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Dear Levi,

I wonder why I feel strange.


Eren fainted.

He fainted.

Multiple footsteps were heard and before I knew it Hanji had carried Eren to our bedroom.

I stood there thinking about what's going on before i heard Petra coming over to me.

"Aren't you going to see Eren?"-Petra

"I will."

And with that I went upstairs.

Hanji told everyone else to leave while she does her so called magic before anyone can come into our bedroom.

I walked into Eren and I's bedroom and locked the door before standing besides my mate on our bed.

Hanji looked very serious as if Eren's life was in danger but soon she sighed and stood up before glaring at the floor.

"He's fine. It's just fatigue."-Hanji

I nodded at her and she left without looking at me.

I went into the bed and laid down next to my mate Eren as his calming breaths lulled me to sleep like a child's lullaby.

The next day I woke up with Eren gone.

I sat up and looked around the room and found nothing.

I walked down to the kitchen and found everyone there except for Eren and Hanji.

"Where's Eren and Hanji?"

Everyone stopped their chatting and looked at me before telling me that Eren wanted to see someone and brought Hanji along.

Tch damned brat.

I nodded before taking my breakfast and going back to my room to prepare for my daily routine during the weekends and that my friend means paperwork.

I ate my breakfast while I did my paperwork before I heard someone greeting both Eren and Hanji back.

I looked at the clock and put the sky.

5:49 pm

Damned brat was gone for the whole day.

I stood up and walked downstairs and saw my Eren talking with Hanji who was smiling lightly at whatever Eren was saying.

I walked over to Eren and wrapped my arms around his waist before putting my face between his shoulder and neck.

Hanji's smile disappeared at seeing me before she looked down at the floor, Eren turned around quickly to stare at me.

"You scared me..."-Eren


Eren nodded before he gave me a small smile that seemed forced but nothing should be bothering him so I'll leave that alone.

He left saying he was going to take a shower leaving me with Hanji alone in the living room.

"Oi shitty glasses, where'd you and Eren go?"

She glared at me slightly before sighing.

"He went to see his father and mother."-Hanji


"You heard me didn't you? Father mother."-Hanji

I growled.

"Don't talk to me like that. Don't sass me."

Hanji stared at me before walking away but I wasn't done yet.
I grabbed her wrist and pulled her back.

"What did you do there."

"Eren wanted some answers. That's all."-Hanji

I glared at her but she seemed unfazed.

"Look, if you want to know then find out for yourself. I'm in no position to tell you anything because it's Eren's privacy."-Hanji

With that she yanked her wrist out of my grip and walked away to her and her mate Mike's room.

I was growling at the disrespect Hanji has given me, I guess the growling woke Eren up though.

Eren sat up slowly while I was trying to calm myself down but it proved to be useless as I kept growling and releasing angry pheromones in the room.

Eren whimpered and that made me look at Eren only to see him shaking from my pheromones.




I don't know anymore.

I walked over to Eren scooping him up into my arms trying to calm him down but the action made him whine.

"What happened?"

Eren whimpered before telling me that I was hurting him.

"You were hugging me too tight."-Eren

I chuckled before getting in bed next to Eren.
After some comfortable silence I decided to ask.

"Where'd you go Eren?"

"...I went to see my father..."-Eren

"...Excuse me? You went to see your father who abused you without me?"

"You were sleeping and I went with Hanji."-Eren

I growled.

"You thought you could just leave without telling me?!"

Eren whimpered making me feel bad but when I tried to hug him he flinched back.

"I thought you needed the rest after fucking a bitch in heat."-Eren

My eyes widened before I glared at Eren.

"What the hell are you talking about? Me fucking someone? Who do you think I'd fuck?"

Eren stared straight into my eyes and I saw the hurt and doubt in his eyes, with that i knew that he had seen right through my lie.

And I knew that I would regret doing what I did.

So...very sucky chapter lol.
I know don't judge me.
I kind of wanted less drama? But this happened I guess?
I'll make it better the next chap, promise.

I kind of wanted less drama? But this happened I guess?I'll make it better the next chap, promise

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