomen.

Eren sighed into the kiss when he felt Levi's cold finger circling around his abdomen.

Levi broke the kiss making Eren whine a little before they had a staring contest.


Eren blushed from the compliment before hiding his face with his hands.

Levi laughed at his mates shyness and way of hiding from compliments before he leant down and kissed Eren's forehead in a very loving manner.

Eren giggled before cupping Levi's cheeks and pulling him down to a passionate kiss.

Authors note:
Should I do smut? ° ͜ʖ ͡°)

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