Chapter Two

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Holy shit. Holy shit. Holy fucking shit. I repeat this over and over in my head as I look at the paper in my hands that contains the Blaine Anderson's phone number. A celebrity. A famous person.

A guy who actually wants to talk to me and isn't repulsed by the idea of me being gay, which is unlike most of the guys at my school. Excluding the guys in glee club of course.

"Kurt, you okay?" Rachel asks, noticing I haven't moved from my spot in the middle of the hotel room for what has to be several minutes. She walks over to me and looks at the paper in my hand before screaming in my ear. Her scream causes me to snap out of my mind and look at her.

"Kurt! That's Blaine Anderson's phone number! He actually wants to talk to you! Oh my god what if he likes you. I mean you guys were practically oozing sexual tension and-"

"Rachel, he doesn't like me like that," I state. She just grins, and then her smile falls.

"You don't think you're going to text him? Do you?" She asks me. I look down at the paper again, the weight of my phone seemingly dragging me down for a moment.

"I-I don't know. I mean, I don't even know what he wants." I stammer. Rachel gently places a hand on my arm.

"You never know unless you go for it Kurt. Besides, what's the worst that will happen?" Oh I don't know? I get my hopes up and he ends up hating me like every guy in my life that I've had a crush on has. Well, I guess besides Finn... But I just. I don't know. What does he want though?

"I'm going to go to bed," I suddenly say, cutting off the conversation right there as I head towards the bathroom, preparing myself for bed. Rachel and I were sharing the lone bed, which I didn't exactly mind. But now that she keeps hounding me about texting Blaine all throughout my forty five minute skin care regime, I'm wondering if I should just sleep on the floor.

She eventually stops talking, and I'm guessing she's fallen asleep, the excitement of the day finally catching up with her. I sigh, finally in blissful silence, before my mind turns again towards the number lying on the nightstand.

I won't deny it. A major part of me wants to hear what he has to say. But the other part, the part that tries to protect myself, wonders what he wants with me. I mean, I'm just a simple guy from Lima who goes to Homophobic High (otherwise known as Mckinley). As I'm crawling under the covers, trying not to wake Rachel, I make the split second decision. I figure I'll deal with the consequences anyways. I don't have to tell Rachel, right?

Hey. It's Kurt. I send the message before I can talk myself out of it, before placing the phone on the nightstand nearest to me and falling asleep.


I wake up early, like I always do. Even the late night last night doesn't allow my mental clock to let me sleep in. I grumble a little, before getting up and heading to take a shower. I grab some of my clothes, my phone, and my bathroom kit as I head into the small bathroom. My skin care equipment is still laid out on the counter, so I find a place for my clothes before checking my phone to see if my father texted me last night at all after I sent him a text saying we got to the hotel all right. He hasn't texted, but I do have one new message.

Hey Kurt! Thanks for texting me back! I wasn't sure if you were going to, if I'm honest... Anyways, I was wondering if you wanted to go grab a cup of coffee or something? Blaine actually texted me back. My eyes narrow on the sentence describing how he thought I wasn't going to text him. I can't help but wonder why he would think that. Then I think, would he have been disappointed if I hadn't? My fingers are flying across the keyboard before I can even think about what I'm doing.

Love and Fame: A Klaine StoryWhere stories live. Discover now