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As expected, she was taken to the hospital that they all were admitted into. She actually arrived rather early, there were still some having surgery, but Hibari was just sleeping on the bed in his room, a blanket of Hibirds over him... 

Frankly, it was adorable. 

He'd been sleeping basically all day, she'd arrived just after his treatment, his injuries weren't that great when compared with the other people there -some of which probably should have died, but didn't. -Logic. Mai sat in with him the entire time, she never made a sound moving, being a nervous wreck and all, so it was completely fine with Hibari's sleeping habits. 

Some of the Hibirds swarmed around her, and everything that was in the room pretty much - but it was less suffocating than she expected. The apples she'd cut and peeled were sat on a plate by his bedside, a few missing, since he'd eaten a few in between naps. She did mundane stuff, read books, played silently with the unbelievable amount of Hibirds -how did they even get here? She didn't know. Well, Hibari went to the hospital for the littlest thing, except if school was on, so it was no surprise that the staff were all crazily 'loyal' to him... It was startling at first.

Because I have no ideas for prolonging this chapter, here's what she's wearing; A knee-length white frilly dress with a light pastel yellow collared T-shirt underneath, some lace designed white socks as well. Fairly plain, she was inside, no need for accessories or stupid stuff like that. 

It surprised Mai how much Hibari could sleep, she'd found out about his wounds, his shoulder and a few broken bones. From the sight of the bandages, she could tell it wasn't a shallow cut. It scared her slightly. 

She'd just about stood up when a burst of -flames? Shot past her, if she stepped back... For some reason she wasn't fearing for her life, instead wondering just what was going on. There had been a commotion nextdoor for the past few minutes, but she pegged it on unsavoury patients.

She couldn't have been more correct.

All of a sudden, there was a strong grip around her waist, tugging her forward and towards the hole in the wall. Hibari had his tonfa -where did they come from?- out and the bird were chirping loudly around them. She was secured in his left arm as he shot out his extending 'tonfa chain' thing, that broke through the opposite -still intact but not anymore- wall. Saying something along the lines of "I'll bite to death anyone that disturbs my sleep!" -His groggy voice was nice, Mai found. It wasn't often he spoke straight after waking up, but grumpy + tired... It was lovely. 

Tsuna was screaming, like usual, Mai could see the Varia and Byakuran gathered in the room already. It was going to be a maiming party soon... Now Mukuro- 

Speak of the devil. 

Hibari's weapon had cut through Mukuro's signature hairstyle, his expression was amusing, eyes shadowed and an uncharacteristic irritated -twitching- grin; his eerily calm voice was disturbing though. Nice to know, Mukuro could display such expressions. Hibari seemed to sense her thinking of that damned pineapple, so tightened his hold around her waist, ignoring everything the fruit said. Something about crushing his chocolate ice cream -which was there, melting over his hand. Mai'd be pretty mad if that happened too, though. 

It was manic... 

She could only laugh on the sidelines as they all tried to kill each other.

Hibari made sure no harm came her way, Mukuro was purposely not attacking or sending anything in her direction -despite her being with the stuck up prefect, he happened to like her- Byakuran as well, he felt a little bad for... killing her in the future, even if she told him she didn't mind. They were friends now too, so he wasn't going to try and harm her again, even on accident. Xanxus held nothing back, obviously. 

Afterwards, she helped them back into their rooms and tended to them all. Hibari tried monopolising her, but... another fight broke out, everyone wanted to be cared for by her... She didn't know why, she was neither a nurse nor experienced...

Was it the apples? Or something else? How complicated. 

Even more so than that, Hibari's demonic jealousy... 

Let's go back about 30 minutes ago, Mai was in Mukuro's and his gang's room. They weren't the most inviting people, she didn't expect much else, but Chikusa was nice, Chrome was there too. M.M hated her for some reason, and Ken really didn't care...


Well that was a tough one. 

When she'd first knocked, he seemed pretty 'happy' to see her, she could never read his smiles so it was impossible to tell. Mai wasn't sure when it was that they started to get along, their first proper meeting was at the beginning of the offense plan, since then, she'd only spoken to him once more. This, the third time now.

Yet, why is it that she's sat on his lap, feeding him various chopped fruits? She was planning on sitting across the room after giving him the bowl, but no, he dragged her onto his legs and held her so she couldn't get up even if she wanted to. M.M seemed to want to murder her twenty times. Then she was coerced into feeding him, being the jittery person she is, she flusteredly agreed to his selfish request; since, it wasn't everyday an attractive man dragged you on top of him, right? Is that just her?

Regardless, she was kept prisoner there for a while until Hibari barged in, kicking the door off it's hinges. More bills to pay. Livid is far too weak a word to describe how he felt right then, seeing his number one hated person, holding his number one liked person; he even had the gall to make her hand feed him. She hadn't done that for him, unacceptable. 


"Kufufu~." At least Mukuro seemed amused, getting even closer to her, wrapping his arms further around her small waist, and resting his head beside hers, on her shoulder. -And the tonfa were out, problem was, he couldn't attack with the risk of hitting Mai. "You can't keep her all to yourself." 

Mai was overheating at this point. She could feel his face right next to hers, his hair was brushing against her cheek!? Did he want her to pass out or something? She wasn't good with contact, unless she knows and has been with the person for a while. Sure, she liked Mukuro, but... not this much!! 

Then he had to move his face closer to hers, now, their cheeks were touching. No doubt, he could feel the scorching heat of hers. "Hm? You're rather warm." He was definitely teasing her, although by this point, she couldn't even see if he was smiling or smirking; he'd lifted a hand and moved her face so it was directed at his, like she usually found, she couldn't seem to look away from his eyes. Perhaps it was just eyes in general, she loved Hibari's eyes and they always made her want to stare into them; with Mukuro, it was the peculiarity of his eyes, the gorgeous crimson right eye and the contrasting blue left eye. 

Ah... did he know her weakness was eyes?

Forget about eyes, he was too close!! 

She could only gape, until Hibari's tonfa flew in between them, forget about harming her, he wouldn't do that with or without control, he wasn't going to let this bastard illusionist taint his girlfriend. 

"I'll bite you to death!" 

He sounded more serious than ever, angrier than ever. There aren't words severe enough to describe it. Even so, Mukuro got out with only the smallest bruises and lacerations. Hibari too, the fight probably losing it's purpose 5 minutes in. 

She left with Chrome, who educated her on Mukuro. Although Chrome seemed to be hiding something, she seemed rather happy, blushing for some reason, but content nevertheless.

im sorry for the late upload ive been busy and bored and i forgot. ive given up proofreading and editing by this point so i have no clue what this chapter is about. 

i know that mukuro was being touchy thats about it

i cant help it i love mukuro as much as hibari.

Katekyou Hitman Reborn! - The Fate of Ai {Hibari Kyoya X OC}Where stories live. Discover now