Chapter Eight

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Before I knew it, Thanksgiving Day had arrived. I woke up early that morning and quickly flew through my routine, knowing that Carole needed me to help her prepare the dinner for our families. We were going to have a pretty full house with both Carole's and Finn's family as well as my own. Well, at least the people who could make it out to Ohio.
I get into the kitchen to see Carole's already there, starting the prep for the turkey, which would be cooking all day.
"Good morning, Kurt. Happy Thanksgiving," she says. I flash her a smile as I grab an apron. Now, I normally wouldn't allow myself to be caught dead wearing something that clashed with my clothes, but I had no intention of getting flour all over my designer brands, and so the apron seemed like the best compromise.
"Happy Thanksgiving Carole! What do you want me to do?" I ask. She gestures towards the mashed potatoes stacked on the counter.
"Can you start peeling those? And then cut half of them into about one inch cubes and put them on the cookie sheet? The other half we will mash," she says. I nod and happily start in on the potatoes.
And that's how I spend the majority of my dad, in the kitchen with Carole. We put on some music and dance around, having fun and laughing. I convince her to sing along with me, even though she claimed to have no voice.
"Hey, Kurt. Your phone is ringing!" Finn yells at me.
"Can you answer it and bring it over here? My hands are dirty," I call back. Finn walks over to me and presses accept, wedging the phone between my cheek and my shoulder.
"Hello?" I ask. I hear Blaine's laugh and instantly smile.
"What are you doing?" He asks.
"Well currently I'm checking the temperature of the turkey sitting in our oven. My hands are pretty greasy at the moment. My diet will not like today," I say. I can practically hear Blaine's grin, and I'm glad he's smiling. I was worried with his family that he wouldn't have that much fun today. He was over at my house pretty much all break, hanging with Finn and my dad on occasion when I wasn't home.
"You sure you can't play hookie and come over here for Thanksgiving? I kinda want to rub it in my step cousin's face that I have a boyfriend," I ask. Blaine sighs, and I feel bad about bringing up the subject of him skipping dinner.
"I really wish I could, Kurt. But my parents are going to hold me hostage until dinner is over. But I want nothing more than to be at your house eating with your family," he says. I sigh, feeling a little selfish about wanting to just grab him and bring him over here anyways.
"I understand. And I know that they probably want to see you. You've been over here pretty much every day this week anyways," I say. Blaine laughs at that, and I smile a little knowing at least he isn't too upset today.
"Getting tired of me already, Hummel?" He asks. I grin as I wash my hands, getting rid of the grease they were covered with earlier.
"I could never get tired of you, Anderson," I tell him honestly, feeling a slight blush creep up my neck.
"Why do you have to be so far away? If I was there I would have kissed you like a thousand times already," Blaine whines. I blush even more as I lean against the counter, watching Carole go around the kitchen.
"Shut up," I say, causing Blaine to laugh.
"You're blushing right now, aren't you?"  Blaine asks. I don't say anything, which just causes him to laugh harder.
"Don't laugh at me!" I scold him. This does nothing to discourage him, however.
"Don't worry, Kurt. I like it when you blush. Your cheeks get this adorable red and you look so kissable. Well, then again, you always look kissable," Blaine says.
"Okay, I get it. You are just trying to embarrass me," I sigh. Carole looks up at me and laughs. I shake my head and roll my eyes, gesturing to my phone. Carole just laughs harder as she cleans up.
"Carole, why don't you make Finn do that? You and Kurt cooked this incredible dinner, it should only be right that we clean up," my dad says.
"I'm down with that dad," I say, heading upstairs to go clean up.
"My parents are calling me downstairs now," Blaine says. I sigh and force a smile on my face, knowing Blaine can't see it anyways.
"I'll talk with you later, babe. I promise," I tell him, wishing his family was more accepting of him.
"I'm holding you to that," he says.
"Bye," I whisper, wanting nothing more to be there with him.
"Bye," he murmurs back, and then with a click, he hangs up. I sigh, tossing my phone on my bed and hopping into a quick shower, knowing that people should be arriving in a couple hours.
When the doorbell rights for the fifth time, I realize that I probably should finish getting my hair ready and go socialize. So, with a finishing flourish of hairspray, I head downstairs where Carole's mother and father have arrived, along with my mom's sister and her husband, as well as my cousin. Hellos are exchanged, as well as hugs.
And to answer the usual questions: no I don't remember you seeing as I last saw you at my mother funeral, of course I'm taller I hit my growth spurt over a year ago, and it's good to see you too, person I saw briefly at the wedding.
People start arriving quickly, and I glance over at Finn and Rachel a little jealous that he gets to spend time with his girlfriend while my boyfriend is stuck at a family dinner he doesn't want to be at. I disappear into the kitchen to help Carole grab the food when it's ready, spreading it over the long dining table we brought out.
"The food smells amazing, Carole!" People say, and I smile as she blushes and says that Kurt did at least half. I smile as people comment on the dinner, smiling and laughing at old family jokes as we eat.
"So, Kurt, anybody in your life like Rachel here is to Finn?" My Aunt asks. I smile, for once able to say that yes I do.
"Yeah, I do. He's sorry he couldn't make it. He's having dinner with his family," I say, knowing that she accepts the fact that I'm gay. That's the only problem with family gatherings like this, having to come out over and over to people you barely see.
"Well, I hope he's treating you right!" She winks at me. I laugh and dab at the food on my upper lip before responding.
"He is," I say, unable to keep the smile off my face as I think about all the time we've been able to spend together this past week. I momentarily think about how he leaves in two days, but shake the thought out of my mind. We will be fine, we will see each other again at winter break. Blaine doesn't know this yet, but I've been working on my father about letting me go out to New York the first week of winter break, and then flying back with Blaine the second week for Christmas. And I think he's pretty close to letting me go.
"Hey, Kurt, didn't you say you were going to bake something for dessert?" Finn chimes in. Rachel smacks him for being so rude about it, and I laugh. I get up and gather my dishes.
"Okay, Finn. I'll go make it. It should be ready in about an hour and a half," I tell him. I smack him lightly across the head as I leave, hearing a satisfying "hey!"
I grab the ingredients to my apple and cherry pies, as well as my mother's cookbook. Most people don't really know this, but if I was never a singer, I'd probably be a chef. Even over being a fashion designer, I'd choose cooking. I love it, but I love baking the most. Finn's probably spoiled because if I get the urge to bake, he's the one who always reaps the rewards.
I'm putting the pies in the oven when I hear the doorbell ring. Someone answers it, and then I hear my name being called. I head towards the front door, curious about who would be at the door so late.
I stop in my tracks when I see it's Blaine, standing there with red eyes and tears running down his cheeks. I'm not even aware of Carole leaving us alone as I'm pulling him into a hug on the front porch.
"Blaine! What's wrong?" I ask, holding him tightly as he cries into my shoulder. I shiver in the night air and pull away, frowning when I hear the whimpers escaping Blaine's lips.
"Come on, let's go up to my room and out of the cold," I tell him, pulling him through my house. I ignore my family calling my name and rush Blaine upstairs and into my room. I close the door behind me and he collapses into me, crying.
"Shh, shh, it's okay," I whisper, rubbing his back lightly as I slowly walk us towards my bed. We lay down and I'm able to hold him close to me tighter as I let him cry.
"Blaine, honey, tell me what's wrong?" I ask over and over until he's finally calmed down enough to talk. He lays on my chest as I gently tug the curls on his head, massaging the skin on his scalp.
"My family fucking sucks," he tells me, his voice slightly muffled against my chest.
"What did they do?" I ask, a little afraid to hear the answer. Blaine sighs, not saying anything for several moments. But I stay silent, letting him know we have all the time in the world.
"I may have lied when I said they accepted me, but just didn't like it. When I came out to my father, he nearly beat the crap out of me. He would have, if my brother hadn't been there," Blaine whispers. I gasp, holding him tighter unconsciously.
"After that, I really worked on my music. I was gone as soon as the record label in LA picked me up, then label moved to New York and I started gaining more popularity. The called me wanting to become a family again, and I was so ecstatic. But they just wanted to be connected to me, a famous pop star. They tried to change me. They tried to send me to a fucking camp, Kurt," he breaks off into more crying, and I feel tears fall down my own cheeks as I hold him close. I can't believe that Blaine's parents would be this cruel to him, knowing that they are hurting their son just because he doesn't love like they do.
"So I only come home now for Thanksgiving and Christmas. That way, I don't have to deal with them flying out to try to get in the papers with me. I can keep them controlled and only have to deal with them for two weeks in the entire year. The rest of the time, I can get by in New York without them," he says. I take a deep breath, the sound broken by the tears in my eyes as I see him hurting like this.
"You are so strong," I whisper. He looks up, surprised. I continue to play with his hair, loving the feel of it in my hands without its gel.
"You endure so much abuse from the people who are supposed to accept you, no matter what. You shouldn't have to come here and deal with that from them, and yet you do. I'm so proud of you," I say. Blaine leans up and presses a kiss to my lips. I smile and kiss him back, feeling him kiss me harder. I gladly let him take control, feeling as he rolls on top of me and hovers over my body. I gasp as he bites my lip lightly, and he takes advantage and deepens the kiss, his tongue brushing against mine and causing shivers to roll down my spine. He shifts his body to lay down next to me, pulling me tightly towards him.
His lips start to trail down my neck, and I gasp as he sucks that one spot behind my ear. His hands begin to trail down my body, and I moan a little when I feel his hand on the bare skin under my shirt.
My lust filled mind clears for one crucial moment when I feel him trying to take my shirt off.
"Blaine, Blaine stop," I say, trying not to sound so damn needy. He doesn't say anything, but succeeds in untucking my shirt from my jeans.
"Blaine, we have to stop," I grab his wrists, and he looks at me with desire in his eyes, making me want to just say screw it and let him continue.
"Why? I want you so badly," he says, his voice deeper and more husky from the lust in his body. I nearly whimper when I hear it because damn is he sexy right now. But I know we would just end up regretting it.
"I want you too-" Blaine cuts me off and kisses me hard, his hands trailing up my chest under my shirt and I actually do whimper when he rubs my nipples.
"But if we don't stop now we are going to regret it," I pull away and say breathlessly. Blaine pants a little, and I place a hand on his cheek, making him look at me.
"You're upset right now, and if we did this, we'd end up regretting it. And I don't want any regrets when it comes to you," I whisper. Blaine closes his eyes, and when he opens them I know he knows that I'm right.
"Kurt, I'm sorry," he breaks off, not knowing what to say. He moves his head to the side, but I immediately grab his cheek, gently pushing his face back towards mine so I can look at him.
"Hey, it's okay. We can continue this later, hopefully when you aren't so upset, and my house isn't full of my family members," I tell him. Blaine laughs softly, and I pull away, getting off my bed and walking towards my vanity.
"You are incredible, you know that?" Blaine asks behind me. I grin, looking at his reflection in the mirror. I start to fix my hair, trying to make it obvious that I wasn't just making out with my boyfriend.
"Yeah, I know. Now, come on," I finish fixing my hair and smoothing my outfit again. I reach my hand out for Blaine, and he immediately grabs it.
"I have to go finish the pies I was making before you got here, which are probably done by now. And I'm sure my family is curious about why I disappeared for so long. I can only imagine the answers Carole and my dad had to come up with," I say. Blaine grins and laces our fingers together. We head back down the stairs, and I pull him into the kitchen.
Miraculously, the pies didn't burn, and turned out to be perfectly done. I pull them out and set them out to cool, heading back into the living room with Blaine at my side. My family slowly notices us, and people look between me to Blaine. Especially my cousin.
"Aren't you Blaine Anderson?" He asks.
"Yeah, I am," Blaine says. I smirk as I see my cousin's jaw drop. Metaphorically of course, however it wasn't far from literally happening. My aunt comes up and smiles at Blaine.
"So you must be the young man that was making Kurt smile as we talked about you," she says. Blaine looks at me grinning as I blush, glaring at my aunt. She just laughs and holds out her hand.
"I'm Sarah, Kurt's aunt. It's nice to meet you," she says. Blaine shakes her hand and she leaves to go back to her son, pulling him away. I barely hear his cries of "but it's Blaine Anderson," as she drags him away. I laugh and turn towards Blaine.
"God, that felt so good. He's constantly making fun of me for never having a boyfriend. He just doesn't understand that this is Lima, Ohio and I can't just pick up a random guy on the street like he does with girls," I laugh. I grab Blaine's hand and pull him further into the living room, feeling proud as my family greets him and welcomes him without blinking.
"By the way, people. Dessert is ready. I made two pies, cherry and apple!" I announce. Everybody laughs as Finn and my father are one of the firsts to rush the kitchen. People grab their desserts and comment on how good it was, making me blush as I thank them.
"Seriously, Kurt. I would marry this pie if I could," Blaine gushes, making me laugh. I grin as I see a little bit of cherry pie filling on his lower lip. I reach out, gently wiping it off. He stares at me in surprise, and I smile slyly as I gently suck the filling off my thumb. Blaine narrows his eyes at me, and I just laugh at the hunger that suddenly filled his eyes.
"You little tease. Just wait until I get you alone," he growls. I look at him, trying to be coy.
"What? I like cherry pie," I smirk. I get up and grab out plate, since we shared one plate together. I head towards the kitchen, purposely putting a little extra swing into my step. I know Blaine is watching me and I'm glad he can't see the redness of my cheeks as I clean the plate and forks off.
"Is everything okay with Blaine?" My dad asks behind me. I sigh, not wanting to give away too much to him in case Blaine wanted to keep things to himself.
"My parents are dicks and I hate having to spend time with them," Blaine answers my dad's question. He turns around and looks at Blaine, who looks so sad suddenly.
"I'm sorry about that, son. You are welcome to stay overnight if you want," he offers. My eyes light up, and Blaine looks at my dad in surprise.
"I don't want to be a burden, sir," he says. My dad reaches over and pats Blaine on the shoulders, which is about as intimate a gesture my dad will give.
"Believe me, kid. I don't want to have to send you back to that house anymore than you probably want to be there right now. We have a guest bedroom that we can make up for you. I was serious about my offer a month ago. Any time you want to stay here, you are welcome to," he says, leaving the kitchen to go find Carole so they could make up the guest bedroom. I smile at Blaine, and I know he's happy to have my dad make that offer.
"So that means I get you all to myself tonight," he says as I walk over to him. I can't help but put my hands on his waist and pull him towards me in a quick kiss.
"You do realize that we will be in separate rooms, you know?" I ask, pulling away. Blaine grins.
"Well, I could always sneak into your room. I find I like being in your arms too much," he says. I laugh and kiss him again, heading into the living room where people are starting to say goodbye.
The house clears out and everybody cleans up even though we are all tired. Finn disappears into his room at the end, saying good night.
"Goodnight boys. I'm serious when I say this, you will stay in separate rooms all night," Dad raises his eyebrows to show he is serious before he and Carole leave to go to their bedroom. I blush as Blaine laughs, and we head upstairs. I lead Blaine to the empty guest bedroom and kiss him goodnight.
"Goodnight, Blaine," I whisper.
"Leave your door open. I might get nightmares and have to cuddle with you," Blaine winks and I roll my eyes, even though I wouldn't be opposed to Blaine sleeping with me.
"Goodnight," I say again, kissing him once more and disappearing into my own bedroom.

Love and Fame: A Klaine StoryWhere stories live. Discover now