Chapter Thirty One

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Hey guys! We are kind on the homestretch here. Getting close to the end, I can't really believe it. Even though technically this was supposed to be a NaNoWriMo thing, so technically I was supposed to be finished with it in November. Oh well! 😂

"How was the party?" I ask Blaine, glancing at the computer screen in between math problems. The screen is doing that funky pixelated thing again, and I want to scream when his reply is still full of static. I wait for the awful sound to finish (the static, not Blaine's voice) before I smack my computer.

"Is it doing that thing again?" Blaine laughs, obviously seeing the screen move from my hit.

"Yeah. I don't know what's going on with it. But hey, hitting the computer seems to fix it for a bit," I grin, watching Blaine roll his eyes.

"Yes, because technology abuse is the solution to everything," he laughs, and I just narrow my eyes at him.

"Shut up, I don't know that much about computers, okay? Give me a car and I can fix the carburetor no problem, but my knowledge of computers is pretty much restart it," I reply. Blaine doesn't respond. Well, he probably would but he can't stop laughing.

"Stop making fun of me, otherwise you won't get any kisses when I visit New York for spring break," I retort, watching Blaine quickly sober up. Which just causes me to grin ear to ear as the news I just told him sinks in.

"Wait, you're coming to New York for your spring break?" Blaine asks excitedly. I laugh and nod.

"Well, not just me. Rachel and Finn are coming too," I explain, watching eagerly as Blaine lights up from the news. Which just causes my heart to flutter at the adorable look he gives me.

After he surprised me for my NYADA audition a couple weeks ago, he flew back the next morning, which didn't give us a lot of time to catch up. In fact, most of the time we had spent together we were catching up on the missed sleep we both lost. So to be able to spend a whole week in the same state with him after just quick visits makes me as ecstatic as him. Plus, it will be in the city of my dreams with my best friend and step brother too, which is a bonus.

"Why didn't you say anything earlier?" He asks. I smile, unable to focus on my math homework anymore when Blaine looks that damn happy.

"I didn't want to say anything until I was sure it was happening. But my dad got our tickets and Rachel's dads have booked the hotel-"

"Hotel? No, you guys don't need to stay in a hotel! I have plenty of room here," Blaine interrupts. I smile, looking at him almost like a parent looks at a child.

"If it was just me, I'm sure that would be fine. But I doubt you want to host Rachel who is as much if not more of a diva than me, and she hogs the bathroom. And Finn doesn't understand how to pick his clothes up and I really don't want them to bother you," I rant. Blaine laughs.

"Kurt, it's no problem. You've seen my suite, I have tons of room for those two. Tell Rachel's dads they can cancel the hotel rooms. If they have any questions, they can call me. Or Julie. You have our numbers," Blaine tells me gently. I laugh and bite my lip as I look at the screen.

"You're absolutely positive, right?" I ask, just needing to be sure. Blaine laughs at me before quickly stopping when he sees the serious look on my face.

"I promise, I want you and your friends to stay with me. Besides, I'm being selfish and want you in my bed again. I had to wash my sheets soon after you left last time so they haven't smelled like you in ages. I miss it," Blaine replies. I sigh, before grabbing my phone and sending a quick text to Rachel.

Love and Fame: A Klaine StoryWhere stories live. Discover now