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Dear Eren,

          I wonder what type of bad thing will happen to me this time?


As the intruder in my ex-alpha's home, I don't know what's what and where's where.
I didn't know the layout of this place but even though Jean lives alone, his house felt very cosy and warm, as if a whole family lived here.

Speaking of family.

'I wonder how Marco and his family are doing?'

Jean interrupted my thoughts as he pointed out the way to the spare room in his home.

Nodding, I grabbed my bag and made my way up the set of stairs and walking to the end of the hall where the spare room is.

Walking behind Eren with his arms crossed, Jean scoffed a little before shaking his head and smiling at the thought of him and Eren being "okay", he knew he'd have to make up for bullying Eren but he was slightly relieved to know that they could talk normally without Eren having to be afraid.

"If you need me scream horseface like you always did during our childhoods days."-said Jean who opened the door to his room and disappearing into it.

Eren too scoffed and smiled before opening and entering into the spare room Jean[Horseface] had given to him temporarily.

Upon entering Eren noticed that in front of his window, a huge tree sat there along with a pair of red glowing eyes that were glinting in mischief and a huge grin that adorned the face of his brother.


His brother is here.


Opening his window and allowing his brother to come in, Eren stared on curiously.

"What are you doing here?"-asked Eren

Zeke scoffed before he flicked Eren's forehead before mentioning the fact that Eren was supposed to wait for Zeke and his new apartment.

Confused at first, Eren tilted his head thinking before a look of realisation dawned on his features.

"Right."-Said Eren while scratching his cheek.

Zeke rolled his eyes at his younger brother before he couldn't help but grin back slightly.

"I'm guessing you found a place to stay for the time being~"-Zeke said with a teasing tone and a slight grin making Eren roll his eyes and smile.

"Obviously."-Eren replied with a grin of his own.

"Then...do you still want that apartment? Or are you finding a new mate? Hm?"-Zeke said with mischief glinting in his eyes as he eyed the way his brother scoffed playfully.

"I'm only staying here cuz I was waiting for your dumbass to hurry up."-With a cheeky grin Eren crossed his arms.

"Haha well then good news for you~ I found a place conveniently near this kids home."-Zeke said with a playful tone before handing over the keys to Eren's new apartment.

Eren stared at the keys on the palm of his hands before gripping on to them tightly, Eren now had a place to stay thus he could start cleaning up his mess of a brain.

Time for himself and most importantly time away from Levi, like some people say.

"Time is important but it's not infinite."
[yeah uhm I made that up lol, i don't know if it's actually a saying or a quote so don't bash me when it exists.]

Eren has to collect his thoughts and also let Levi think for himself, he had been faithful to Levi and had been understanding but why was it that his kindness is repaid by infidelity and heartbreak.


Snapping out of his thoughts he turned his attention back to his brother, Zeke, who has been smiling with a glint of concern and mischief in his eyes.

Sighing loudly, Eren shook his head while smiling at his brothers face. Zeke soon sighed too, immediately dropping his facade and patted the bed so that Eren would sit down which he did.

"Don't think too much about Levi for now, try to fix yourself up before facing him yeah?"-Zeke said with concern laced in his voice as he wrapped his arm around Eren's shoulder.

Eren nodded before leaning his head on Zeke's shoulder, a good brother bonding moment for them and helps strengthen their relationship.
To feel what should have been a parents love was felt between the two brothers of different mothers, they both know that they only have each other to rely on.

They continued to hug as the rain started to pour leaving both brothers in the comforting and relaxing sounds of the rain.

There, Levi stood in the middle of his room with blood all over his body.

Yo waddup, been awhile lol.
Well this chap sucks but please, I'm trying to make this a one perspective thing?
Do Eren's pov then Levi and add a little of both Jean and Zeke.
It's pretty boring right? Yeah I know.
Also if there's mistakes, please tell me.
I was reading this to check for mistakes so that when I edit this I'll know but I just got confused and forgot where my mistakes were thus making me not edit at all Lolol.

I was reading this to check for mistakes so that when I edit this I'll know but I just got confused and forgot where my mistakes were thus making me not edit at all Lolol

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