Chapter Eleven

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Warnings for some sexual activity. Sorry if it sucks, this is literally the first time I've written anything like it
"You ready for this, Kurt?" Rachel asks. I grin and grab her outstretched hand, pulling her towards my side as we walk towards glee club together.
"You know it, Berry," I tell her.
"I'm so excited for finals to finally be over! This is our last chance to sing with each other until break ends," Rachel playfully pouts and I laugh.
"It's not like I'm leaving forever, Rach. I'm just going to New York for a week and I'll be back for Christmas," I tell her. She smacks my side lightly.
"I'm still upset at you for going to New York for an entire week without me," Rachel says. She was a little upset when I told her that I was going to the city to visit Blaine, but she understands that I miss my boyfriend.
I don't think I'll ever really get used to that. Blaine Anderson is my boyfriend.
"Yes, I know you're just jealous. Now, are you ready to hear the magic that is me singing White Christmas?" I ask as we walk into the auditorium together.
"As long as you remember you can't be better than my Silent Night," Rachel jokes and heads towards my step brother. I pull out my phone and send a quick text to Blaine.
Hey, about to do my solo. I can't wait to see you tonight. I smile as I see the message send. I'm not expecting a text back because Blaine is recording his new song all afternoon. I'm headed to the airport as soon a glee club is over, with my dad and Carole driving me there.
"Alright, Kurt. You ready for your final in glee?" Mr. Shue asks. I grin and gladly walk to the front of the room.
"You know it, Mr. Shue," I turn to Brad and nod for him to start the piano. I perform the holiday song flawlessly, seeing the New Directions singing along softly in the background as I sing. They applaud as I finish, and I gladly sit in the seats waiting for everybody to finish their finals performance so we can do one last group song together. Rachel sings Silent Night and I roll my eyes at the tears that she sheds, her usual singing tears cause no surprise. Finally, we all get up and perform All I Want For Christmas for Mr. Shue. I can't help but think of Blaine as I sing, and blush slightly at the thought of being alone with him for an entire week.
"That was amazing guys! I hope you have an amazing break, as well as incredible holidays," Mr. Shue looks at Rachel and Puck, taking care to not just say Christmas because of their religion. I smile as I gather my things, walking to the parking lot where I see my dad's familiar car.
"Have a good week, Kurt!" Tina cries, hugging me tightly. That sparks the hug fest between my three girls, and I hug Rachel and then Mercedes tightly.
"Make sure you use protection!" Santana yells, her pinkies joined with Britney. I blush and she laughs, continuing to walk away.
"We aren't going to do that!" I yell back, causing her to laugh harder.
"See you in a week, little brother," Finn says, patting my shoulder awkwardly. I smile as I look up at the giant.
"See you in a week," I say. I hug Rachel one last time and hustle out into the cold, where my dad and Carole are in the car. I see my suitcases are in the back, filled with all my clothes for the week, as well as all my hair and skin products. I probably didn't have to pack as much as I did, but Kurt Hummel will not be caught dead without a contingency plan.
"You ready kiddo?" Dad asks, handing me my suitcases. I smile as I accept them, watching the hustle of all the cars at the airport around me.
"Yeah. I am. Thank you, dad," I say. He smiles and opens his arms, and I quickly hug him.
"You stay safe. I love you," he whispers. I hold him tightly and then let go.
"I love you too," I tell him. I quickly hug Carole and then head into the airport, getting mentally ready to spend the week with my boyfriend in the city of my dreams.
"Please, fasten your seat backs in an upright position as we will be landing in New York soon," the captain's voice sounds over the intercom. I watch out the window as the clouds part, revealing the lights of the city. I smile as we get lower and lower, until eventually landing at the airport. I grin, I'm in New York!
I pull out my phone and send Blaine a text letting him know I've landed. Slowly, the people trickle out of the airplane and I head towards the terminal. I call Blaine like he made me promise to do when I was in the train.
"Hey, babe. I'm heading towards baggage claim now," I tell him when he picks up.
"Sweet. I had a car sent to pick you up. I'm finishing up at the studio now, so I'll be home when you get to my house. I'm sorry I couldn't pick you up directly," Blaine apologizes. I smile at his words, knowing that I will see him so soon.
"It's okay. I understand that you can't stand to be seen with me in public," I laugh and Blaine chuckles. The train stops and I follow the crowd of people to baggage claim.
"Alright, I'm going to hang up so that I can get my bags. You said that the driver should be holding a sign with my name, right?" I ask.
"Yeah. I'll see you soon," Blaine tells me.
"See you soon," I respond, then I hang up. I see the crowd of people waiting to pick up their loved ones, and am momentarily jealous that I can't have Blaine waiting there for me. But I quickly shake that thought because I know I'll be seeing him in about an hour or so. I head towards baggage claim where I grab my suitcases. I look around and immediately see the sign that Blaine had to have wrote.
Future Broadway Star Kurt Hummel
I laugh as I approach the driver, a man who couldn't have been much older than fifty. He sees me approach and eyes me with a professional eye.
"Kurt Hummel?" He asks. I nod, and his stern outer layers melts away. He smiles and gestures to my bags.
"I'm Richard. I'm Blaine's personal driver. He's really sorry he couldn't be here to pick you up. May I take your bags?" He asks.
"You don't have to do that," I tell him. Richard just grabs both my bags, and I feel a little guilty.
"It's my job, Mr. Hummel. Besides, Blaine made me promise to take good care of you. You must mean a great deal to him," Richard says. I smile and blush as he leads me to the pick up area where I'm betting his car is waiting.
"He means a great deal to me as well," I say. Richard stops outside a nice black town car. My eyes widen as I look at it, because it looks expensive. I wasn't expecting this when Blaine said he sent a car for me.
"Damn," I can't help but say. Richard laughs as he puts my suitcases in the trunk.
"Blaine thought you'd say something like that," Richard remarks. I laugh and he opens the door for me. I thank him as I sit, running a hand over the plush interior. The windows are blackened, but I can still see out of them from the inside. Richard starts driving away, and I look out the window at the passing scenery. I was in New York once before, but it seems like the buildings must have gotten even taller than I remember. None of the buildings in Ohio would even reach halfway up some of these skyscrapers.
The noise and lights of the city bring a huge smile to my face. I smile as I roll down the window, feeling the wind ruining my hair but for once I don't care. Outside, pedestrians walk around and traffic is terrible but I don't mind. I watch the people of the city, the smile on my face never leaving.
Finally, we reach a building that Richard stops in front of. I can only assume that this is where Blaine lives. Even though I'm excited to see Blaine, at the same time I'm a little nervous. I've never stayed with a boy before, especially not one that I like as much as Blaine. But even through the nerves, I feel a strange emotion at the prospect of seeing him that I don't know what it is.
"Tell the doorman your name and he will direct you to Blaine's suite. Have a good day, Mr. Hummel," Richard says, handing me my suitcases.
"Thank you, Richard. And please, call me Kurt," I tell him. Richard smiles and wordlessly get back in his car. I turn towards the doors of the expensive looking apartment, and watch as they open for me.
The doorman directs me to a separate elevator towards the side. He tells me that Blaine lives in the penthouse, therefore the elevator needs a special key as it deposits you right in the middle of his living room. I'm a little surprised at that news, but then the doors are closing and I'm heading up to Blaine. The ride seems way too long, even though it has to be only a minute before the elevators ding and I'm stepping out into Blaine's apartment.
I look around the room in awe, seeing the spacious living room and in the distance a kitchen I would love to cook in. Then, I'm not looking at the rooms because Blaine is there in front of me with a grin. I drop my bags there on the floor and we rush towards one another, our lips connecting in a hard kiss.
"You're here!" He pulls away, and I can't keep the wide smile off of my face if I tried. Blaine grabs my suitcases and looks up at me, as if he really can't believe I'm here.
"Follow me," he says. I smile and he leads me towards a separate hallway, which contains various doors to various rooms. He stops outside of one, and I know immediately that it's his bedroom. On the other side of the hall another bedroom lays, and Blaine looks at me.
"I wasn't really sure where you wanted to stay. I made up the guest room, but if you wanted to stay with me, I'd really like that," he whispers. I'm suddenly aware of the fact that I'm really here with Blaine, and we are all alone. I look down at him, a blush on my cheeks as he stares at me.
"I'd like that too," I say softly. Blaine grins and walks into his room. I take the chance to look around. It's very spacious, and in the middle of it is his king sized bed. A walk in closet is to the right side of the bed, while a full bathroom is to the left. His dressers are much like his dressers at his house, full of pictures. This time, however, the pictures are of people he's met. I see one from an Ellen interview and laugh at the selfie of the two. I continue to look at pictures as I feel Blaine wrap his arms around my waist, placing his head on my shoulders.
"So, I figured that I'd let you take a shower, and if you weren't too tired I could take you out to dinner at this amazing Italian place I know. But if you're too tired, I can always order pizza or something," he whispers, his breath washing over my neck and I close my eyes in pleasure.
"I would mind just hanging here with you for tonight. We have all week to go out on a date," I tell him. Blaine kisses the crook of my neck, and backs away. I turn and watch him head towards the door.
"I'll order some pizzas, and then we can have a movie date? What do you say?" Blaine asks.
"That sounds perfect," I tell him. Blaine looks at me with what has to be lust, and I laugh.
"I'll see you after my shower, Anderson," I say, pushing him out the door.
"I don't need that image in my head, Kurt. It's already hard enough keeping my hands off you as it is," Blaine groans. I laugh and close the door in his face, hearing his low chuckle before going off to order pizza.
I quickly grab my bathroom kit and hop into Blaine's shower, washing away the grime. I can't help but hum the tune of one of his songs, the knowledge that I'm in Blaine's shower in Blaine's apartment causing me to be in a Blaine Anderson mood.
"Whenever you're done singing my songs better than I do, the pizza is here," I dimly hear Blaine's voice shout. I blush as I realize I was caught and turn the shower off, the prospect of food causing my stomach to growl. I will gladly cheat on my diet for a pizza and movie date with Blaine. I dry my hair and put on a pair of sweatpants and a tee shirt, heading out into the bedroom where Blaine is putting a movie in. The smell of pizza causes my stomach to growl, and I sit on the bed, quickly digging into the pepperoni pizza in front of me.
"Sometimes I forget how much of a fanboy you are," Blaine smirks at me. I blush and grab the nearest object (a pillow) and throw it at him.
"Shut up," I tell him, laughing as the pillow hits him square in the face. Blaine looks at me hurt and grabs the pillow and throws it back at me.
"Jerk!" He says, launching himself at me and grabbing the pillow, lightly hitting me with it. I laugh as I shove him off and grab the slice of pizza I was currently enjoying.
"So, what are we watching?" I ask between bites. Blaine grins sheepishly and I laugh when the intro to Harry Potter comes on.
"Did I even have to ask?" I joke. Blaine just sticks his tongue out at me and I laugh harder at his childish antics.
We both sit there together, watching movies and eating pizza for a while. After the first movie, we brush our teeth together before crawling back into Blaine's bed, the second Harry Potter movie already playing. I lay my head down on Blaine's chest, his fingertips running up and down my arms causing shivers to run down my spine.
"I still can't believe I'm here," I say softly. I feel Blaine kiss the top of my head and smile, hugging him tight.
"I'm so happy you are," he says, I look at him and reach up, pulling him down into a kiss. He happily kisses me back, and he adjust himself until he was hovering over me, our kisses getting longer and deeper.
I moan when I feel Blaine lightly bite on my bottom lip, and I reach up to gently tug at the curls on his head. Blaine starts kissing down to the crook of my neck. He sucks at that spot behind my ear, and I can't help my hips from thrusting up, moaning when I make contact with Blaine's hardness.
"God, Blaine," I'm cut off from what I was going to say by Blaine's lips on mine again, his tongue and mine dancing as I feel Blaine's body against my own. I tilt my head back and let out a long moan.
"Blaine, we should stop," I moan, even though my entire body is crying out for more when I can't help but thrust up against Blaine again. He groans at the movement and I feel his hands on my waist.
"Fuck, Kurt," he cusses, and I close my eyes at how much I want to keep going. But I know we have to stop because we hadn't talked about this and I just wasn't ready to go all the way with him.
Blaine groans and practically rips his body off of mine, panting next to me. I squeeze my eyes tight when I practically throb because I'm so turned on.
"God, Kurt. I'm sorry," Blaine whispers in my ear.
"Fuck, I wish I was ready for that Blaine, but I'm just not right now. You're my first boyfriend and I want to do this right," I practically whimper, my eyes still closed. I feel Blaine's hand in mine and open them, making my eyes stay on his face and not travel down to the obvious tent in his sweats because that just makes me want to continue more than anything.
"I know you aren't, Kurt. I'm sorry I keep putting you in positions where you have to tell me to stop," Blaine tells me. I smile shyly.
"Well, I wasn't exactly putting up much of a fight myself," I tell him. Blaine groans.
"Kurt, you can't say things like that because in case you hadn't noticed, I'm in a very uncomfortable position here," he says. I bite my lip as I look at him.
"What if, what if we didn't go all the way?" I can't help but ask. Blaine looks at me confused, and I blush.
"What do you mean?" He asks. I blush harder and look everywhere other than Blaine.
"I'm not ready to go all the way, but I'm in a similar position as you right now and I just, what if we just helped each other out?" I suggest, feeling beyond embarrassed. I can just imagine Blaine's reaction, and am surprised when he grabs my hand.
"Kurt, I don't want you to say that just because you feel like you should. I want you so bad, but only if you are ready to go another step," he whispers. I don't say anything, and just launch myself forward and kiss him.
"I want to, Blaine," I whisper, threading my fingers in his hair again. We kiss again, and I curse my shaking hands as I shyly run them up Blaine's chest.
"If I do something you don't like, you have to tell me," I say. Blaine nods, his voice cracking when he speaks.
"Fuck, Kurt. Anything you do to me I like," he groans as I rub my hands over his nipples, feeling them harden as I rub over them. I blush when Blaine's hands start to explore my own body. I move my kisses from Blaine's lips to his neck, feeling encouraged by the sounds he makes. My hands travel lower, and I stop above the waistbands of his pants.
"Kurt, please," Blaine moans, and I move to grasp him for the first time. Blaine groans low in his throat as I wrap a hand around him. With hesitant strokes, I move my hand up and down, spurred on by the broken moans Blaine makes. I gasp as Blaine's hand reaches into my pants, grabbing me and stroking.
"Fuck, Blaine," I cry, my face buried in his neck. I'm panting hard as we try to move together, but our strokes are of different tempos and I honestly couldn't care less when I feel myself reaching my high.
"Kurt, I'm so close," Blaine breaths. I quicken my strokes and cry out when he does the same. Suddenly, I'm there and I'm releasing all over Blaine's hands. My grip tightens on him and it's only moments later that Blaine comes with a cry of my name.
I lay there panting as I feel Blaine grab tissues and hand some to me. I blush and can't help the smile that spreads across my face.
"I guess I need another shower," I laugh. Blaine laughs as well and the awkwardness between us is gone like that. I get up and grab another pair of pants, heading towards the bathroom to quickly clean up.
When I return, Blaine has changed and I'm guessing he went across the hall to clean himself up as well. The used tissues are in the trash can and I lay down on his chest. Blaine's arms immediately wrap around me and I smile.
"That was pretty good," I laugh. Blaine laughs as well and kisses the top of my head.
"I think it was fucking perfect," he says. I blush and snuggle closer to Blaine. I yawn, the excitement of today finally catching up with me.
"Go to sleep, Kurt," Blaine whispers, his fingertips running gently up and down my back. I yawn again and feel my eyes closing, falling asleep in arms that bring the feeling of safety.

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