Chapter One

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It was never supposed to happen like this. The old Kurt Hummel never dreamed he'd be here, in New York City, getting ready to make his Broadway debut with the amazingly talented Blaine Anderson by his side. Blaine, who started off as just a fantasy, someone Kurt could look up to and admire during the days he was taunted, he could go home and listen to one of Blaine's songs and know that someone's out there who understands. Kurt's not going to lie. He was, and is, a major Blaine Anderson fan. The fact that there was someone out there touring the world, and who was actually gay, he found he could look up to him and try, just try, to take some of his courage. And then it happened, and he never expected his life would end up something like this.


"Get out of the way, homo!" Getting shoved into the locker, Karofsky manages to use enough force to knock me to the ground. It's my fault, I wasn't paying that much attention to where I was and who was around me.

"Are you okay?" Rachel asks, giving me a helping hand up. I let her pull me up off the ground, dusting off my latest Marc Jacobs jacket and fix my hair.

"I'm fine. It's nothing I'm not used to," I breath, trying to let it brush off my shoulders. It's hard, getting bullied all the time. You never know when they will come up to you and throw a slushie in your face, or if they'll shove you to the ground, or if it's just going to be a good old fashioned "fag" or "homo."

"Well, at least you have this weekend to look forwards to! God, I can't wait to see Blaine Anderson live and in concert! And we have backstage passes! We'll actually get to meet the man of your dreams," Rachel playfully shoves my shoulder when she says that, and I roll my eyes.

"Please, Streisand, don't act like you don't find him dreamy too. And please, I don't want to hear your excuses about my step-brother and all," I put up a hand to stop what I know will be an attempt at a Rachel Berry comeback. She just scoffs as we near the choir room.

We enter the choir room together, and she goes to sit in her usual seat by Finn while I take a seat in the back. I let out an inaudible sigh. I had hoped that for my senior year, the bullying would stop even a little bit. But nope, it's the same as ever, maybe even worse. Karofsky just will not let up, he's made it his personal vendetta against me. It seems like a day can't go by, without at least a shove and a degrading comment from the jock.

"All right guys! This week's assignment is going to be inspiration! I want you all to take the weekend to think about what songs inspire you. Maybe it's a song that inspires you to do well on a test, or inspires you to do something courageous..." I zone out through the rest of glee club practice, already thinking about the concert later tonight. Rachel and I will be driving up and staying in Columbus overnight together. I couldn't wait until we left, even if it was just for the weekend.

The day finishes fairly quick, and soon, Rachel and I are driving up to the capital of Ohio blasting songs from Wicked. Broadway is both of our dreams, and last year when the New Directions went to Nationals in New York, we both decided that we belonged there.

"Can you believe it, Kurt? We are going to see Blaine Anderson live!" Rachel says for the umpteenth time. I resist the urge to roll my eyes as we get closer to the concert venue. To be honest, I'm really excited. Blaine Anderson means so much to me, and yes it is a perk that he is very hot, and gay, and did I mention hot? But that's not all of who he is. His music has a purpose, he's kind, and he has an inspiring story of his own. Hmm, inspiring, maybe I could use a Blaine Anderson song for my glee club assignment this week?

We get to the concert hall and already it is filling up with fans. People wearing Blaine Anderson shirts are everywhere, and I laugh when a lot of them are teenage girls. As if they'd have a chance with a guy who gels his head into a helmet every day and who's out and proud.

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