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Dear Eren,
Should I trust people?
Should I even trust my mate?
For me and only me,

As I opened my eyes.
I was amazed to see people with smiles on their faces as they welcomed me.
I looked at them hesitantly before smiling shyly at them while saying my thanks.

Soon a brunette with glasses came running over to me holding my face in her hands as she stared at me smiling like how a crazy person would.

"Tch. No Hanji and hands off my property."-Levi
"Aww you're no fun!"-Hanji

The crazy lady let go of my face as she pouted and stood next to a girl with strawberry blonde hair as she smiled at me gently.

"Sorry about Hanji here but my names Petra and welcome to our pack Eren."-Petra

I nodded slowly before moving back to hide behind Levi as a man started coming over and started sniffing me.

Levi noticed my discomfort and told the man to back off.
I whispered my thanks as I continued to hold onto his shirt.

"Don't freak him out with your sniffing addiction."-Levi
{ Get the joke? ;) no? Alright then. }

"Sorry alpha but his scent is...different."-Miche

"Tch. Don't go stealing him away."-Levi

Levi looked behind him when he felt a little tug on his sleeve.

Eren looked up as Levi looked down,Eren smiled slightly before Levi leaned down to kiss Eren's forehead.

Everyone cooed at the sight of their usually cold alpha being soft towards his mate.


Hanji stood there with blood dripping down her nose as she smiled and laughed a creepy laugh.

Having the moment ruined,Levi glared at everyone before carrying Eren in his arms and walked into his room.

Cross his and make it to their room.

Levi carried Eren like how a mother would to her child and enjoyed the scent of Eren.

Eren enjoyed the comforting scent of his alpha and the sense of security Levi gave to him that his parents failed to give to him.

Eren hopes that this is what the future will give to him.




The three things Eren ever wanted from his family and packmates.

Of course let's not forget her step sister Mikasa and his best friend Armin.


Eren's eyes widened as he remembered his sister Mikasa and Armin.

Eren looked at Levi before sitting up.

"Levi...where's Mikasa? Is Armin ok?"-Eren

"Who's Mikasa?"-Levi

Eren looked at Levi shocked that he didn't know who his sister and best friend was but then again it was Eren who couldn't introduce them.

Levi shrugged at Eren before pulling Eren down with him on the bed.

"We'll see them tomorrow yeah? Don't forget we've got school."-Levi

Eren nodded before wrapping his arms around Levi's torso and soon they both fell asleep surrounded with each other's comforting scent.

                             Le next day

Levi woke up first being the insomniac he is and stared at his mates face as Eren's calm and slow breathing calmed Levi.

Levi looked over at his phone to check the time.

"5:30 huh...it's the most sleep I've ever gotten."-Levi

Levi then noticed that Erwin had sent him a text making the alpha confused.

He stared at Eren's face before sighing in content as he caresses his lovers face.

Eren stirred in his sleep before slowly opening his teal eyes and looking up at Levi.

"What time is it?" Eren whispered

"5:32 am...it's too early so go back to sleep."-Levi

Eren shook his head

"I'm fine...can I use your kitchen?"

"Hm? Why?"-Levi

"So I can cook breakfast?"-Eren

Eren sat up and stood up before stretching his body.

"If you want to use it then of course you can but you need to cook me food too."-Levi

Eren smiled before turning around and looking at Levi.

"Of course. It's the least I can do when you took me away from my parents."

Levi looked at Eren as the sun light started shining through their curtains.

Levi couldn't help but think that Eren looked like a tanned god in front of him but he wouldn't admit that.

They both headed down to the kitchen with Levi leading the way,once they arrived Eren went straight to work and made pancakes.

"Where did you learn to cook?"-Levi

"At home. Of course when my parents weren't home,I used to cook for Mikasa and myself because my parents didn't cook for us sometimes."

While making the pancake batter,Eren started thinking of his childhood.

The way his parents treated him.
The way they talked about him.
Just him in general.

Mikasa,his sister,was the only one who cared for him inside that house but being an alpha she was more treasured.

Armin,my best-friend,maybe the only other person who cares for me outside of that house was my childhood friend.

They both mean the world to me since they were the only support I have and I'd like to thank them for always staying by my side even knowing I was an omega.

I smiled just thinking about them.

"What you smiling about brat?"-Levi

I looked over at Levi seeing him with his usual frown.

"I was thinking about Mikasa and Armin."

He nodded and soon I gave him a plate of pancakes.

"Hope you like it."

I smiled at him before putting some on my own plate and together we ate our pancakes.

After eating it was time to prepare for school.

And let me just say that I am scared.

Especially since Levi's frown is getting scarier.

I patted his back softly making him look at me with a frown but soon the frown disappeared and was replaced with a soft and playful glare towards me.

"Tch. Stop worrying over school."-Levi

I nodded my head and put our plates in the sink and soon we went to prepare.

On the way to school

As me and Levi were walking,students from our school stared at us making me self conscious of myself.

Levi noticed my discomfort before he took my hand and intertwined our fingers.

I looked at him while he looked ahead but I could see the tiniest blush on his face.

I smiled before giggling quietly.

We arrived in school and let's just say that I wasn't prepared for what happened.

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