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Dear Eren,

I'm back at square one and there's no way of progressing.


I was walking near the lake taking a stroll before deciding to go deeper into the forest, up ahead there was a large meadow filled with lilies.

Pure white lilies littered the meadow as a subtle wind blew around me and the flowers, lilies are such beautiful flowers.

They symbolise the innocence that has been restored to the soul of those who have perished from Earth.

The white lily represents sympathy.

I wonder why such flowers are here in the meadow?

As the time kept ticking I kept thinking, where is everyone else?

Just then a strong wind blew which made me cover my eyes to avoid dust from getting in.

As the wind kept blowing I felt a warm presence in front of me, I slowly but surely opened my eyes to find a woman standing in front of me.

"My my...how big you have grown since the last time I saw you."

A beautiful woman clad in white stood opposite of me.

She looked elegant with her black hair flowing behind her, she was ethereal.

She was glowing such a warm color that it made me feel welcomed wherever I am right now, her flowing hair made it look like she was a goddess of some sort.

A beautiful being indeed.

"Eren, you may not like me much but understand that there's a reason such things happen."

"...who are you?"-Eren

"...The one who created the society you despise."-Lupa

"Why...am I here then?"-Eren

"Confused I see...did this child of mine forgot that he is dying?"-Lupa

Lupa giggled slightly before bringing her hands behind her back and stepping towards Eren.

"I'm dying?"-Eren

Lupa nodded before stopping in front of Eren.

"Did you forget? You drowned yourself at the lake?"-Lupa

Eren slowly nodded having remembered it.

Lupa smiled before grabbing one of Eren's hand and guiding him through the meadow.

"You have a choice child. Live or come with me."-Lupa

"Where would we be going?"-Eren asked

Lupa stopped in front of a door that was a bright golden before turning to look at Eren.

"Back to Mother Nature of course."-Lupa

"I don't know..."-Eren

Sensing Eren's hesitance Lupa smiled

"How about a nap for now...come, let us return to the meadow."-Lupa

Going back Eren thought about what was happening before just going with the flow.

The walk back was strangely calming for Eren, having no idea what to talk about he resorted to daydreaming about what would happen if he chose one of the choices Lupa herself gave him.



Eren looked at her and saw that Lupa was smiling a bright smile, Eren stared at her before looking down at the ground.

The Cruel Life Of An OmegaWhere stories live. Discover now