Chapter Thirty Four

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Eventually, the week passes and it's way too soon that Rachel, Finn and I are heading the the airport. Blaine rides along, sitting in the middle of me and Rachel, while Finn takes the passenger seat next to Richard. We all talk about what we can't wait to do once we get here next year, thinking about all the things that will finally be available to us as adults.
Once we get to the airport, Blaine is able to walk me to security unnoticed, where we actually share a kiss goodbye this time. I smile as I head towards the security line, glancing back every so often to see Blaine is just watching with a smile on his face. He keeps watching until I get past security and walk out of sight.


"Goddammit, Mike! What crawled up your ass and died?" Santana groans from her spot on the floor, not moving a muscle. Everyone seems to be in the same boat, well, everyone but Mike and Brittney. Finn is panting heavily, leaning against the wall and looking like he would fall any second now. Mercedes and Tina are both claiming spots on the floor against the wall opposite of Finn. Artie is sitting in his chair with an obvious line of sweat, his yellow fingerless gloves damp with it. Rachel is actually quiet for once, which just goes to show how exhausted she is.

"Guys, if we seriously want to win Nationals this year, we have to step up the dancing even more than we did for Regionals!" Mike responds. "Now, let's run through it again from the top, without vocals this time. We will play the track."

"If any of us attempts to move, Mike, I'm pretty sure Frankenteen will actually topple over and kill all of us under his giant self," Santana says. Brittney walks over and sits cross legged next to her on the floor, looking down at her periodically.

"Yeah, Mike. We've been dancing for almost two hours now. We all have it down, I promise," Mercedes interjects her voice. Mike looks around at everyone, and eventually sighs.

"Alright, one more time and then we are done. But we do it with vocals this time," her concedes. We probably would have cheered, if we weren't so exhausted. But nevertheless we all push through it to run through our setlist one last time, tripping occasionally over feet that don't want to move as fast as our brains or the music need them to do, but Mike doesn't say anything. In fact, he holds up to his end of the bargain and let's us all leave.

"I am seriously going to murder that guy. I will go all Lima Heights on his skinny little Asian ass and bury him in the ground," Santana rants to Brittney, walking away ahead of us and holding hands. I smile as I see them, remembering all too well the constant battle Santana had about who she was.

"Don't kill him until after Nationals, Santana. We kind of need him," Mercedes jokes, and I laugh.

" Or, you know, just don't. I kind of like having a boyfriend," Tina pipes up.

"What time are we meeting at the airport tomorrow?" Artie asks, rolling up from behind me.

"Seven in the morning," Rachel answers, and we all groan once again at the thought of having to get up and drive to the airport to meet before school even starts on a normal day.

"As long as I don't have to share a row with the Dwarf, I'll be fine," Santana points out, causing Rachel to gap dramatically and chaos as everyone starts calling window seats and rowmates. Luckily, by that time we have all reached the parking lot so I can quickly get out of that fight and into my car.


"Rachel, if I have to hear you sing that song one more time, I swear to god I am going to cut your tiny little body up and shove them in the fucking ground," Santana hisses, glaring across me to look at Rachel, who looks absolutely scandalized that she would have to stop singing.

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