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Dear Eren,
           Ive been caught up in these feelings that I've had for you since we were all mere children.
                                                    Yours sincerely,

*ring ring rin-*

"Hello? Who's this?"

"Hey...uhm it's Eren..."-said a nervous Eren.

"...the fuck do you want?"

"...I need help..."-Eren said confidence depleting

"Hah? The fuck would I help you lol?"

"...I need a place to stay until tomorrow...please just help out an old friend?"

"...fine. You know where to go."

"Thank you so-"

Ah...he hung up on me.

I guess that was to be expected.

Opening my eyes, I found that the stars here in the forest were beautiful, clear and bright.

And in this situation.

The stars reminded me of the story I used to read in the library time and time again when I was younger, a story my mother would tell me before bed.

About how a lone wolf was abandoned by its pack leaving it to wander the forest alone.

I wonder what happened at the end?

I haven't read it in so long...I remember my mother would tell me about it but now it's become a part of my memory which had become painful to remember.

Snapping out of my thoughts, I gathered all the strength and confidence I had and walked towards Jean's apartment.

Luckily for me, Jean lives alone.

But at the same time, it's the worst thing I could have ever thought of.

I mean I can't go to Marco because he lives with his parents and lord knows his parents are angels just like Marco himself.

I can't bear to drag them into my problematic life knowing how my parents are...well...my parents.

Finding out I was an Omega, the only family that continued to treat me as an equal was Marco and his family.

The kind smiles and non-judging eyes directed my way made me feel normal with them, of course Jean had to ruin that for me.

Dropping my luggage and putting my hands to my hips, I leaned backwards looking up to the starry night sky and sighed loudly.


I honestly wonder what went wrong but I guess I wouldn't have it any other way.

Actually I should go now.

Nodding my head to myself I picked up my luggage and continued on my way to Earth's hell.

The end lol.

Why you still here?

Lol you thought. Not.


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