Chapter Twenty Four

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The next couple of weeks seemed to drag on forever. Being a second semester senior, graduation just seems so close and senioritis is hitting me hard. The only thing keeping me going is the fact that I have to keep my grades up for NYADA. Speaking of NYADA, I am still anxiously waiting for my callback letter, and both Rachel and I are getting more and more stressed about it.

"Kurt, buddy. Wake up before you're late for school," I'm jerked awake by my dad shaking my shoulder. Rubbing tired eyes, I look over at my alarm to see it's almost seven. School starts in thirty minutes and I still have my forty five minute skin regime to go through.

"Holy crap! I must have slept through my alarm," I bolt up, sleep quickly leaving as I look at my nightstand where my phone usually sits. It's not there, and I suddenly feel it against my pillow. I guess I must have fallen asleep talking to Blaine, and my phone must have died as I don't remember shutting off the call.

Grabbing my phone charger and heading into the bathroom, I get ready as quick as I can, knowing I'll probably end up being about five minutes late to first period as I head out to my car. I glance up and flash a quick smile when I hear the telltale clicking of cameras, knowing I'm late and unable to give them the pictures they want.

Even after a couple weeks, paparazzi are still here taking pictures of me. Blaine continues to do interviews about his Grammy win, and it seems each interview has to include a question or two about our relationship. It seemed a little silly to me, focusing on our relationship over his Grammy win, but Blaine explained it's because our popularity as a couple has skyrocketed. We are one of the "it" couples in celebrity news, and that means photographers continue to follow me. I've been in a couple magazines already, and Blaine teases me mercilessly when I have to buy a copy so I can keep it with the others I have of us.

I soon am pulling up to the student parking lot and am surprised when I manage to find a spot reasonably close to the school. Luckily, I manage to get to first period only a couple minutes late.

I plug my phone in and leave it to charge as I sit through French class, tuning out and doodling on the paper I was supposed to be taking notes on. When the bell rings, I quickly grab my phone and head to my next class, planning on finishing charging it in there.

As I head to lunch, people keep throwing looks at me in the hallway, unnerving me.  Sure, ever since Blaine and I went public, I've had to deal with the fangirls trying to get me to talk about him, and the occasional glare from jocks, but this seems different.

Rachel rushes towards me as I enter the lunchroom, grabbing my hand and pulling me straight back out. I notice Finn, Mercedes, and Tina follow along.

"Come with me," she says, pulling me into the empty glee room. She sits me down and I look at the four of them confused.

"Have you seen the news at all today?" Mercedes asks. I shake my head, grabbing my phone out of my back pocket.

"No. My phone has been dead pretty much all day," I respond, plugging in my password. Before I get a chance to open my web browser though, Rachel is handing me her phone. A news clip says Famous Pop Star in Car Crash.

My blood runs cold as I click the link the the video, seeing the photo of a familiar black town car practically crushed.

"Tragedy has struck us today in New York City. Famous pop sensation Blaine Anderson was in a car crash this morning on his way to his studio when a drunk driver appeared out of nowhere and rammed into the car at full speed. There has been no word about the star's injuries, and both Anderson and his driver were taken to the hospital quickly following paramedics arrival. The drunk driver appears to have walked away with only minor cuts and scraps. Stay tuned for more news here-" I turn the phone off and immediately grab my bag, moving to head to my car and home so I can pack.

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