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Dear Fate,

         If I was to know what would happen in the future , then maybe I wouldn't be here now. 


It's cold.

I sometimes wonder why this happens and again I answer myself 'I don't know.'

You might be thinking 'why so serious?'.

Well I would have to say it's because of the trauma I have emotionally and physically.

It's taken a toll on my mental state.

If the constant breakdowns I have along with the constant self-harming isn't from my childhood home then I don't know where it came from.

Everything started there anyways.

The bullying.

The shunning.
[The shining lol. HERE'S JOHNNY! Sorry.]

The constant abuse from my classmates and my parents were enough but now my mate is against me too.

Ever wondered what sin you have committed in your past life to suffer such pain?

Yeah that's what I want to know.

This cold feeling enveloping my body broke me out of my thoughts as I felt myself being suffocated.

The tiny bubbles escaping my lips along with my flowing brown hair caught my attention.

Then I was reminded that I was in a lake.

I swam to reach the top but felt vines gripping onto my ankles restricting me from going back to the surface where I could breathe.

I stopped moving though as it was useless to think that I could escape.

Like how I couldn't escape from this cruel reality that fate decided to give me.

I stayed there in the water floating while looking at the top, even under water I could see the moon shining along with the twinkling stars of the night.

Closing my eyes deciding to accept my fate, I felt the vines wrapping around my ankles tighter pulling me downwards towards the seemingly bottomless lake.

Bubbles escaped my lips as I attempted to scream but felt water enter my mouth and into my lungs as I felt my entire being burning from the lack of oxygen.

I felt a hand pull me upwards before losing conscious and welcoming the dark.

As much as I want for things to change.

It won't.

Arriving at the lake, Levi felt devastated when he couldn't find his mate.

Though he tried thinking positively, the memories from mere minutes ago haunted him and teased him.

As if his wolf was trying to make him suffer, trying to guilt trip him into making everything right.

Levi's wolf howled in pain before disappearing into the darkest space in Levi's mind.

'Rivaille? What's wrong?'

No response.

Levi sighed.

It's to be expected after what he did.

Hurting his mate.

Levi groaned in frustration before he started stripping down before going into the lake for a dip to cool his mind.

To think of a way to make things right.

Levi says that but he couldn't help but think that swimming in the lake felt wrong, like seeing a black cat on Black Friday or when you pass by a dark alleyway in the middle of the night.

It felt like something bad was bound to happen.

Perhaps this was his body's way of saying that he had fucked up big time.

Even if he hadn't had gone to this lake, his pack would've kicked him out for Eren.

Erwin would most definitely expelled him for Eren, seeing as Erwin's mate was Eren's best friend.

Levi shook his head before getting out of the lake, it really felt as if there were eyes watching his every move.

He growled lowly at the thought before shifting to his wolf form and bringing his clothes back with him to the pack house.

There in the living room sofa sat Hanji with the table lamp on next to her as she stared at Levi unimpressed.

"I'm assuming you lazed around in the lake."-Hanji

Levi growled before going behind the kitchen counter to change before standing in front of Hanji.

"He needs some time to himself, he'll come back when he's not angry."-Levi

Hanji sat there dumbfounded by Levi's words before she narrowed her eyes at him.

"And what if he never comes back because of this?"-Hanji

"Then I'll find him."-Levi

Hanji pinched the bridge of her nose before standing up.

"Y'know Levi, I had a lot of respect for you but being your friend since the beginning I think you should really think things through. Things aren't going to happen the way you want them to just because you're AN ALPHA."-Hanji

Hanji shook her head in disappointment before she turned towards the stairs.

"I hope you fix this or else I'm finding Eren and leaving with him."-Hanji

Before walking up the stairs and into her shared bedroom with her mate.

Levi stood there before falling against the soft sofa as he covered his eyes with his arm.

"I'll bring him back."-Levi

Unbeknownst to him though, outside stood Zeke with a dripping wet Eren in his arms as Zeke's coat covered Eren's wet body.

Hey there.
This story is getting pretty bad lol.
In case you're wondering if I'm fine.
No thank you,next.

No thank you,next

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