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Dear Levi,

         As time continues to tick by, I feel as if I'm slowly losing hope of Eren coming back.

On a school day, Eren and Jean were seen walking together on their way to school. Both were timid and awkward but both enjoyed each other's company especially after everything that's happened to them, the awkwardness is normal for everyone. Having been bullied before and suddenly becoming acquaintances with Jean felt...surreal to Eren but he wasn't complaining about this situation and Jean felt the same way as they continued on the path to school.

As they got closer to the gates of their school however, both could see a very pale looking Levi standing by the sides of the gates. Looking for someone and glaring at those who're staring at him strangely, the more Jean and Eren stared the more tense they both felt. Standing in place, both parties stared at each other but the only difference between the two was the fact that one of them held an uncertain gaze while the other held a gaze of concern.

Eren sighed before holding onto the hem of Jean's hoodie and slipping behind him.

"Can I hide behind you?"-Eren said barely above a whisper while Jean nodded at Eren hesitantly.

"I don't think you'll be able to pass him without being seen..."-Jean spoke with uncertainty laced in his voice.

Eren didn't care and told Jean that he didn't want to be alone with Levi especially since their fight with each other. Jean hesitantly nodded again before slowly making their way into their school, Eren stood close behind Jean clutching onto the back of Jean's hoodie while keeping his head down praying to the gods that Levi would take a hint.

But as they both made their way closer, Jean's tensed person saw Levi sniff the air a few times before a glare was placed onto his features as he looked over at Jean. A growl left Levi's lips and Jean could see Levi's teeth showing as he growled. Luckily for them though, Hanji walked over and saw the situation before looking at Eren who was avoiding contact with anyone before Hanji pulled Levi away and bowed slightly towards both Jean and Eren, though Eren couldn't see what was going on he could smell both Hanji and Levi's scent lingering in the air.

As Levi tried to push Hanji off, Jean could see Hanji whispering something into Levi's ears making his whole body go limp and Jean swore he could hear a slight whine escape the supposed heartless alpha. Jean tensed again when Levi looked over towards them more specifically Eren before growling and leaving them behind.

Hanji sighed loudly while shaking her head before looking over towards Jean again, she grinned and sent a thumbs up before shouting at Jean to take care of Eren in her place making Eren who was waiting for Levi to leave smile and scoff lightly shaking his head behind Jean's taller frame.
Nodding, Jean grinned back hesitantly before sending a unconfident thumbs up back at Hanji making Hanji cackle loudly before she was seen skipping into school.

Sighing in relief, Jean looked back at Eren seeing the tiny hint of a smile on his face before wrapping his arm around Eren's shoulders.

"Remind me to bring a first aid kit next time we see Levi."-Jean said jokingly trying to lighten up the awkward and tense atmosphere making Eren laugh slightly punching Jean's ribs weakly.

"As if a first aid kit will do you any good."-Eren teased making both of them laugh at each other lightening up the tension surrounding them just a mere few seconds ago.

Walking into school, both could already tell that they were late as the usually full of life hallways were empty along with the classroom doors being shut. Scoffing Jean tched before making way to his locker while Eren did the same.

Blinking, Eren stood staring blankly at the maroon coloured envelope wrapped delicately by a black ribbon. Slowly but surely he picked it up staring before getting snapped out of his trance by the sound of a locker slamming shut.
Looking to his left a few lockers over he could see Jean making his way over to him and that snapped Eren back into reality, moving quickly Eren gently put the envelope into his bag before taking his books for his next class deciding to skip the first class.

Standing in front of him was Jean who was smirking cockily with his arms crossed and his books lazily stuffed into his still open bag.

"Oya? It's rare to see you skipping a class."-Jean said in a playful manner making Eren scoff back with the same playful tone laced in his voice before replying.

"Pfft. It's rare to see YOU going to class."-Eren said sticking his tongue out at Jean before walking over to the stairs.

"So? Where ya goin Jaeger?"-Jean said jogging slightly to catch up with his favourite omega.

"The roof? It's peaceful up there."-Eren said in a slight daze walking up the stairs with Jean in tow.

"What made you skip class Jaeger?"-Jean asked with curiosity lacing his voice, when he saw Eren staring blankly at his locker at the beginning Jean already felt something off about what Eren got from the locker of his.

Eren stopped turning around shrugging.

"Just felt like it."-Eren replied with a cheeky grin on his face.

Jean shook his head slightly before turning back and going to his class.

"Well...if there's anything you need. I'm on the second floor."-Jean said with his back still facing Eren before waving his hand upon the air.

Eren scoffed yet again before continuing his way up to the rooftops with the letter now in his hand.

Eren scoffed yet again before continuing his way up to the rooftops with the letter now in his hand

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I'm so anxious my dudes.
Remember kids, study hard.
Also sorry for not posting this...during June?

during June?

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 08, 2019 ⏰

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