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[Warning : A lot of the word fuck and it's short.]
We love a good sister fuck lol jk. I'm depressed bye.

Dear Eren,

Lord have mercy on my heart, I have been through enough haven't I ?

Regrettably for me,

I ran out of the house and into the forest.

'The farther I get the better' is what I thought.

I kept running until I stopped in front of a lake, the sun was setting leaving a cast of orange tinted with a little purple over the lake.

Such a beautiful day yet it's such a terrible day for me.

I wonder what I did in my past life for me to suffer through so much pain.

I wonder...

Why me?

Did I kill someone in the past?

Did I commit a sin for me to be punished?

I wonder.

My thoughts drifted back to Levi as the cruel reality set in yet again.

Tears involuntarily started flowing down my cheeks like a waterfall as I couldn't control my trembling body.

I felt half my soul being ripped apart and my heart being squished by an invisible force.

The kind of pain you get when you read angst or maybe when your parents don't love you as much as they do with your adoptive sister.

I wonder why such a cruel thing happens to me of all people in the world?

But then again, I don't want anyone else to suffer this pain.

I got cheated on by my mate.

It leaves such a sour taste in my tongue whenever I say that.

Such a bitter feeling.

Why do people go through all the trouble of mating with you then cheat on you?

That I will never understand nor do I want to know.

I sighed loudly before smiling sadly towards the lake.

Should I?

Maybe I should.

With that I stood up and walked forwards.

I didn't know I was clenching my shirt so hard that I poked a hole through it and managed to injure my palm.






I sighed irritably before sitting down and putting my head in my hands.

This is so stupid.

I'm so stupid.

Just when everything starts to go up it goes back down and bites my fucking ass.


I feel so empty.


I sighed lowly before groaning loudly and standing up.

I'm doing it.

With that thought in mind I ran towards my destiny.

The lake looks beautiful at this time.

It also gets colder at night after the sun sets meaning if I jump in I'll...


As I neared the lake I could see my own reflection in it.

A sad sight indeed.

Eye bags were staring to show and I looked more...tired.

Less energetic.

Dare I say I looked better before this happened.

Oh how I wish it was just a sad reality.

Oh how I wish this was a dream.

Oh how I wish...

I had never been born.

I stopped here.
It's short I know,
But it's what I was aiming for.
The next chapter is gonna be longer than this shit, I promise.
At first I thought I would just write one chap and be done BUT!
I changed my mind and decided to make it two parts.
So sorry lol.

So sorry lol

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