Chapter 4

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Sectionals approach way faster than I thought they would. Mr. Shue has us practicing nearly day and night for it, and Rachel and I are exhausted from having to sing practically 24/7 preparing for our solo.
I haven't told anyone that Blaine is coming to watch Sectionals. I just feel like if I don't say it, it's not real. Then, I don't have to deal with the heartbreak that will ultimately happen when I make a fool of myself in front of him and he realizes that he would be better off without me. Or when he ends up not even coming at all, and everyone thinks I'm lying if I told them.
The day of Sectionals finally comes, and my dad is downstairs cooking me breakfast when I wake up. My stomach is in knots, and just the smell of eggs cooking makes me want to throw up.
"Hey, kiddo. I'm making scrambled eggs, do you want any?" He asks. I shake my head, too nervous to eat anything. This is my first real performance in front of an audience, and all I can think about is screwing up in front of everybody.
"I know you're nervous kid, but trust me, you can do this performance in your sleep by now," Dad squeezes my shoulder sympathetically, and I manage a small smile at him.
"I'm sorry that Carole and I aren't going to be able to make it tonight. You sure you aren't mad?" Dad asks.
"Of course I'm not mad, Dad. I understand that you and Carole got those tickets before Sectionals were announced and besides, you two should go have fun," I reassure him. He still looks at me a little upset, but doesn't say anything as he puts some eggs on a plate.
"You really should eat something, Kurt. I don't want you passing out before your performance because you haven't eaten all day," he puts the plate on the table for himself and grabs a fork. I sigh, knowing that he's right and get up and grab some nonfat yogurt from the fridge.
Good luck tonight! I'm about to board the plane now. My phone buzzes and I check the text message from Blaine. I smile as I eat some of the yogurt in front of me.
Thanks. Text me when you land so I know you made it safely? I sent the text and look up at my dad's knowing face.
"Is that the boy you've been texting constantly for the past two weeks?" He asks. I try not to blush but I know that I do.
"Yeah. He's coming to watch our Sectionals, and we may or may not be going out to dinner afterwards. It depends on how I feel," I say.
"I wish you would tell me who this guy is. I don't know anything about him," he sounds hesitant.
"He's a great friend dad, I promise," I try to reassure him that Blaine wouldn't do anything to me without giving it away that I'm talking to Blaine Anderson. I'm pretty sure my even my dad has some clue about who he is, and I'm pretty sure he wouldn't exactly like it.
"I'm just not sure I should let you go out with the guy when I don't even know his name." I finish my yogurt and lean against the counter towards my dad.
"He's just a friend dad. He's kind and funny and wouldn't put me in a position to hurt me. We are just going to go to Breadstix after Sectionals and have dinner," I tell him.
"Bring him around after you go out. Carole and I should be home and I want to meet this friend of yours," he says with an unwavering tone. I swallow my nerves, knowing that my dad isn't kidding. He rarely orders me to do anything, preferring to let me have my freedom. And even though he didn't say that meeting Blaine after dinner was a condition of letting me go out with him, I know what that tone means.
"Okay dad. I will," I grab my phone and head upstairs to my room, collapsing onto the bed. Nerves settle deep in my stomach again as I leave the kitchen.
Hey. So my dad really wants to meet this new friend I've been texting after we go out for dinner. If you can't I understand. I send a quick text to Blaine, knowing he won't be responding until he lands in Ohio later tonight. I wonder how my dad will take it knowing I'm friends with Blaine. I guess I should probably warn him before, but part of me wants to keep this secret friendship secret for just a little longer. Besides, I don't know if my dad will just outright ban me from seeing Blaine once he knows who he is.
So I keep it a secret, from everybody. Even on the way to McKinley, where we are hosting Sectionals this year. Even as Blaine texts back that he has landed and is on his way to my school. Even as the curtain is about to rise and the competition starts.
"You nervous, Kurt?" Rachel asks. I turn to her, surprised.
"A little. This is my first time performing in front of an actual audience," I say. She grins and wraps her arm around my waist.
"Don't worry. You're going to kill it. We've been practicing day and night for this anyways. You can do it in your sleep. Just don't expect to be better than me of course," Rachel laughs, adding in her famous Rachel Berry arrogance. I laugh as well, the nerves in my stomach disappearing a little.
The group currently performing finishes, and I watch as the Warblers take the stage. Their lead singer, Sebastian Smythe, stands in front of them. I hold my breath as I watch their performance, knowing they are the team we need to beat. I can't help but feel nervous as they perform with unison. But I guess they are a little too put thought her for my taste, they don't seem to have that energy and passion that we have.
Before I know it, it's time for the New Directions to start. Rachel had rushed towards the opposite side of the stage during the Warbler's performance, and I look up and catch her eye. She nods at me and I hear the music begin. She steps forward and starts singing For Good.
I join in, smiling as I see the crowd in front of me. We both sing to each other, a story about our friendship. Sure, I may not have liked the little diva when I first met her, but over time, we both grew to become best friends. Portraying all that emotion into the song, we sing together. At the end of our harmony, the rest of the New Directions storm the stage and we launch into the rest of our performance.
Even as the last note rings, I know we won it. We did the best we have ever done before, no one missing a beat, no one screwing up the dance moves. And yes, even Finn is included in that. Once we get backstage, Rachel and I hug each other tight.
"Thank you, Kurt. For being the best friend I could ever ask for," she says in my ear. I smile as I hug her tighter.
"Back at you," I say. We both part and she runs over to Finn, hugging him and laughing. I grin as I watch my step-brother and best friend.
"You were absolutely amazing." I jump, turning around to see Blaine standing behind me, leaning against the wall with a smile on his face. He's holding a single yellow rose in his hand, and holds it out for me.
"I got you this," he says. I rush over to him, wrapping him in a hug before I can think. He laughs and hugs me back.
"Oh my god you're really here!" I cry, hugging him tight. I pull away grinning and looking at his honey eyes. I accept the rose from him and blush a little.
"Thank you," I tell him.
"God Kurt. Hearing you sing-it was like-I can't even find the words it was so amazing," Blaine rambles. I laugh and blush deeper as he just stares at me in amazement.
"All groups to stage! All groups to stage!" The intercom says. I look at him and smile, holding my rose as I return to my friends so we can go out and see who won.
"Who's the rose from, Kurt?" Rachel whispers to me. I smile, playing with the petals.
"Blaine," I say before I can stop myself. She looks over at me in surprise, but before she can say anything, the judges are coming to the stage. They announce third place, and then it's just between us and the warblers.
"And the winners are" the judge pauses and pulls out the winner's name from the envelope she carries.
"The New Directions!" We all scream and hug each other as Mr. Shue accepts the trophy. I grab Rachel in a hug after she kisses Finn, and then I turn towards Blaine who's watching from the wings backstage. He grins and holds a thumbs up. I laugh and turn back to Mr. Shue as we exit the stage.
"I guess I owe you dinner now," Blaine's voice sounds in my ear, and I feel the weight of his arm on my shoulders. It's a little awkward because of the height difference, but right now I couldn't care less. Even as my friends all stare at me in amazement.
"Yes you do, and believe me I'm milking you for all your money. You will be taking me to the most expensive place in Ohio," I joke, turning to Blaine. He looks worried for a second before I burst out laughing.
"I'm kidding, Blaine. We're going to a place called Breadstix," I say. He grins easily and Finn walks up to us. He looks at Blaine in disbelief.
"Dude, you never told us that Blaine Anderson was the friend you were talking to," he says. Rachel approaches from behind Finn and glares at me.
"Yeah! And why didn't you tell me that you texted him after he gave you his number?" She thinks for a moment, and suddenly gasps.
"He was who you met the day after the concert wasn't it? You're the mystery guy he was hugging that everybody is trying to figure out!" Rachel says. Blaine and I look at each other and burst out laughing. We've both been following this 'mystery guy' investigation, and Blaine has refused to interview about it, causing more speculation. We both find it hilarious.
"Yeah, he was. I'm sorry I didn't tell you Rachel but I didn't tell anyone I was talking with Blaine. My dad doesn't even know, although he's going to find out tonight," I mumble. Finn looks at me in surprise, before he reaches his hand out.
"Sorry about that dude. So, can I get the keys?" I look at him confused, and Finn continues to hold his hand out for my car keys.
"What?" I ask.
"I'm assuming that Blaine has a car or a cab or something that he will drive you guys to dinner and hang out. I'd like the car so I can take Rachel and myself back to our house. After all, you drove me and her dads dropped her off," Finn explains like it was the most obvious thing in the world. I let out and "ooh," and reach into my bag, pulling out the keys to my car and handing them to Finn's still outstretched hand. He thanks me and wraps an arm around Rachel, the two of them walking away. I notice some of the odd looks Blaine is getting, and decide it's probably best to get us out of there quick before someone recognizes him.
"You ready?" I ask. He grins and nods.
"Ready for you to clear out my bank account. You bet," Blaine laughs, and I can't help but laugh along. We head out towards the parking lot, where he has rented a car for the short time that he is here.
I give him directions towards Breadstix and we get in quickly. The waitress doesn't seem to really be paying attention to Blaine, and I let out a little sigh of relief at that. I know as much as the next person how much fans go crazy over somebody. After all, I was that fan once.
"I still can't believe you're here," I tell him. This is the first time I've seen him in person since that day we got caught hugging, and it feels good to finally see his face when we talk. We've texted constantly, and maintain nightly phone calls when we have time, but it isn't the same as talking in person.
"I know. I'm happy I was able to take the time to come watch. I wasn't joking when I said that your voice left me speechless," Blaine winks at me, and I let out a little blush.
"That means a lot. Coming from you," I tell him honestly. Now it's Blaine's turn to blush, and I smile.
"I'm serious. If you don't get on that stage in Broadway, I'll be surprised," he says. The waitress takes this time to interrupt us, asking what we want to eat. Both of us order and she leaves us alone once again.
"Yeah, well, I have to get to New York first," I tell him. Blaine places his hand on his cheek and leans into it as we talk, and I can't help but think about how cute he looks like that. His hair that's normally gelled down has escaped a bit, causing curls to erupt on his head. And he stares at me with those honey colored eyes, causing my heart to flutter.
"What colleges are you applying to out there? If any?" Blaine asks.
"Pretty much all of them. My dream school is definitely the New York Academy of the Dramatic Arts though. Both Rachel and I applied and they are one of the top dramatic arts colleges in the country. They are super competitive but they would help me so much. If I don't get in though, I'll probably end up just going to like NYU or something. But I really want to get into NYADA," I ramble, talking about my dreams to get into NYADA. Blaine smiles as he listens to me talk, not interrupting my rambling.
"I'm sorry, I ramble when I get excited," I blush, stopping myself from boring Blaine to death.
"I think it's adorable," he tells me. My blush deepens, and I thank the God I don't believe in when the waitress returns with our food before I can make a bigger fool of myself.
"So, how's life after the tour?" I ask, eating my salad while Blaine stuffs his face with chicken parmesan. He finishes chewing before answering.
"It's good. A little less hectic, now that I'm not driving all over the country. But it's still busy, especially since I'm working on a new album," Blaine laughs. I smile as I think about another album coming out. The fan in me will always be excited to hear Blaine's music, but now I know that that isn't the only thing he is. He's so much more than just his music, and I like being able to know the Blaine that many people don't know.
"I can't wait to hear it," I tell him. Blaine grins at me, and I know what he's about to say before he says it.
"Oh I bet your fanboy side is screaming at that news. I haven't even had my managers let the fans know a new album is dropping," he says. I glare at him as he laughs.
"Shut up, I'm not ashamed that you know I'm a fan of yours. It's your fault for producing such good music," Blaine just continues to laugh, and I can't help but smile.
We continue to talk about our lives as we eat, the conversation stopping a couple times. But it's not an awkward silence, just content. But when the conversation turns towards my school, I try to shrug it off.
"It's about as good as the only out gay kid is going to get," I say, not really wanting to go into details. However, Blaine seems to know that there is more to the story than that.
"You can tell me, I understand what it's like," he tells me. I shrug. I've never like opening myself up and talking about the bullying, even to Finn or Rachel or my parents.
"It's just the usual stuff. I get shoved into lockers and called 'homo' and 'fag' pretty much constantly. There's this one jock, Dave Karofsky, who has made it his personal mission to make my life a living hell. I just wish I knew what his problem was, besides having an IQ of about four," I grumble. Blaine reaches over the table and takes my hand in his. My breath catches in my throat as I feel the warm heat of his hand in mine.
"I'm sorry about that Kurt. Maybe you should try to call him out, let him know that nothing will change the way you are," Blaine suggests. I smile slightly, not being able to think that much because of his hand holding mine.
"Yeah. Maybe I will," I smile wider at him. Blaine squeezes my hand, but makes no move to let go at first. Then, slowly (actually really slowly) he lets go of my hand. I immediately miss the touch of it, and have to fight myself from reaching out and taking it back.
Come on Kurt. He's just a friend, nothing more. You don't want to ruin this friendship by telling him about the gigantic crush you have and watching him run away like everyone else has, right? I think to myself. I look at my phone and realize my dad wants me home in ten minutes so he can meet Blaine.
"We should go. You ready to get interrogated?" I ask. Blaine laughs like he thinks I'm joking.
"I'm not joking, Blaine. My father will grill you harder than you've ever been questioned. He takes my safety very seriously," I tell him. Blaine smiles and opens the door for me.
Internally squealing at his gentlemanly actions.
"I thinks it's nice that your father cares that much about you. It sort of makes me wish my own father was like that," he says. I frown as I hear that.
"Does your dad not accept you for being gay?" I ask. Blaine's smile disappears and I regret bringing up that topic. I already miss his smile.
"He accepts the fact that I'm gay. I don't think he rather likes it though. He doesn't make it a secret too, which is why I only visit home on the major holidays," he says. My heart reaches out for him as I remember my fears before I came out to my dad. I was terrified he wouldn't love me because I was gay, I couldn't imagine what would have happened if dad hadn't accepted me.
"I'm sorry. I can't imagine my dad not accepting me. Besides, once you impress him, he'll like you. He just maintains that tough dad act, he's really a great guy," I reassure Blaine that my dad isn't a bad guy. His smile returns, just not as bright as before. We head towards my house, and I set about making Blaine laugh. I need to hear his laugh before I face the firing squad. Otherwise known as Carole.
You think I'm joking but I'm not. That woman is more protective than a mother bear. In a way, it makes me happy, knowing that I have a mother who loves me about as much as my actual mother did.
We get to my house and Blaine parks on the street. I notice that dad's car is there, along with mine. So everybody is home. We head inside, and I hang mine and Blaine's jackets up by the door.
"Dad! I'm home," I yell. My dad walks into the room, and I instantly regret not telling him who Blaine was.
"Dad, I'd like to introduce you to Blaine Anderson. The friend I've been talking to on the phone all the time," I blush. Blaine steps forwards and reaches his hand out to my father.
"It's a pleasure to meet you, sir," he says. My dad shakes Blaine's hand, trying not to look shell shocked.
"Well, I have to say I'm never expected they guy Kurt won't shut up about is a famous singer," he says.
"Dad!" I yell at him, embarrassed. Blaine chuckles, and we head into the living room. Carole is waiting in there for us, and she has the same reaction as my father does at seeing Blaine.
"So, how in the world did you two start talking?" Carole asks. I laugh as Blaine tells the story about losing his phone and signing an autograph with his phone number on it. Then we talk about how we hung out that day after the concert and later on the phone, how our friendship grew.
"So yeah. That's how Kurt and I became friends," he smiles. By now, it seems my dad has warmed up to Blaine, and is treating him like one of his own buddies.
"Well, son, if you're ever in town you are welcome to stay with us," he says. Blaine smiles at his statement, and I can't help but hope that Blaine takes him up on that offer sometime.
"Thank you, sir. I actually should go soon. I have an early flight and all my stuff is still at the hotel I'm staying at," Blaine says. My father and Carole say goodbye, and I walk Blaine out to his car. He leans against it, crossing his arms over his chest. I can't help but look at how the tight shirt he's wearing stretches over his bulging arm muscles and chest.
"I had a great time tonight, Kurt. Thank you," he says. I smile, happier than I have been in a while.
"Me too. And thank you for the free meal," I joke. Blaine laughs and rolls his eyes.
"I see. So you're just friends with me because of my money? I see how it is," we laugh, and it suddenly gets a little more serious.
"I'll call you later, okay?" Blaine asks. I smile sadly, not wanting him to go.
"Okay," I say. Blaine walks over to me, and I hold my breath as he places a light kiss on my cheek, the area instantly warming as a blush creeps up my neck.
"Bye, Kurt," he whispers.
"Bye, Blaine," I say. He smiles and gets in his car, driving away. I stand there on the sidewalk, my cheeks flaming red, holding a hand to the cheek Blaine just kissed. I swear I can still feel the ghost of his lips as I fall into my bed and fall asleep.

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