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Dear Eren,
          Why is this happening to me?
                                             For me and only me

I looked out the window as I sat on the couch alone at 3:47 am with everyone else sleeping in their rooms.

Why am I alone you ask?

Well, Levi is out patrolling apparently because Erwin kept on teasing Levi saying how Levi forgot to do all his work and was too occupied with deflowering me.

I, Of course blushed but I didn't take it too seriously.

Back to me alone on the couch in the living room.

As I sat down alone sipping some hot chocolate, I heard this tiny tap behind me.

'I'm imagining things. There's no one there.'

I closed my eyes and tried to ignore it until it got a little bit more violent.

'Ok Eren, Deep breaths.'

I breathed in deeply before walking towards the kitchen window.

'This better be Levi or I swear to god I'll pee myself.'

As I got closer to the window I saw a finger at the sides sticking out and I prepared for the worse.

As I neared the window the finger disappeared and was replaced with two piercing red eyes that looked into my soul.

I stood frozen as the vampire smiled showing off his pair of sharp teeth.

He signalled for me to lift up the window but all I did was stared wide eyed at the newcomer.

Why would he show himself to me and how did he come unnoticed?

I stared at his face to see if he was familiar to me or related to me in any way but I've never seen him in my life before.

I was snapped out of my thoughts when he tapped the glass a bit louder while staring at me confusedly.

I stared back with a frown before slowly moving backwards.

'Levi! I need you!'



The vampire rolled his eyes at me before a new voice popped into my head.

'They can't hear you. Also can you lift up the damn window before I break it?'

I stared horrified thinking of what would happen when he broke in.

There's two choices but I'd still get caught!

One:Run upstairs but he breaks the window and catches you before you have the chance to even WAKE anyone up!

Two:He breaks the window and kidnaps or kills me.

I inhaled sharply before going over to the window and lifting it up before taking a few steps back.

The vampire thanked me before he leaned onto the window.

"Look, I'm not going in but I am here to tell you something. My name is Zeke, nice to meet you half brother."

I stared at him as if he were crazy.

"Don't believe me I presume?"-Zeke

I shook my head.

"Of course. Well, to put things simply I am your half brother. Your father Grisha is also my father, we're brothers from another mother."-Zeke

"What are you talking about..."

"Ah! I see you have a soft voice, just like your mother I'm guessing?"

I glared hard at him before baring my own fangs at him.

"We do not speak of my mother or my father but since you're my apparent half brother then please hurry up before I lose my patience."

He sighed before he continued.

"Well Eren, our father cheated on my mother and disappeared to live with your mother Carla. Unfortunately my mother is very ill and I have control over the vampires but I would like for you to know, your father and why you're a...target of vampires."-Zeke

"My father cheated on your mother and ran to my mother?"

Zeke nodded.

"But no worries, my mother has someone else to love her. They even conceived a child, my sister that was killed by your mate."-Zeke

My eyes widened at that.

'I knew he was hiding something!'

"The reason for his killing my sister was because he wanted power. Eren, he uses people for his own benefits. And I'm here to warn you since I have been looking after you since you were merely just an infant."-Zeke

I stared at him to see if he was lying but sadly, he was telling the truth.

I nodded slowly.

"Eren, I want you to be careful. Levi is a dangerous man and he will go to any extent to get the power he wants."-Zeke

I nodded but still had doubts about Zeke and the whole situation itself.

Zeke stared at me before smiling lightly.

"I never thought I'd get to speak to another sibling after my sister. Take care Eren, Levi is coming back."-Zeke

I nodded again since it was the only thing I could do.

"See you around Eren."-Zeke

And with that he disappeared into the woods like he never came.

I closed the window before going back to the couch and my now cold chocolate.

'I need to go back and ask my father.'

The front door opened to reveal my mate walking in.

I stood up pretending I never had the conversation with Zeke, my brother.

Levi saw me and smiled before he leaned down slightly allowing me to hug him and for him to nuzzle into my neck.

"Let's cook breakfast."-Levi

I nodded before following him into the kitchen, while behind him I noticed scratch marks on his back and a different scent.

'A female bitch.'-Titan

My eyes widened before they went back to their normal size as the conversation with Zeke popped into my head.

'Do you think he's telling the truth Titan?'

'Have you ever been wrong with that talent of yours?'


'Then he's telling the truth.'

I felt my whole being losing its power as i fainted with Levi and Zeke in the back of my mind.

Hallo everybody!
Sorry for the kinda long update.
I had pre-mocks and I'm annoyed lol.
I just finished one subject today and my hands got sweaty with the damn essay and the damned weakass AC!

Hope y'all enjoyed and I'm making Zeke a good guy!

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