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Dear Jean,

            I've got a chance to change our relationship and I'm not going to waste it.


Walking into his home, Jean had found Eren sitting on his couch with his head down and slightly tense.

'Who wouldn't be tense in their bully's home dumbass.'

Jean grimaced at the thought of being Eren's bully but now that Eren wasn't apart of his pack anymore, Jean could treat Eren the way he actually wants to without having to be stripped of his soon to be alpha position.

At one point you have to hate what you do but you also have to be grateful for the opportunities that different choices gives you.

But unfortunately for me, I'm going to have to start by apologising and shit.


Now that Eren is here and the chance of a lifetime is here, I can't open my mouth to say what I really want to say.

Be a man and say sorry.


But it won't come out.

Just breathe and everything will be okay.

Remember Jean apart from Marco being an angel Eren too is an angel.

Ok. I've got this.

"Hey Jaeger, about what happened before—what happened?"


Eren raised his head at the question.

"You mean me calling and coming over huh..." Eren's voice barely audible.

Eren sighed before he looked at his hands and started playing with them.

Jean noticed and stared at his hands, remembering their times as kids where Eren would fidget when uncomfortable or just head on blow up at the person for prying into his matters.

Jean snapped out of his nostalgic thoughts when Eren started to speak.

"I kind of left Levi because I found out something I didn't like and also because he...cheated on me."-said a depressed Eren.

Jean stood there with his mouth open at the news.

"But you guys just became mates...why'd he cheat on you?"-said an astounded Jean

Eren shrugged his shoulders at the question before wiping at the involuntary tears appearing and threatening to drip.

Jean couldn't help but feel guilty.

If he hadn't have been an asshole from the beginning maybe he would have had the chance to bite Eren and make him his mate instead of Levi.

After gathering his courage he sat on the couch in front of Eren before leaning his back on it, relaxing before he exhaled loudly which caught Eren's attention.

"Hey Eren, i know you probably wouldn't want to hear it but I'm sorry for everything I've done after the pack found out you were a Omega."-said Jean with guilt and remorse written on his face and voice.

Eren gaped at Jean before he looked down still wiping his tears.

Hearing no response, Jean stood up and stretched before going to the stairs.

"There's a spare room at the end of th—

Jean was cut off when he felt something push onto his back and arms wrapped around him along with his back slowly getting wetter and wetter.

"I don't know why you did it but thank you for apologising Jean."-said Eren's muffled voice.

Jean stood there unmoving before he released a sigh of relief, turning around he too wrapped his arms around Eren's shaking frame before telling him the reason as to why he bullied Eren for so long.

Eren listened intently while tears were still flowing.

"I guess my parents really hated me because of the fact that I was a omega."-After a moment of silence came Eren's muffled voice.

Jean tightened his hold on Eren before whispering his apology again.

Eren shook his head before moving his head back and stared at Jean with his teary eyes with a slight grin.

"I'm actually pretty happy you apologised."

Jean scoffed before he pushed Eren away with his hand.

"Don't expect anything else from me Jaeger."-came Jean's reply.

But Eren saw the tiny curve at the end of Jean's lip.

'A tsundere.'-he thought

Eren smiled before shaking his head.

"Of course."

Jean stared at Eren smiling to himself before he felt the tips of his ears heating up.

"Goddammit Jaeger. Don't laugh at me."-Jean Said with a hint of embarrassment to his voice.

"Wouldn't dream of it horseface."-said Eren with amusement laced in his voice.

They both enjoyed the time they had before Jean asked a question he should've waited until the next day to ask.

Because as he asked the question, Eren's whole demeanour changed and went from happy to depressed and murderous in a second.

"Do you plan on going back to Levi?"

Eren's face darkened as he stared down at the floor with his hands behind his back while Jean towered over Eren.

"Me and him...need time apart for now..."-came Eren's reply doused in sadness.

Jean couldn't help but feel guilty.

Jean felt guilty for actually hoping that they don't get back together.

Hey there...
I finished high school...kind of
But yeah starting from now I have no school and will have to prepare for the public exams but we all know I'm not going to study lol.
So now I've got time to work on this.

So now I've got time to work on this

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Hallelujah lol.
Can I get an amen for surviving high school lol.

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