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When she came into the reception office the next day, a certain profile caught her attention.

"K-Kyoya...?" She was a little hesitant to tell him, although he'd probably already found out. His mood didn't seem to be that irritated and sour, so Inoue could only guess Kusakabe hadn't told him. When he looked at her, urging her to continue, she twitched a little before saying, "Did you know that Dino-san-" His attention was completely drawn to her when she said that name, the glare wasn't all that appreciated, "-Has been hired as an English teacher?"

That was his nice mood down the drain. She doubted anything could calm the scowl on his face now. "...Would you like some tea..?"

He huffed; she made tea.

As she placed the ceramic cup down on his desk, she lingered a while before asking, "Are you planning on fighting Dino-san tonight then?"

He grabbed the cup and brought it towards his lips, but before taking a sip, he merely answered her with, "If he doesn't run away."

She smiled, "I'm sure he won't."

Then her phone rang, it wasn't the school anthem, that was only Hibari's contact, it was a light chirpy tune. Seeing that Hibari had no problem with picking it up, after he'd dragged her onto his lap so he could eavesdrop, she answered the call.

"Hello?" She didn't check the contact because of the rush, what a mistake she made.

"Mai!!" It was Dino. She froze up immediately, feeling the cold aura ooze out of Hibari, who's expression wasn't visible to her.

"D-Dino-san...? Now's a.. b-bad-" She stuttered, being cut off by the blissfully unaware Italian.

"I heard you were hospitalised for a while!? Tsuna said you even had a wheelchair! Are you alright!? Kyoya's taking care of you, right?" He practically shouted through the phone so that anyone nearby could hear. Inoue was beginning to get fidgety as Hibari's mood began to materialise into an enraged black flame.

"Y-Yes I'm fine... K-Kyoya to-" She was a little embarrassed by her squeaky voice, so much so that she didn't realise Hibari had stolen the phone off of her until she heard him speak.

"How did you get this number..." He basically growled out, Inoue could feel Dino tense up on the other side of the line.


"Of course I'm taking care of her, and if you call again, I'll be sure to bite you to death." Although Inoue was pretty happy for her significant other's 'protectiveness', but it still sent a shiver down her spine, the cold way in which he spoke.

She knew how the relationship between Hibari and Dino was, beat and be beaten/be on constant defense. Ever since Dino had proclaimed himself as Hibari's tutor, that is. Well Hibari wasn't the nicest or best student either, she remembers Dino telling her that Hibari had even threatened to throw the ring away unless he fought. She could only laugh.

Unlike Hibari, she actually had a pretty good relationship with Dino, she'd bonded a little with Romario when the two were in constant heated brawls. He was vital if Dino was to be at his best, Inoue just liked watching the fight.

Romario was just a friend to talk to, since it got pretty boring just standing there when the fight hit a stalemate.

Hibari didn't leave the Haneuma any time for a rebuke as he hung up the call and stared at Inoue, who tried her hardest to ignore the sharp gaze on the back of her head.

"Since when were you and that Haneuma close." That was a demand, Inoue was not running through multiple excuses.

"I-It's for business purposes...? Since he always complains that you never listen..." It came out before she could stop it, but it was a reasonable enough excuse, except the fact she basically said she was being used as a messenger to get to him...

It just worsened his mood. Again. "I'm alright with it, I get to know what's going on after all." She tried to smile at him, and she didn't falter, like she expected she would, instead, she froze under his sharp eyes. She'd told him before that they were beautiful- she wasn't sure if he appreciated that comment, they weren't dating then; however after seeing them everyday, she was continuously reminded of the fascinating intensity of the colour.

She could tell what he was saying just from looking in those eyes, 'I'd end up telling you anyway'. She knew that, he never left her out of the loop. When the whole mafia thing popped up one day, he let her follow him, listen when Dino eventually explained the circumstances -after Hibari had reluctantly agreed to listen, then threatening the man when he questioned if Inoue should hear or not-, he explained all the 'herbivores' involved, the baby, everything.

It'd have been worse if she'd have been left out, Hibari wasn't an idiot. If she was going to find out, he'd rather she found out with him or straight after. Although, he knew she wouldn't get mad at him for keeping some things classified, he didn't. As much as he doesn't want to admit it to anyone other than her or his vice, she's another vital part of his life that he doubted he'd be able to let go of.

She was strong in other ways than strength, her smile seemed to brighten his constantly glum days; it was then he was reminded of what he saw in the future.

He wasn't one to cry.

No, Hibari Kyoya, doesn't cry.

But then, when he was wandering around 'his' secret part of the underground base and stumbled upon a locked room... who wouldn't be curious? Kusakabe did tell him there were some places that he shouldn't go, but since when does he take advice or orders from anybody?

He broke the lock and was a little surprised to see a pristine white coffin in the center of the room. The floral scent was close to suffocating but wasn't quite there yet, of course, he wouldn't accept something so irritating in his base, the abundance of flowers were just below the irritating scale too. Clearly this display was made with his preferences in mind, but the flowers...? He could have sworn they were all flowers that Mai loved and liked, white was also the girl's favourite colour, for whatever reason.

Immediately, a sense of dread rose in his stomach, it was a weak feeling and he hated it, but it was overpowering. Negative thoughts invaded his mind and he could only think of the worst, forget the flowers, this feeling in his stomach, the clenching of his heart, the horrifying thoughts in his mind, they were the ones suffocating him.

But when he read the etching on the coffin, the name and the date, he had to read it over a couple of times before it hit him. His mind went completely blank, as if he'd just suddenly forgotten everything, nothing, no thoughts, memories, yet he was somehow aware of what was going on, he knew what it all was. His stomach had dropped and it felt like his heart had been pierced by a thousand needles.

Then his eye began to sting, his other one too, it wasn't long before he realised that the small trickles running across his cheeks were tears.

Only around four droplets escaped, due to the shock and sudden heartache of having found out this way, he swiftly dried his face before his usual scowl replaced the straight frown and wide eyes. He was planning to have a long word with Kusakabe about this.

He doesn't want to see that again.

Katekyou Hitman Reborn! - The Fate of Ai {Hibari Kyoya X OC}Where stories live. Discover now