Chapter 3

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I leave Blaine as I head back towards Rachel, who hounds me about where I was. I just give her the same vague answer I told her before I left. That I was just going out for a little bit and to call me when we needed to be on the road back to Lima.
We pack our things and I throw on some fashionable sunglasses, purple to go with my outfit, and head out to the car. Rachel gets in the passenger seat, and I start the long drive back home. Like the drive up, we blast Broadway show tunes and sing along, trying to outcompete each other. And when Defying Gravity comes on, I almost kill us both as we reenact our diva off.
I don't care what she says. I know I won it.
Several hours later, we drive up to McKinley High's parking lot, where the cars from our fellow glee club members are already parked. We both jump out and hustle towards the auditorium, where Mr. Shue and everybody waits.
"You're late, Kurt and Rachel," Mr. Shue tells us. We hurry onto the stage where we are supposed to be.
"I know, I know. We would have been on time if Kurt hadn't had to stop at the bathroom like four times on the way back," Rachel glares at me and I shrug. It's not my fault I had coffee and a tiny bladder,
"It doesn't matter guys. Now, Sectionals is only a couple weeks away, and we have got to be on our A game to beat the Warblers this year." Cheering ensures, and we get our game faces on. Sectionals is a must win, and I know I want to cream Dalton Academy. Not just because I want to win, even though that's a major reason. But because it's my first solo with the New Directions, and I want it to be my best performance ever.
"Alright guys. From the top!"
I get home sweaty and tired from the grueling three hour long rehearsal. Mr. Shue really wasn't kidding when he said he'd get us on our A game for Sectionals. Not only did we run through the vocals, which were very challenging. We also are stepping it up with the dancing. I'm so glad my brief time on the Cheerios taught me how to move my hips to the beat, otherwise, I probably wouldn't be in a much better position at the dancing than Finn. He fell at least five times, and it was like watching an oak tree fall down. All that was missing was somebody yelling "timber!"
In all honesty, that rehearsal was probably one of the most fun rehearsal I can remember. We all wanted to beat the Warblers so bad, and even though we fight a lot, we are still a family.
I sound like a crappy and cliche movie just then, but oh well.
Hey Kurt. What's up? My phone buzzes just as I'm about to get into a shower, and I see Blaine texted me. I smile as I immediately respond, almost forgetting the sweat that's probably dripping into my pores right now.
About to take a shower after a long rehearsal. What's up with you? I throw the phone on the counter after sending a text to Blaine.
I hear the phone buzz on the counter as I'm finishing up, and once I get out I dry my wet hair, wrapping a towel around my waist as I walk out of the bathroom.
This tour bus is so boring! I've been on the road back to New York all day and I'm done watching movies. How was your rehearsal? You going to kick the competition's ass at Sectionals? I laugh at Blaine's text message and respond.
We better. Mr. Shue kept us there for three hours until he felt we could do the dance number in our sleep. But it will all be worth it when we beat Dalton. I throw on a pair of sweatpants and a T shirt as I lay on my bed. I know what you're thinking. Kurt Hummel is wearing sweatpants? Well I'm home and they are comfortable, so I figured the fashionista in me can shut up for a little while.
Wait, you didn't tell me you were going up against Dalton! I used to go there before I was signed! I was part of the Warblers. My eyes widen in surprised reading the text from Blaine, thinking about how I should respond. I'm not going to lie, after our time together this morning, I'm starting to like him as more than a friend, even though I know I shouldn't be. I know, I know, he's a famous pop star but that's not why I like him. We talked for hours, never once running out of things to say. He's kind, he's generous, and it doesn't hurt that he's hot as hell.
Well, well, well, Mr. Anderson. I guess you could say I'm fraternizing with the enemy then. I bite my lip nervously, trying to be a little flirty without being over the top. I end up deleting the entire text.
Really? Well, I hope you won't be too disappointed in your Warblers when we win ;) I sent the text, biting my lip as I wait for his response.
I didn't take you for someone who's cocky, Mr. Hummel. I like it ;) I read his reply, smiling. He sends me another message.
I wonder if we ever competed against each other at one point or another. That would be funny if we did. Although if my suspicions about your voice is right, I can't imagine that I would forget a countertenor like yourself. That is what you are, right?
You'd be correct. And I agree, it would be a funny coincidence if we competed against each other. I send. I lay down on my bed, holding my phone tightly as I wait for Blaine's reply.
Is it possible to die of boredom? I swear I forget about this part of touring every time I go on a new tour. The endless driving is so boring! I can almost hear Blaine's voice whining through his text.
I guess I'm not entertaining you enough if you keep complaining you're bored then. What an ego killer :p I laugh a little at Blaine's response that happens almost as soon as I send the text. My heart skips a beat as I think about how he's waiting for my text.
Oh believe me, Kurt. You are plenty entertaining ;) it's just when I'm not talking to you all I can do in this bus is watch tv or movies. And I've watched all the movies in my collection twice already. I roll my eyes a little at how dramatic he is, but knowing that I'm the same way I don't judge him.
Oh poor little rock star. All bored in your tour bus on your tour. Besides, isn't your New York show your last one of the tour? I'm trying not to sound like a crazed fan who knows everything about him, but I figured he knows by now that I'm a fan of his.
Yeah. In a way I'll be glad that it's over, but at the same time I'll be sad. If that makes any sense. I look at the time by my bedside and my eyes widen when I realize it's almost midnight.
I understand that. I should get to sleep, and you should too. It'll help with the boredom. I send. Blaine responds quickly again, like he has for the past hour and a half of texting.
You're right. I didn't realize what time it was. Goodnight Kurt. Thanks for talking with me. I smile at his sweet text, and my heart flutters. What can I say, I am and will always be a silly romantic.
I'll always talk with you :) goodnight Blaine. I plug in my phone to it's charger and turn off my lamp, falling asleep with a smile on my face.
I sleep in for once the next morning. It's nearly ten when I finally get up and head downstairs, yawning. Carole and my dad are sitting in the living room, laughing and watching television.
"Hey, kiddo. Did you sleep in for once?" Dad asks, I yawn again, trying to wake up as I sit down next to them.
"Yeah. I stayed up kinda late talking to a friend and didn't get to sleep until midnight. If I get bags because of this I'm going to kill him," I murmur the last part, but apparently loud enough for my dad to hear.
"Him? Who is this guy?" He asks. I blush a little, and Carole looks at me with a knowing smile.
"Does Kurt have a crush?" She teases. I look away, embarrassed. This gives her all the answers she needs though.
"Oh my god you do! Tell me about him. What's he like?" She asks. My dad looks uncomfortable with the conversation, and I don't want to tell my parents I've been talking to Blaine because I know they will just say that it will never happen.
"It's nothing. He's just a friend and he will probably always just be that." I tell her. She looks at me sympathetically.
"Is he straight? Does he have a girlfriend?" She asks. I shake my head, choosing to ignore the smile that blooms over her face. My dad still looks very uncomfortable with the conversation. I know it's not because he doesn't accept me for who I am. It's more the fact that I've never talked with him about crushes, even when I was in the closet. And I don't think he will ever be ready for me to talk to him about boys.
"No, he's gay. But it's just, it's complicated." I end my sentence in a tone that says I want to drop the conversation, and thankfully Carole does. She and my dad go back to watch whatever they were watching, and I head upstairs to ask Mercedes if she wants to hang out at the mall today.
We both hang out at the mall, and thankfully none of the bullies at McKinley are there. We end up spending what I know my dad will say is way too much, but I don't care. In my book, there is never such a thing as spending too much on clothes. Besides, if I didn't have an eye for bargains, I know that I would have spent a lot more for a lot less than what I ended up getting.
After dinner with the family, I lay down in my bed after taking a shower. My phone buzzes as I'm sitting at my desk on my computer, and I see that Blaine has sent me a text.
Hey, can you call me? It's urgent. I frown at the message, and immediately dial his number, realizing that this is the first time I've heard his voice since we parted yesterday.
"Hey, Kurt, are you by a computer right now?" He asks, that's it. No hello, no how are you doing, straight to the point. He sounds like he's really nervous. I wonder why?
"Yeah, why? What's going on? Is everything okay?" I ask.
"Pull up People's magazine's website. It should be on there," I google People's magazine and pull up their website. Right there, is the cover of their latest magazine. Staring at me is a picture of Blaine and me hugging yesterday morning. The picture is a good quality, however at a bad angle. You can clearly see that it's Blaine Anderson, however, you can't really make out the guy he's hugging. I see my MKHS sticker on the bag I had taken, but other than that, there is no way to tell who is the guy Blaine is hugging is me. Above the picture, the headline reads: Blaine Anderson's Mystery Man?
I let out a gasp as I see the picture and read the headline. Blaine sighs and starts talking.
"I'm so sorry Kurt. I didn't realize that anyone was there." He apologizes. He sounds so upset, and I frown.
"Blaine, you can't really tell that it's me you're hugging." I tell him, trying to comfort him, that just seems to make him more upset.
"But he could have. Kurt, this could have been so much worse. I don't want to have to force you to suddenly get bombarded with reporters and photographers. They are absolutely relentless if they don't get what they want and-"
"Blaine, it's okay. Next time I see you, we will just have to be more careful. And besides, if I'm going to be friends with you, I have to know and accept the risks. I promise, this isn't scaring me away. You're stuck with me Anderson," I joke. I hear Blaine let out a breath, and smile as the worry disappears from his voice.
"I was worried you would see this and think why am I putting myself through this. I don't want to be on magazines. I just, I don't want to lose you," he lets that sentence hang over the sudden silence, and I feel my heart flutter, even though I know that he probably doesn't mean it like I want him to mean it.
"Blaine, you forget, I'm a diva that rivals that of Rachel Berry. I want to be on Broadway. I like being the center of attention," I let out a laugh and he does as well, "besides, I don't want to lose you too." I whisper. Stunned silence holds over us, with neither one of us saying anything for a moment. There is this strange energy transferring through the air, and I don't want to ruin it.
"Is it bad I kind of want to see what it says about us?" I ask. Blaine laughs and I can't help but smile at the sound. That's the thing about him, he seems to make me smile just by laughing.
"No, it's not bad. I was curious too but I called you before I could see. I have this little obsession with trying to mess with the press sometimes, and laughing when they get things completely wrong," Blaine admits. I laugh as I look at the story following the headline. I read it outloud to Blaine.
"Blaine Anderson and his new mystery man seen embracing each other in Ohio the day after Anderson's show. The next stop on Blaine's tour was unfortunately cancelled due to weather conditions in Georgia, upsetting fans there. However, it seems like Anderson made the most of his extra time in his home state of Ohio. The two were seen sharing a coffee together and walking around the city of Columbus before they parted with a hug. Who is this mystery man who may or may not hold the key to the elusive heart of this teenage pop sensation?" I read, blushing a little at the article and I feel very glad that Blaine can't see me.
"They do a little research don't they? I mean at that point we had long since thrown our coffee cups away. Maybe they asked people about us?" Blaine says. I laugh and he quickly follows.
We end up talking for a while, neither of us wanting to have to hang up. We talk about silly things, nothing that really has any meaning but the conversation just flows. It's easy, talking to Blaine.
"So, I checked on my schedule. How would you feel about me maybe flying out to Ohio to watch your Sectionals?" Blaine suddenly asks randomly. A smile blooms across my lips (okay, a wider smile because Blaine has that effect on me making me smile when he talks to me).
"Oh my god that would be amazing! You would seriously do that?" I ask, my voice betraying my excitement by going even higher. I cringe a little at it but Blaine is too busy responding.
"Of course I would Kurt! I'm way too excited to hear you sing to miss it. Besides, I gotta make sure I'm there to see if you have what it takes to beat my old glee club" Blaine jokes. I laugh along with him.
"Just don't cry when we beat them. I wouldn't want to see the famous Blaine Anderson crying," I tell him. And then I remember our conversation just a little bit ago.
"But, what if people see you? Didn't we just talk about how you were scared you were going to cause my life to change because of my friendship with you? Not that I'm saying I wouldn't gladly be your friend publicly, it's just, you seemed upset at that fact," I say. Blaine doesn't seem upset however.
"There were more photographers in Ohio because they knew I was going to be there. This time, people aren't going to be expecting me at a high school show choir event. I might even take you out to dinner if you want to?" He asks. My breath catches in my throat and I have to remind myself to calm down. I can't let this little crush get in the way of my friendship with Blaine (okay, maybe not so little). We only became friends a couple days ago, but he understands me. And in some aspects, he understands what I'm going through maybe more so than Rachel or Mercedes sometimes.
"I'd like that. How about this, if the New Directions win, which we will, you have to pay for dinner at Breadstix. But, God forbid, the Warblers win, dinner's on me?" I bet. Blaine laughs again, and I think about how much I've been laughing with him today. The answer is a lot.
"It's a deal. You're on, Kurt." Blaine agrees and I grin. Looks like I'm getting a free dinner at Breadstix. I suddenly yawn, and I look at the clock. It's almost one in the morning.
"Holy shit, it's nearly one," I tell Blaine, yawning again. Blaine chuckles, and I hear him yawn into the phone as well.
"Crap, you're right. And you have school tomorrow. I'll let you go to sleep now," Blaine whispers. I roll onto my side, not wanting to hang up on Blaine just yet.
"Hey Kurt?" Blaine's voice, which sounds just as tired as mine says in my ear.
"Yeah Blaine?" My eyes start to close, my voice barely a whisper.
"I know we only met a couple days ago, but I just wanted to say you are one of the best friends I've ever had." Blaine murmurs. I smile sleepily, knowing I feel the exact same way, and even a little more.
"You're my best friend Blaine. I'll talk to you tomorrow?" I ask.
"Of course. Goodnight."
"Goodnight Blaine." And with that, I fall asleep.

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