Chapter Thirty Three

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Hey! A couple things before the start of the chapter. So first, I apologize again about the previous chapter not getting updated, so I figured I'd update this one a couple days early as another apology. Also, I know that Matt Lauer is not on the Today Show anymore (of which I own nothing and nobody) but during the time this is set in, (season three when Kurt is in high school) he was. And finally, there will be smut at the end, just so you know ;)

I'm dreaming about something when I'm gently prodded awake. I grumble and roll over, away from then shaking that is pulling me from the dream. Bright lights, people screaming my name, over and over. I think I'm being handed a Tony award when the screams of my name become clearer.

"Kurt, wake up!" Blaine is shaking me gently again. I open my eyes, sleep blurring my vision until he becomes clear in front of me, already all dressed and his hair in its signature gel prison.

"About time, you slept through the alarm. We have to leave, remember?" Blaine asks. By my confused stare, he obviously gets that I don't.

"My interview, Kurt. The one I said I'd bring you along with? And then we would go out for lunch afterwards and spend the night together while Rachel and Finn go out on their date?" He explains. Understanding causes me to bolt up, adrenaline shooting through me as I remember us talking about it before I came here.

"Crap. Sorry, I completely forgot! When do we have to leave?" I ask. Blaine sighs, and I know it's not good.

"Twenty minutes," he says. I bolt out of the bed, rushing to the closet and trying to frantically piece together an outfit worthy of being seen in public.

"Twenty minutes? Goddammit! Okay, I'm sorry, I'm not pissed at you-" I cut myself off, seeing the hurt expression on Blaine's face when I started talking in anger. Obviously he probably thinks it's at him for not waking me up when I clearly should have woken up with the alarm.

"Fuck, how am I supposed to get an outfit together on such short notice?" I say to myself. I scan the clothes I brought with me, pulling out a pair of black and white striped pants. I nod, looking around quickly for some matching shirt or anything that would go with the pants. Finally, I end up deciding on a simple white turtleneck and blue jacket, grabbing some black shoes to go with it. I hurriedly shove my legs into the pants, momentarily cursing at how tight they are as I hop out of the closet, pulling one pant leg up my leg.

"How much time?" I ask, seeing Blaine making the messed up bed. He glances at his phone.

"Fifteen minutes," he says, and then he turns to look around just as I finish getting the pants on.

"God you look hot in that," he mutters, low enough for me to hear. I feel the familiar blush I always seem to get whenever Blaine compliments me rise in my cheeks.

"I'd kiss you, but a, I haven't brushed my teeth. And b, I only have fifteen minutes to get my hair done as well as brush my teeth, so I'm just going to be in the bathroom," I state, turning and making quick strides to the bathroom where I somehow manage to get my hair done and brush my teeth.

And we are leaving only five minutes late.

Richard is driving us to Blaine's interview today, of which I still have no idea where it is. It's still early morning in New York, and traffic seems like it's worse than normal. But that is probably just because we are running a little late.

"I wasn't joking when I told you that you look incredible in that, by the way," Blaine suddenly blurts out in the silence. I blush again and turn to look at him, abandoning my people watching and seeing Blaine eyeing me up and down.

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