Chapter Six

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I wasn't wrong. The next five days were amazing. Azimio and all the other football jocks stayed away from me, just shooting hateful glares my way as I walked by, but those I can deal with. The day Karofsky came back to the school, I never went anywhere alone. Finn and Puck (how Finn managed to get Puck to escort me to classes is beyond my comprehension) made a schedule based on their own classes for who would walk me to class and who would meet me at the door after the bell. For glee club, we are working on Regionals, trying to narrow down our set list.
Thanksgiving comes way sooner than I ever thought it would. The weather is finally getting colder, giving me a chance to wear some of my favorite scarves and winter wear. Karofsky hasn't bothered me since his suspension, but the other jocks still harass me. I've gotten a couple slushie facials, but they don't bother me as much. I guess my rant before Karofsky kissed me helped get all that emotion I had bottled up inside of me out and that's what bothered me the most.
The day before Thanksgiving break started, I was excited. Later in glee club I was going to perform for the group, and I was looking forward to it. Also, I was talking with Blaine and he's coming to stay at his parents for the holidays and we had plans to hang out later that week. He's coming to Ohio in a couple days, and I'm planning on surprising him at the airport.
"Hey, Kurt. You ready for a week off of school?" Rachel asks. I turn towards her, smiling as I exchange the books in my bag. Since it's the day before break, all my classes are just watching movies, which means I've been able to text Blaine the whole day. So I'm in a pretty good mood. He had one time we couldn't text for a couple hours because he said he was going to be busy, with what I assume to be his new album. Seeing the reactions of his fans about his new album was hilarious because I had known for some time before. It made me wonder if that was how I reacted, and I was embarrassed when I realized it was.
"You bet I am. Doing anything fun for Thanksgiving?" I ask her. We start walking towards the choir room together once I finish grabbing the books I'll need for the homework I have over break.
"Well, I'm spending Thanksgiving Day at your house, which I'm sure you already know about. And my dads and I are going to have a quiet day before Thanksgiving together," Rachel says. We walk into the choir room and I stop in my tracks as I see the person leaning against the piano, casually talking to Mr. Shue.
Blaine sees me and grins. I rush towards him and grab him in a hug. Mr. Shue just laughs and turns to talk with Rachel.
"What are you doing here?" I ask, happiness seeping into my voice as I hug Blaine tightly.
"I came out a couple days early to surprise you. Clearly it was worth it to see this reaction," he laughs as he pulls away from the hug. It's then that I remember where we are and the amount of people that probably saw him coming into the choir room.
"What are you doing here? I thought you were worried about what people would say if they saw you?" I ask again, this time worried. Blaine just shrugs and leans against the piano like he was doing earlier before I practically tackled him in a hug.
"Let them talk. I missed you and I wanted to see you," he says. I blush when he says that, and Mr. Shue suddenly speaks up. It's then I realize that as we were talking, everyone else had already taken their seats and were staring at us.
"You joining us, Kurt? Blaine, you are welcome to stay," Mr. Shue asks. I blush embarrassed as Mr. Shue calls me out in front of everybody, but I know he is just teasing me.
"I'd be happy to stay and watch you guys. I really enjoyed watching you at your Sectionals," he says. I grin as we walk towards the back of the class. Blaine takes the seat next to mine that is normally occupied by Mercedes, but she is sitting on the opposite side of the room next to Sam. She sends me a wink and I just look away.
"Kurt, if I remember correctly it's your turn to perform this week's assignment," Mr. Shue says. I happily get up and stand in front of the room, my eyes finding Blaine's before I nod at Brad. He starts playing Blackbird by the Beatles.
As I sing, people join in singing backup for me. I smile as I sing that sad song, knowing it was the perfect one for this week's assignment. By the end of the song, I notice Blaine looking at me strangely, but I just shrug it off. The last note rings through the air, and everybody claps.
"Nice job, Kurt! You really did that song justice," Mr. Shue tells me. I smile and thank him, sitting next to Blaine for the rest of glee club.
As the meeting ends, Blaine and I head out to the parking lot together. I notice some people taking double takes at him, and quickly hurry him into my car before people can truly recognize him.
"How did you get here if you don't have a car?" I ask him as we head towards my house.
"I had my older brother drop me off. He wasn't doing anything and I practically begged him," Blaine admits. I laugh, but then remember that he lives two hours away.
"But you live two hours away, you didn't want to just hang out at home and sleep? Aren't you tired from the plane ride over?" I ask him. Blaine shrugs.
"I just, I really wanted to see you. I wasn't lying when I said I missed you," Blaine admits. I blush and feel his eyes on me.
We arrive at my house and it's empty. I remember something Finn said about going over to Rachel's after glee club, and I know my dad is at the shop. I guess Carole was working so the house is empty. We head into the living room, and I turn towards Blaine.
"You want anything? We have some snacks if you're hungry?" I ask. Blaine shakes his head.
"No, thank you. But I'd take a glass of water if you don't mind?" He asks. I smile and disappear into the kitchen to grab him some water. I return with two water bottles to find that he is sitting on the couch.
"You wanna watch a movie or something? I want to hang out with you, but don't really feel like going out somewhere," I suggest. Blaine laughs and we both agree to try and figure out a movie.
"So what did you think of my song? You haven't said if you liked it or not? Unless you hated it which I completely understand. Oh god that's why you haven't brought it up, you hated it didn't you-"
"Kurt, I loved it. You sang it with so much emotion, I had to stop myself from tearing up," Blaine laughs at my ramble, and I relax. I smile sheepishly, feeling my cheeks warm.
"So, what movie do you wanna watch?" I ask. I turn towards him to find he has moved closer to me. I gasp as he stares at me.
"Blaine?" I ask, my voice a whisper.
"I don't know why I'm so nervous to admit this. I've never had trouble with this kind of stuff before," Blaine whispers. I look at him confused, and inhale sharply as Blaine reaches out to take my hand.
"Kurt, there is a moment, where you tell yourself, oh, there you are. I've been looking for you forever. Watching you do Blackbird, for me, was a moment about you. And I just-" he stops, and his other hand reaches out for my cheek. He holds it in his hand, my pale skin contrasting with his tanned hand. And then I'm not thinking about his hand on my cheek or his other hand in my own because his lips are on mine. I reach my other hand that's not holding his to his cheek and hold it in my hand as I kiss him back. This kiss is so different from the one Karofsky forced on me. And when we pull away, I want to just dive back into his kiss.
" Um, wow. I don't know what to say," Blaine grins, his hand falling from my cheek. He doesn't let go of my hand however.
"Then don't say anything," I respond. We both move towards each other at the same time, our lips colliding in a much more passionate kiss that the first one. It doesn't last long however, not because of either of us pulling away.
But because my idiot of a step-brother walks into the house and clears his throat.
"I'm glad to see you two finally decided to act on the feelings that were totally obvious to the rest of us, but could you not make out on the couch? Now I'm not going to be able to sit on it," he says. We both pull away immediately, and I blush before turning towards Finn.
"Please, don't be a hypocrite. You and Rachel make out on this couch all the time when I'm home," I shoot back. Finn shrugs and leaves to go to his room. I turn back towards Blaine, and smile.
"So, about that movie?"  I ask. Blaine laughs, and laces our fingers together.
"Let's watch a movie," he says. I grin and we end up watching Finding Nemo, the first movie we both agreed on. I roll my eyes at Blaine's obsession with Disney movies, but end up watching it anyways. He wraps an arm around my shoulders, and I lay my head against his chest and that is how my dad ends up finding us on his couch.
"Hello, Blaine," he says from behind us. I jump away from Blaine, not having heard my dad enter the house.
"Dad! It's, um..." I trail off, about to say something like, it's not what it looks like, but my dad isn't that stupid.
"Are you staying for dinner, son?" He asks. I look at him surprised, and Blaine seems kinda surprised as well.
"I don't want to intrude," he says. Dad waves off his protests easily though, and I wonder why he isn't yelling at me for having a boy over when he wasn't home.
"Don't worry, Carole will be happy to have another person to cook for," he says. I laugh, knowing he's right. Carole loves to cook, and she loves to cook for everybody.
"Then I would love to. Thank you sir," he says. Dad smiles and leaves us alone for our movie again.
"Blaine?" I look up at him, seeing him enthralled in the movie. However, he looks down at me, and smiles.
"Yeah?" He asks.
"What does, what does this mean?" I get off his chest and lean against the arm of the couch, looking over at him. Blaine looks down at his hands before turning towards me.
"I really want to be with you, like officially. However, I know you might not want to do the long distance thing and-"
"I don't mind doing the long distance thing. I just, I didn't know how you felt. If you wanted this to be real or just for fun. Because if that's the case, I don't know," I trail off, not wanting to be just of be someone's boy toy.
"No, Kurt! I want this to be real. I want to be your boyfriend and be able to kiss you whenever I want. It's just hard because I'm in the public eye and I don't want to bombard you with reporters and paparazzi. Which I know would happen if we went public with our relationship," Blaine says.
"And I don't want that either. At least right now. Maybe in the future when we know more about each other and have worked on this for a while," I suggest. Blaine grins and grabs my hand in his.
"So, for now, will you be my mystery man? And by that, I mean will you be my secret boyfriend?" Blaine asks. I burst out laughing, smiling as I look at him.
"I was already your mystery man. Now I'll be your boyfriend," I say. Blaine leans in and kisses me.
"Boys, dinner is ready if you want to stop making out," Carole's voice sounds. I blush as I realize that we have been interrupted yet again, and Blaine looks a little mad at that fact. I peck his lips and head towards the kitchen.
"Coming?" I ask him. Blaine quickly gets off the couch and grabs my hand in his.
"Let's go face the firing squad," he grins. And with that, we walk into the kitchen where everybody is already waiting. We sit down, and everyone begins eating, the silence hanging over everybody is a little awkward, and I just wait for someone to bring up the topic of Blaine.
"So, are you guys together now?" Finn suddenly speaks up, and I blush even though I knew it was going to come up. Blaine just reaches to grab my hand on the table and smiles.
"Yeah, we are," he says. I see Carole is grinning from ear to ear, and my dad looks at Blaine with an expression on his face I can't quite place.
"Not trying to be Debbie Downer, but how is that going to work? With you being in New York and all?" He asks.
"Dad, we already talk every day. We will just do the long distance thing. And I'm planning on moving out to New York after I graduate with Rachel anyways," I say. He looks over at me.
"I know that, Kurt. I just don't want to see you get hurt," he casts a glance over towards Blaine, and he nods in understanding.
"And I will never hurt him, sir," Blaine says. My dad nods, and seems satisfied before Finn speaks up.
"Yeah, cuz if you do hurt my little brother, I won't care if you're in New York or if you're a famous star," Finn lets that sentence hang in the air, and I turn to glare at him.
"Finn!" I cry. He just shrugs and goes back to eating his food.
"So, Blaine. What are your plans for Thanksgiving?" Carole asks.
"I'm probably going to have to endure the awkward family dinner at my parents house with my family," Blaine says, his smile disappearing. I squeeze his hand, trying to comfort him. I know his family is a touchy subject with him.
"Well, you are always welcome to join us for dinner. We will have plenty of food, since both mine and Burt's families are coming over. And I'm pretty sure Rachel is coming over as well," Finn nods in reply to Carole's question about Rachel and Blaine just smiles a little forcibly.
"Thank you, Mrs. Hummel, but I'm pretty sure my parents aren't going to let me ditch dinner since I see them so little anymore," Blaine says. It seems that both Carole and my dad understand the underlying tone that Blaine doesn't want to talk about his family and thankfully drops it. Blaine looks at his phone, and stands up.
"That's my brother, he's here to pick me up. Thank you so much for the lovely dinner," Blaine says. I get up with him to walk him to the door.
"I'll walk you out," I tell him. Blaine smiles and we head towards the front room together. I can hear the clatter of dishes from the kitchen of everybody putting their dishes away.
"We still going out together on Monday?" I ask. Blaine grins and pulls me in close to him. I wrap my arms around his neck as he wraps his around my waist.
"Of course. I wouldn't miss it for the world," he whispers. I lean down and press a kiss to his lips. Blaine eagerly responds, and we pull away when we hear a horn honk outside. I laugh as Blaine scowls.
"That's my stupid brother," he says. I kiss him one more time quickly before he leaves. I stand in the doorway watching him get into his brother's car and wave as he drives away.

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