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Inoue had found Chrome and practised with her for a little while until she noticed Chrome looking a little sick, so she told the girl to take some time off and rest...Then the majority of her teaching came from Hibari, which was extremely lax and barely got her anywhere other than making illusions that could fool a normal person... that was actually pretty good considering. With her ring animal, they were even more strengthened.

Not that she was ever going to fight, Hibari would make sure of that.

"Didn't Reborn ask you for a favour a couple days ago? When you had hives..." She remembered that, he was irritated and easily agitated, she tried taking care of him but he continued to escape and beat people up...

"Hm? I'm not crowding with that group of herbivores again." He scowled, just the thought of it was putting a damper on his mood. Inoue sipped her tea as she practised her illusions, mainly making cute little animals and different flowers, she wasn't getting any help from her bunny either.

A yellow bird, not Hibird, landed in her hair, that was down again, seems like the little one didn't like her braid.

"Mei." She muttered, feeling the small bird getting comfortable.

"Mei? That me*?" Hibari questioned, "Isn't your rabbit called Mimi*?" She could see the amusement in his eyes, it wasn't very amusing to her though. It wasn't her fault it happened to fit nicely.

(*First, 'me' in Mei, 'me' means eyes in Japanese, it's also a pun on Mai's name... it fit although it's a stupid pun since the name would be in katakana and me could mean anything but because the actual reason she named it Mei was because of 'eyes' it's fine I guess...
*Second, 'mimi', means ear in Japanese... bunnies have big ears and so, Mimi. Basically he's making fun of her for naming her 'pets' after body parts........ ah who cares.)

"Roll's name doesn't make sense, mine do." Inoue shot back like an immature five year old, she was making fun of names now? Although she had a point.

"Are you seriously bringing that up." Hibari deadpanned, casually drinking his tea with chopsticks in his hands, Inoue's homemade bento in front of him.

Before she could reply, the author has to clarify that, yes, they're at school on a Sunday.

Dino stormed in shouting "KYOYA!"

Which had Hibari's good mood dive down into the low negatives. "What, do you want to be bitten to death?" Hibari glared at the blonde Italian man, brandishing his tonfa and ready to jump over the desk at any moment.

"You are gonna join Reborn's team for the battle right?" Dino smiled, he seemed pretty, no, too optimistic about it. Inoue doubted he'd have any interest if he doesn't get anything out of it except hives.

"Why should I?" While Hibari frowned, annoyed at the annoying company, Dino was all grins and sunshine.

"We'll get to fight together! There's other strong people you can fight too!" Inoue knew that whatever Dino said was in vain, since Hibari could just go and start a fight with them anyway...

When Hibari didn't reply, Dino smiled, "Can't you at least tell me if you're thinking about it."

Inoue could tell him that much.

"I'll tell you when they start." After Hibari had glared sharp red hot daggers at Dino, the man finally left. Inoue let out a sigh and began to practice her illusions again, since Dino bursting in distracted her.

"You aren't planning on joining them, are you?" Inoue murmured, seeing Hibari take a seat again and begin eating. He'd answered her question earlier, basically, he wasn't going to crowd with herbivores. He didn't answer her, but the frown stayed on his face.

She just smiled at his attitude, before resuming with her work. This time, mentally. Chrome had told her something about a person and their own mental dimension and stuff so... She may as well try it out while she's got nothing to do.

While she was in her own personal world, time passed fairly quickly, before she knew it, she was pulled out of her dreams by a weight on her lap. Looking down, a blush steadily rising up onto her cheeks, she saw Hibari's head on her legs, his eyes closed as if he was sleeping. -Or trying to go to sleep at least.

A serene smile tugged on her lips and without restraint, she placed her hand on his black locks, slowly moving her fingers through his hair and brushing his fringe aside to place a small peck on his forehead.

Her lips had only just left his forehead when he'd leant up a little and planted a chaste kiss on her lips. He just dropped back down onto her lap with his eyes closed, casually, as if he hadn't just made her face explode into a dark shade of red.

So she distracted herself by playing with his hair, taking a break from her practise. Since it was beginning to get exhausting, consuming all those flames at once.

Unsure of how much time had passed, since she'd fallen asleep sometime too, she woke to see Hibari still snoozing in her lap. It was an adorable sight that she, only she, would be able to see.

Until something landed on the table without a sound yet still somehow waking Hibari up, he'd sat up a little with his tonfa in his hands, how he got those, she didn't know.

"You." He recognised the baby, Inoue did too, but only because he was like a 2 year old version of Hibari... She didn't know who it was.

"Hibari Kyoya, I assume you've heard of the upcoming representative battles?" The little Chinese looking baby spoke in a smooth and calming tone. "If you become the representative for my team, and win, I'll fight you in my uncursed form." Inoue was impressed, this baby did his research. She could feel Hibari smirking and felt herself sigh.

"I'll get to bite them all to death, right? There'd better not be a crowd already." Another strict condition to recruit Hibari, Inoue had already guessed the baby knew that and came without any other teammates.

"That's right. Right now, you're the only one I need and have on my team." The baby said, handing over a bulky looking watch to Hibari with a smile. Inoue noticed a different looking watch on the baby's wrist.

"That's great, Kyoya! Now you can fight all of the teams freely." Inoue smiled, seeing him look at her from the corner of his eye. Although the sentence contains an exclamation mark, it does not by any means, mean she is shouting, no, it's more of a loud whisper.

She wasn't going to lie, the excitement of watching his battles was already building up.

"I am Fon, the storm Arcobaleno." The baby, Fon, finally introduced himself, bowing to the pair.

"Inoue Mai, a pleasure to meet you." Inoue held her hand out for the baby to shake, and he did with a similar smile to Inoue's on his adorable little face.

She wasn't all that prepared for what would later happen... although it was really damn astonishing, so she didn't regret following him to that hotel.

Katekyou Hitman Reborn! - The Fate of Ai {Hibari Kyoya X OC}Where stories live. Discover now