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Dear Eren,
               Is it bad that I have this feeling of fear running through me?

I woke up to a light and looked towards the nightstand where our clock is.


That's too damn early for me is what I thought but apparently not for Levi.

Why is it early for me?
I was used to sleepless nights back with my parents and Mikasa.

Though Mikasa doesn't know this, I would always clean my parents home at night because I felt eyes watching my every move even though no one was awake.

Honestly, it confused me so much.

I'm pretty damn sure no one except my family are the ones in there, but there's always this unsettling feeling in the back of my head every time I close my eyes.

This feeling of uneasiness, the feeling of being a prey to a predator at home.

It got to me so much that I would always close my curtains and always double check our already locked doors.

I stood up from the bed stretching, leaving my mate to continue his slumber.

'My butt hurts.'

I thought.

'Of course it hurts dummy, you just mated with Levi.'-Titan

I blushed from the memory before limping my way out of the room and into the kitchen to get a glass of water.

Titan here is my wolf, he's quiet most of the times but he's always there to diss me.

I sighed contently when I felt the cold tasteless liquid going down my throat.

I sat at the counter and continued to drink slowly while having goosebumps.

'It's this feeling again...'

I stopped drinking and listened for a sound, the wilderness was all I heard since we were out in a forest.

Thus I continued drinking the last of my water before a tap was heard somewhere across the room.

I stopped and looked around to spot any movement before the lights turned on revealing a disheveled Levi.

Another tap was heard but it wasn't from Levi.

I looked in the window in front of me to see a silhouette of a person staring right at me.


The first thing I noticed was the color red.

'Vampires? Here?'

That's impossible. I couldn't feel it's presence at all?

"What are you doing here at 4 in the morning?"-Levi

I snapped my attention back to Levi as he walked in front of me, but I ignored him as I looked out the window again.

'Where'd it go?'

"Oi brat, what happened?"-Levi

I looked at him as he stood in between my legs and wrapping his arms around my waist.

"It's nothing, I just thought I saw something outside."

Levi nodded slightly before he grabbed the cup I was holding and put it into the sink and coming back to me.

I looked on as he walked over to me and wrapped his arms around me again.

I nuzzled my face into his hair as he grabbed me from my butt and back up to our room.

Before going up the stairs though, i could've sworn I heard two taps on the window and two red eyes staring into my eyes as it soon disappeared.

'Does Levi not know either?'

When we arrived in our room, Levi put me on the bed before laying down next to me and looking at me.

"What's wrong brat?"-Levi
"I...I saw someone outside..."
"Is that what you were staring at?"-Levi

I nodded

"And you tell me this now?!"-Levi
"I thought I was dreaming?"
"Dream My ass! I'm going to check."-Levi
"Wait! Don't you find it weird?"
"What's weird?"-Levi
"The fact that even you didn't know there was someone outside!"

Levi stared at me for a moment before he too looked confused.

"Also I'm pretty sure that person is gone now."

Levi nodded slightly before he sat up.
I stared at him because there was nothing I could do.

"If that person comes back again then I might have to call Erwin or take care of this myself."-Levi

I nodded as I listened to Levi.

"Let's sleep...I don't think that person will show up after being caught anyways."

I said that but this feeling of uneasiness and fear is not leaving me at all.


Levi soon laid back next to me and wrapped his arms around me in a tight embrace.

"I'll protect you."-Levi
All I could do was nod at him.

As our eyes closed, I could've sworn I saw a shadow right over Levi.

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